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Posts: 1

Hear ye

Post#1 » Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:31 pm

Hello Everyone.
I am completely new to the game, but I have a long history with Warhammer Fantasy and it lore. I played the game when it first came out, but unfortunately (caused by a laptop unsuitable to play any kind of games and a poor connection to internet) wasn’t able to play. At all.
Now I found this gem is still able to play, and I am thrilled to try again. Don’t even know if I like it or not, but I am sure it’s fantastic, seeing how much love still people have and even in his resurrection. The promises are good.
I’ll crawl in every thread of the forum to learn what’s to know and be prepared, but if someone want to give some tips to a newbie I am all ears.
And after all this, I’ll ask the question: what faction should I pick?


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