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Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:44 pm
by CountTalabecland
So there were dual Reikland/Kadrin sieges today. I play Reik, then switched to KV for the whole zone. Got Dwarf reservation after Empire Fort had opened. Entered Dwarf fort from ORvR, got ported to Altdorf because I did not get an Empire reservation. Dest crushed like the 20 Order that got in, game over. Never got to join Stonewatch either. All around terrible pointless stupid useless experience.

This happened to most Order. Very few were able to join Empire fort. Everyone got nothing for their time and effort. All the while fighting with 160% AAO. Please take forts out of the game. They are broken and killing it.

Re: Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:00 pm
by arklow
Curious :roll: , I never saw order post when in the last event x2 (and after) only limited themselves to defend Fort (yeah, coz the system was so broken), making to destruction lose more than 9 sieges to Fort. Maybe is the time that you change the chip agains and start to push fort like 3 months ago ;) .

Re: Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:13 pm
by CountTalabecland
No need to make this an Order v. Dest thing, this is clearly a broken system regardless of who it is. BTW, kind of hard to push forts when you are 40 v. 120+ constantly but thanks for the useless non-sequiter comment anyways.

I don't know I can put this more plainly, there were like 60 Order that wanted to join with their reservations, the game only let 20 join. I don't see how this can possibly be right or as the above states, a faction based problem.

Re: Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:32 pm
by M0rw47h
arklow wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:00 pm Maybe is the time that you change the chip agains and start to push fort like 3 months ago ;) .
Not with this AoE cap.

Re: Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:08 am
by anarchypark
bugreport it to get fixed faster.

Re: Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:11 pm
by Ototo
I got queued for Reik, couldn't enter when I got my turn. I was ported back to Altdorf.

In my same situation there were a full warband in Altdorf war quarters. In the end, only 6 could enter in Reik, and same happened later with Stonewatch.

Everybody was complaining in chat about this problem, and pointing fingers everywhere and to everyone about a possible bug exploit. I just think as CountTalabecland, that was a general issue.

Re: Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:20 pm
by xarax
Well, those who get into Reik didn't get anything too, because Stone was captured in the meantime and campaign reseted...

Re: Dual Forts 01/06/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:27 pm
by Ninjagon
The fort system is not working correctly yet. But the reservation is better than "free for all lagg fest".
Quick fix should be to add back fort portals in main cities to set defence.
Then the long term fixing needs time and a lot of effort. Not all can be fixed instantly.
And please, 5 mints reservation is too short. Make it 10 mints, and the fights will be more challenging for both sides from the very beginning.