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Sacellum dungeons

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:41 pm
by Dess
Ahoy there, recently rejoined the server and I was enjoying my chosen tank quite a lot. The first trouble only really manifested itself when I offered to tank the Sacellum dungeons, a few hickups here and there, we managed to kill the Yethee and the gladiator without much of a problem, but then the gorger fight begun.

We could not make sense of what we did wrong, everything seemed to go just fine and then all of a sudden my Chosen at full health dies in under 2 seconds, as do everyone else in the party, all at the same time.

We tried a number of things, but couldnt figure out what was killing the group instantly, its almost like the boss makes an AoE attack, but even with max graphic settings I couldnt see any indications of it, like the ice patches in the yethee before.

Group composition was:
1 WE
2 Sorc
1 Zealot
1 Shaman
1 Chosen

Tried googling the boss, but only found an old Wiki that mentioned him doing a single attack at 400 damage. (Blatantly false)

I assume the devs have changed the dungeon up somehow, any help would be much appreciated, the best being some sort of guide to the dungeon that I cant seem to find on my own.


Re: Sacellum dungeons

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:05 am
by Fusionfool3
Sacellum Dungeon is ROUGH, I just cleared it with a Chosen, Squig Herder, Shaman, Magus, Marauder and myself(Zealot) and while some bosses are push overs, others are frustrating as ALL hell.

It is HEAVILY desired that any healers heading in here have an AoE healing action to use and the Tanks have their Tanking tactic.

Trash tends to be very 'meh' to 'what just happened?' due to AoE or stuns they can do.

West Wing:
+ Hoarfrost the Yheti
He can do some strange damage but a lot of it is from the big icy patch of death he drops beneath him, which will usually kill any tanks unprepared for it. Kiting him is preferable, especially if u got a Shaman that can remove binds(the bind is an Ailment)

+ Sebcraw the Discarded Gorger
This guy is ROUGH, he does a rather large AoE around him that (from my experience) kills Melee DPS and hurts Tanks badly, evidently we learned this can be interrupted even though we can't tell what the cast animation looks like. He also does a stun/Dot on his target so keep tanks topped off for that.

+ Slorth and Lorth Thunderbelly the Leadbelcher Ogre Twins
Kinda rough as this is 2 bosses in one. Keep them both facing away from healers as they do have a powerful frontal cone attack. Evidently they can disable but I didn't see it happen.

+ Ghalmar Ragehorn the Gor
He's the easiest boss here. Tank and Spank and expect a knockback.

+ Uzhak the Betraying Centigor
He's also meh, not much of note.

+ Vul the Bloodchosen... Chosen
He can be dangerous without AoE heals since he periodically throws axes at everyone form time to time but not hard.

South Wing:

+ Snaptail the Breeder
This jerk periodically spawns babies that do a DoT breath and usually run after Healers. He also likes to try and juggle the Tank. The adds are what makes this boss rough.

+ Goremane the Manticore
Similar to Vul with the AoE but he comes with a stun and a DoT. He can be rough.

+ Viraxil the Broken Hydra
Frontal Fire Breath, and a lot of Tank murdering autos. He also roars that makes fire appear under random players so move out of that, compared to Hoarfrost, the fire puddle is barely an issue. The real problem is getting Fire Breathed by the tank not turning the boss around, or letting the tank die and the boss having a hayday with fire breaths.

Things of note:
In the South Wing, the room just before Viraxil has 2 groups of Harpies that come in to attack you. They have a pretty nasty AoE stun they they throw out as soon as they reach their target but that isn't the issue. They don't stop spawning... Me and my party wiped 4 times against them and killed 30 of them by the time we decided to just ran past them as they stopped to play with the Nurgling Quest Guy.

For quest, sure... I HIGHLY recommend getting folks who are high leveled to help you through, preferably a tank because... the bosses only drop dyes and maybe the generic item loot, the trash mobs are worth more to the players than the bosses in terms of gearing.

Re: Sacellum dungeons

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:39 am
by Fusionfool3
Incidentally, I clearly just glanced over your post and typed up a terrible walk through for the dungeon. Sorry about that.

Other than follow mechanics, best thing I can say is 'Stun the bosses when you can' and always face them away in case of cleaves/breaths