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Granted Abilities - City Siege Note

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Re: Granted Abilities - City Siege Note

Post#11 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:45 am

akisnaakkeli wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:10 am Is there a way to bring back First version of City siege PVE aspects? Like if stage 1 was won by the invaders then they went to Stage 2 and those Were Pve boss fights, I remember fighting Lycithas Magus Hero lvl 48 or 50 (king was lvl 52) in sacellum area, then if that won, teleported to the next fight against same hero. You got 63 dps 1h wpns with procs in purple bags, Warlord in Gold.

Then was the 4-5 lords on your way to tcharzanek and these lords dropped 66dps 1h and 100dps 2h and these were maximum before rr75 wpns were added.

There was also hidden pve/instances in enemy cities? I know that 6% Crit chest and Mythic belt with 3 talisman slots were from these hidden instances. Im saying all this as a not in anyway pve fan but i would love to have a choice to do the Old City Siege which was all pve beyond Stage 1=)
In 2012 (1 year before shut down), the city was how it is now, or atleast how it was when you won all stages. are you sure you are talking about the city siege aspects and not the standard "hidden" pq's in your city that are currently disabled on ror? I can't imagine a instanced pvp map have PQ's focused on PVE. Furthermore reinforcing my take the warlord gear was dropping from keep bags and kills off rr54-60 (as gaarawarrgabs forum states since 2011)

Edit: I also found some info saying that city actually had Invader -> Warlord -> Sovereign drop in gold bags depending on the RR of the person going city
The first of the RvR armor sets in Tier 4 is the “Warlord” set. It requires Rank 40 and Renown Rank 54-60 to wear depending on the piece. Warlord Boots and Gloves can drop off players of Renown Rank 54-60, but the rest of the set is obtained from the top Gold Bags during the RvR Keep Public Quest. The Jewelry piece is Bind on Equip however, so may be found on the Auction House or traded from another player. Additionally, the entire set can be purchased from the Quartermaster via Officer Medallions and Warlord Crests.
Alternately, you can just buy the pieces from the Black Market Merchant in your city.
Also a quick flashback to the 2012 that i watch to remind myself of the old days (destro sieging altdorf)->
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Re: Granted Abilities - City Siege Note

Post#12 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:20 pm

Absinth wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:45 am
akisnaakkeli wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:10 am Is there a way to bring back First version of City siege PVE aspects? Like if stage 1 was won by the invaders then they went to Stage 2 and those Were Pve boss fights, I remember fighting Lycithas Magus Hero lvl 48 or 50 (king was lvl 52) in sacellum area, then if that won, teleported to the next fight against same hero. You got 63 dps 1h wpns with procs in purple bags, Warlord in Gold.

Then was the 4-5 lords on your way to tcharzanek and these lords dropped 66dps 1h and 100dps 2h and these were maximum before rr75 wpns were added.

There was also hidden pve/instances in enemy cities? I know that 6% Crit chest and Mythic belt with 3 talisman slots were from these hidden instances. Im saying all this as a not in anyway pve fan but i would love to have a choice to do the Old City Siege which was all pve beyond Stage 1=)
In 2012 (1 year before shut down), the city was how it is now, or atleast how it was when you won all stages. are you sure you are talking about the city siege aspects and not the standard "hidden" pq's in your city that are currently disabled on ror? I can't imagine a instanced pvp map have PQ's focused on PVE. Furthermore reinforcing my take the warlord gear was dropping from keep bags and kills off rr54-60 (as gaarawarrgabs forum states since 2011)

Edit: I also found some info saying that city actually had Invader -> Warlord -> Sovereign drop in gold bags depending on the RR of the person going city
The first of the RvR armor sets in Tier 4 is the “Warlord” set. It requires Rank 40 and Renown Rank 54-60 to wear depending on the piece. Warlord Boots and Gloves can drop off players of Renown Rank 54-60, but the rest of the set is obtained from the top Gold Bags during the RvR Keep Public Quest. The Jewelry piece is Bind on Equip however, so may be found on the Auction House or traded from another player. Additionally, the entire set can be purchased from the Quartermaster via Officer Medallions and Warlord Crests.
Alternately, you can just buy the pieces from the Black Market Merchant in your city.
Also a quick flashback to the 2012 that i watch to remind myself of the old days (destro sieging altdorf)-> This the " Siege of the Eternal Citadel " Mini Pve instance before getting to King. These dropped the highest dps wpns and all with procs! And this is the king after you clear that that mini instance. Stage II and III were fully Pve in this first City Version but you had to Win Stage I Which was PvPe. I couldnt Find Stage II warlord boss video from youtube.

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Re: Granted Abilities - City Siege Note

Post#13 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:43 pm

first city siege design was mix of mass pvp and 24 man pve.

PvP part imo was cool. Firstly your realm needed to take 2 forts that were much harder than ror implementation, so basically that happened 4-5 am Saturday. Then you got several city sieges that use the current siege stage 1 map. But back there you got objectives that you need to hold and generate points. You proceed to stage 2 only when you reach fixed amounts of points from all active sieges. So the realm should work together to that which include prem wb to join loosing instance to change the flow.

And if the designated points are reach within the stage 1 time interval you got wb pve killing generals and lastly king. PvE aspect was dull imo. May be first couple of time were something new and interesting, after that meh and eventually got changed

But back then there were something like realm pride that is forever lost for ror so prolly the original city siege system would not work here
Mostly harmless

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Re: Granted Abilities - City Siege Note

Post#14 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:38 pm

Absinth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:24 pm
Toranes wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:18 pm Please fix Rend from Marauder and Envenomed blade from WE. Since the ability System, the skills which can stack 3x times have bugged damage calculation. For example Rend is dealing only 370 dmg with the initial hit and laughable 480 in 9 seconds (souv gear marauder). Before ability system, it was around 560 dmg and around 940 in 9 seconds. The changed strength shouldnt affect these skills that hard, other skills like the armor debuff vom Marauder changed from 671 to around 630, like intended. Rend must be bugged.
Simply put it onto bugtracker,
Nope because i dont want to register just to report an bug, why is there no forum area for bugs?

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Re: Granted Abilities - City Siege Note

Post#15 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:14 pm

Toranes wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:38 pm
Absinth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:24 pm
Toranes wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:18 pm Please fix Rend from Marauder and Envenomed blade from WE. Since the ability System, the skills which can stack 3x times have bugged damage calculation. For example Rend is dealing only 370 dmg with the initial hit and laughable 480 in 9 seconds (souv gear marauder). Before ability system, it was around 560 dmg and around 940 in 9 seconds. The changed strength shouldnt affect these skills that hard, other skills like the armor debuff vom Marauder changed from 671 to around 630, like intended. Rend must be bugged.
Simply put it onto bugtracker,
Nope because i dont want to register just to report an bug, why is there no forum area for bugs?
The current bugtracker uses your forum account, all you need to do is log in.

Posts: 199

Re: Granted Abilities - City Siege Note

Post#16 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:30 pm

I'm sure that Balance Team knows how over tuned Spells are. I just don't find them fun tho, even if nerfed. A non telegraphed massive AoE, on top of Morales, seems too much for a MMO.

For organized WBs it will work just like "tracking morales" right, its the same mechanic but doubled. I don't know, seems boring.

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