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Question about Toons and Professions

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Question about Toons and Professions

Post#1 » Mon Sep 30, 2024 4:20 pm

So after trying many of the classes i was interested in, i decided to roll with a Blackguard, since i love literally everything about this class.

However! After reading this forum for a bit and bothering people with questions in /Advice, i realised how important gearing and consumables for bolstering.

So i picked Salvaging and Talisman crafting, and now have no idea where to get all this green gear to dissolve without doing PvE (and BG feels really bad at PvE farm as well). And i thought - i will just make a toon, pick the butcher+apothecary and will farm PvE from time to time, while making pots and sending gear to my BG for salvaging, while leveling them up simultaneously.

So the most important question - will this work?

About a toon - I wanted a DoK to be my second class, but it will also be terrible for PvE farm it seems. And considering nature of the game i will have to RvR with that toon as well. I guess it needs to be a DD, and here what i would actually interested to play, from most desired to less -
DoK > Sorc > WE > Squig Herder > Choppa > Mara

How close to Mara i have to be to make farm somewhat comfortable?

Sorry if that sounds like a made up problem, but i'm kinda broke my head figuring out how would be better.

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Re: Question about Toons and Professions

Post#2 » Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:31 pm

From what I understand, DoK is an amazing farmer if you go either dual weird swords (DPS spec) or S/B spec. You basically heal yourself while dealing dmg. I don’t have a DoK, so I have never tried it. May be a lvl you need to get to for specific skills or something.

That being said, farming on a mara is straight up brain dead easy. Just spam one or two skills, everything dies while you heal yourself. My mara is my butcher, and he farms in annihilator gear with zero issues.

Hope that helps!
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Posts: 2

Re: Question about Toons and Professions

Post#3 » Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:44 pm

Thanks! I heard that DD DoKs are frowned upon, since everyone expect healing from you, but i guess i can always respec, will figure out how to get second set of gear for Healing later then

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Re: Question about Toons and Professions

Post#4 » Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:56 pm

Warhammer Online professions are pretty dumb, through no fault of RoR.

For every crafting profession you essentially need two gathering professions.

Talisman making: Salvaging and Scavenging
Apothecary: Cultivating and Butchering

They did this probably as an attempt to maintain a stable economy long-term and keep trade alive and gold hoarding low as the game grew. Boy were they optimistic.

Having a seconady toon to support another toon with a crafting profession is completely viable, but i recommend picking Scavenging, since some ingredients can only be gathered using one gathering profession or the other.

Case in point: my Knight is a Tali maker + Scavenger. My SW is a salvager.

DoK should be good for the role. Second good option would be another tank class (chosen or BO).

Since scavenger only needs high level corpses to get the good stuff, and you can scavenge any corpse lvl no matter your skill (quality of what you get will vary until you get max skill but you can level just from dungeons), a tank is a good choice since you can get ingredients just by running dungeons and you are always on the front line so always closest next to dead bodies.

Rinse and repeat for Apothecary. Generally i would recommend your main liner to be the crafter and pick the gathering profession that gets regeants from corpses, while another alt is the disenchanter/cultivator.
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Re: Question about Toons and Professions

Post#5 » Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:17 am

Non of these are issues for altoholic pug players.

As my characters progress through armor unlocks I alternated what armor they have. I'm planning for my dok to be a shield dok, and currently use triumphant armor for heals (invader ward.) And as I level will do sovereign shield gear, but can switch to using triumphant for healing and still be very effective with healing, maybe not,"best in slot meta." But I don't give a *@&! about that.

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