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Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:21 pm
by FinalTidus21
1. Balance healers on each time of sc queues. Have people select roles or something before queueing. I mean clearly we need this, and need to be able to see if no healers are queueing so people can log on their heals and adjust.

2. Remove deathblow addon so as to lessen the amount of counter objective activity. (Like not participating because they are boosting their enemies bragging rights). I think this would also dampen abusive farming. When a game is giving you tons of kills, why not pad your K/D ratio?

3. Change the punishment for not attending an SC when it pops from a 10 minute timeout each time, to no timeout the first time, and 60 minute timeout the second time within 12 hours. The 10 minute timeout is not only punishing people that are innocent, but it's a little cruel and unusual imo. Leaving an SC should put you in a 30 minute timer.

4. Premades should only play against other premades. Why would a premade want to play against 6 random people unless they are not looking for an equal challenge?

I have a strange feeling that since these seem so obvious, and haven't been done, that there is something preventing them from happening over time?

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:40 pm
by Brizio
FinalTidus21 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:21 pm 1. Balance healers on each time of sc queues. Have people select roles or something before queueing. I mean clearly we need this, and need to be able to see if no healers are queueing so people can log on their heals and adjust.

2. Remove deathblow addon so as to lessen the amount of counter objective activity. (Like not participating because they are boosting their enemies bragging rights). I think this would also dampen abusive farming. When a game is giving you tons of kills, why not pad your K/D ratio?

3. Change the punishment for not attending an SC when it pops from a 10 minute timeout each time, to no timeout the first time, and 60 minute timeout the second time within 12 hours. The 10 minute timeout is not only punishing people that are innocent, but it's a little cruel and unusual imo. Leaving an SC should put you in a 30 minute timer.

4. Premades should only play against other premades. Why would a premade want to play against 6 random people unless they are not looking for an equal challenge?

I have a strange feeling that since these seem so obvious, and haven't been done, that there is something preventing them from happening over time?
1 - Agree. A better match making would be awesome. But it has been like this since live.

2 - No, bad idea. If some players are too proud about theyre k/d ratio others shouldnt be punished because of it. "We have too many car crashes because of drunk drivers, now driving is prohibited."

3 - Also, no. Game still not very stable, in some cases. Imagine crashing and getting a 1 hour lock. NERD RAGE QUIT!

4 - The current solutiuon is pretty good. Don't want to face premades, queue for pug sc only. Type .pug in game to find out the current pug scenario


Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:50 pm
by DanielWinner
There must be a team structure system already probably but it doesn’t change the facts: a) people don’t enjoy healing. b) healers don’t need SCs that much. You can clearly see that your side lacks healers after first pop and, as you can see, not many relog healers when they need/want to play their tank/dps.

As a player I never think of actual k/d in the first place but I always think about not going ham like a moron and die there feeding renown and SC points. Read Sun Tzu, The Art of War. Winning with casualties is a loss.

And make people, who disconect because of server’s instability/own weak internet or just roam in the main time and can’t join because they are stuck in battle, leave the game. Fair point.

And punish people for grouping up. You know how many Isha pops actually happen? I doubt so. What if it’s a NA time with only one premade on one side so your suggestion would force them to disband.
Actually all scenarios should require a full group and only pug SC could be group-free. And current 6v6 be reworked into hardcore scs with high rewards/ladder/etc. This would cover almost all of your suggestions: team structures are balanced because people make/plan a group before SC, they fight with friends so they could actually care.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:40 pm
by Seams
Simple for number 4: I hit que all, question is then do you mind facing premades if not que timer can increase. If yes, then you in que of nothing but random que'er looking for non premade where the system throw out class check mechanic to speed up que. But you get what you get.

If the answer is no don't mind facing premades, then you throw in que with other ppl who chose the answer and premades alike if they are que. Current system.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:43 pm
by Goldenbow100
Team has said time and time again they dont care about the SC portion of the game, only ORVR matters to them

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:13 pm
by wargrimnir
Goldenbow100 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:43 pm Team has said time and time again they dont care about the SC portion of the game, only ORVR matters to them
We tend to hear the same "requests" repeatedly. Sometimes we repeat ourselves why such requests are unlikely to work, or have been tried and simply don't make much difference. We also have stated quite clearly that RvR needs more incentive than Scenarios due to the population requirements, thus we don't go out of our way to incentivize Scenarios beyond a certain point. This doesn't mean that we don't care, but it does mean they're going to intentionally be a step down from RvR to ensure the lakes maintain a healthy population.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:29 am
by FinalTidus21
Brizio - Thanks for queueing tip, I didn't know it.

Daniel -

1. They should incentivize sc queueing with gear rewards with currency requirements.

3. Yeah some more thought into it is surely needed. But something around not getting the 10 minute timer that first time for not taking the queue should maybe be tapped onto your second time, then reset.

4. Don't want to punish people for grouping up. I don't think people who queue 6 people in a group want to play against a random mob... do they? I think putting them in the same queue as randoms punishes them by giving them less chance of a real challenge.

Goldenbow100 - All good even if they don't implement anything. Just wanted to write this on the forum so I can stop thinking about it and move on :)

Wargrimnir - I think some fundamental changes would keep a population here. I feel like by the time you get to T4 you've died by a 1000 thousand needles or something. Seems like enough population is pouring in, even new streamers, but they end up leaking up. I think some of these fixes are just tryna plug the leak.


Re: Suggestions

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:33 am
by peterthepan3
The day groups are further deterred from playing scenarios so as to appease solo players will be the day that the 4 or 5 groups still playing will leave for good.

Queue pug scenario, or better still - make your own group and challenge these premades! For Ragnar!

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 2:00 am
by Manatikik
peterthepan3 wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:33 am The day groups are further deterred from playing scenarios so as to appease solo players will be the day that the 4 or 5 groups still playing will leave for good.

Queue pug scenario, or better still - make your own group and challenge these premades! For Ragnar!
But making your own group means taking responsibility for your own success. I don’t know if all the pugs on the server can handle not being able to bitch in /3 about the tanks not guarding, healers all being dps, and dps only attacking tanks. What are they supposed to do? Actually try to win and use comms and teamwork?

Asking a lot of people Peter.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:05 am
by Seams
Yes less look at this from non clouded point of view. YOU expect a pug as you say with very limited time to:
1 try to find 5 other ppl to que
2. Hope they are geared correctly
3. Hope they have right specs.
4 have and use pots.
5. Try to convince to get in discord.
6 after the hour or so this takes then you want them to que WAIT for pop, face a premade that as you put it 4 or 5 groups that constantly play together always in coms who log on and are ready to go.

You then proceed to farm them into spawn hold them for 10 or so minutes while you ignore objective to finish a match you clearly have upper hand so you can what???
Failing to think that after all that the pug group willore than likely disband the person who tried will never try again not because it was hard but because the jack asses on other side main goal was competition it was to embarrass and humilate the other player. So yes you of your own doing tend to limit the "premade" scene. That's why no one joins these ridiculous tournaments or the random premade groups dont exist.
So stop blaming other ppl because they don't want to que for that kind of garbage game play you display on a persistent basis. So GEAD