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Gunbad Feedback Megathread

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Gunbad Feedback Megathread

Post#1 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:18 pm

Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread
Gunbad Restoration

In the recent Patch of 11/03/2024, a large number of PvE Changes were updated on the Live Server, among them a lot for Gunbad Restoration, that we would like to clarify.
As a result of the Ability Rework last year, most dungeon content has broke to the point, that all monsters and bosses had to be rebuilt from the ground-up in order to restore them to their original state.

Part of the current PvE Development Goal is to restore all dungeons and their mechanics to their original form before the Ability Rework, as they were. It is important to clarify, that the goal isn't to make PvE Content and Dungeons Harder in Return of Reckoning, but actually to make it easier - where we can - than before the Ability Rework, while still offering an authentic experience that both we and the players can be proud of, representing the Warhammer Fantasy Universe.

Of course due to the temporary bugs and issues, for a long-while Gunbad Dungeon was significantly easier than intended, and so these fixes and restorations will make the Dungeon more difficult than during the temporary transition phase that some might have enjoyed, but the aim is to still have the final version of the dungeon somewhat easier than prior the Ability Rework.

Player Feedback

Since a lot of mechanics have been restored in Gunbad, we are now looking for player feedback about your experience with difficulty, monsters, bosses and their abilities during your runs!
There were several test runs done, but some bugs or circumstances where the abilities are overtuned might have slipped through, that we would be happy to hear about now.

Planned Adjustments

Please note, that according to some feedback we've already gathered - a few changes are already planned for future patch ( subject to change ):

- Redeye Mixa's EEK! - The Mixa was on far too many mushrooms, resulting in uncontrolled Waaagh! magic.
EEK!'s Damage, Damage Radius and Multiplier will be reduced!

- Chipfang's Screech - Chipfang was too loud and has been asked to keep it down.
Screech's Ability Radius will be slightly reduced!
Screech's Stun duration is also lowered!
Screech will be used less often!

- Masta Mixxa's Jar o' Pummelin - Masta Mixa's fury, guided by Gork (or possibly Mork), will now be finely tempered.
Jar o' Pummelin's Auto Attack is going to be reduced! ( The Spirit Hands )

Important! This thread is for Gunbad Feedback about mechanics, monsters, bosses and their abilities in order to help us fine-tune them and set the intended difficulty.
The thread is not to ask for removing PvE, Dungeon Lockouts or to remove Dungeon Mechanics - please respect it!

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Posts: 146

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#2 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:38 pm

New tuning seemed fine outside of chipfang's aoe KD being way too large (seemed about 50ft pbaoe) and lasting too long (5-6 sec?). Everything else was perfectly balanced for a lvl 36-40 early dungeon endgame in my opinion. The planned adjustment will fix that, ideally.
Gersy, Witch Hunter General
WH Guide

Posts: 13

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#3 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:53 pm

Glad to see Chipfang is already on the radar, the only other "spike" in difficulty I encountered was with Masta Mixa. The fists seem much stronger than pre-patch, their movement speed being the primary issue - they seem to move almost as fast as a player so if you're caught in their AOE without an escape you can't really get out of the damage in time. They also seem to change target and teleport at random, fixing those bugs would make them more tolerable too.

Posts: 117

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#4 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:49 pm

I think the GB changes were fine. The bosses did not damage before and now they do damage which makes sense.

Small changes like the enrage on the spider pair actually being relevant are also nice.

Chipfang is overtuned in my opinion and is clearly the hardest mob in the instance.

The Chipfang mechanic, with an add that must be off tanked away from the group, is designed for a 2 tank group whereas GB is a one tank instance both due to tank population and the fact that it is very doable with 1 tank.

I think Chipfangs only function right now is to be really annoying for speed runs and to create an actual challenge for at level groups trying to clear with 1 tank.

I would change the encounter as follows:

Make chipfang start spawned - chilling by the boss
Give the boss a buff that he keeps until chipfang dies
Remove AOE KD from chipfang

Burning down an add remains an interesting mechanic and it removes the finicky off tanking business which is dysfunctional in the one tank meta

note: although non tanks can OT chipfang - this is clunky and undesirable as a mechanic and really awkward for newer groups without a more geared healer/mdps who wont take much dmg from him and can live through the big stuns

Posts: 117

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#5 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:51 pm

Mixa nerf is fine too - they are a side boss, no reason to be super hard

Posts: 95

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#6 » Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:09 am


I think before looking at which individual abilities/mechanics/bosses etc need scaled or tuned down there needs to be an understanding of "how/why" people are running their gunbads right now. A combination of the weekly speedrun currency, lack of desire to put forth a large dedicated amount of time into a PvE task, ideal group comp(from a player/community perspective), and just an overall player base that is split between your farmers and players who need the gear/ward.
A big downside to Warhammer dungeons is simply the time sink. As a casual PUG you're looking at 40-60minutes to clear GB and in most cases a considerably higher amount of time for BS. Between speedrun goals and people just wanting to get through the content and get on with their lives most GB groups are being formed as 1 tank 1 healer 4 dps either to meet the speedrun timer check or simply to make the run faster.
This leads to the player pool to run the dungeon to be heavily split. Speedrunners are not going to invite that lvl 3x or fresh 40 tank or healer in left over midtier gear when there is a chance their group comp will not finish the dungeon or not finish it within the speedrun timer. Now yes we can argue that speedrun groups and prog grups should be seperate but truth is the player base is to small to be splitting. Same thing with group comps. We can simply blame the players/community but why not adjust the dungeon to that being the new norm if it means easier/faster groups being filled and slightly faster PvE? Less time we are pulling people away from T4 PvP should be a good thing?

I think you can still make the content "interesting" without making it dredful for the part of the player base that isn't dragging their Sov buddies and guildmates into their runs to carry them. Make the content fit the community goals could be a healthy thing especially with PvE. The lockouts are still there so it is not like this is somehow going to translate to a higher possible amount of loot or progression.

That said I do think the damage reduction on Mixa's AoE is a good idea however the damage from the green hands is likely causing as much if not bigger issue on that fight? Perhaps tune those two damage sources down and turn the adds into champs so they actually require some sort of attention or phase like mechanic similar to the left wing boss?
Chips encounter, it is not so much the radius of the stun(healers/rdps can stand at their max range and still hit/heal while avoiding stun as is)however the duration of the stun. Even geared tanks can die in this stun window now especially if their defensive buff cds drop at the right time. Mabe take it from the 5? 6? seconds it is now and drop it down closer to the 3second mark. This will still be felt from the healers while allowing tanks with a bit lower armor/wounds/def to not get ripped by an unavoidable CC mechanic. P.S Even had a full Sov SnB Chosen tank die inside this stun our first time through GB sense the changes.

As stated above most groups want to either meet the speedrun check or simply run GB as quick as possible, within reason, and for solo healers the trash mobs most notably in the Middle wing their stacking DoTs/bleeds and debuffs can get extremely dangerous. Bumping the dmg of those mobs auto attacks I think was fine but mabe make it so these effects don't stack? Allowing a healer to actually be effective and cleansing their group while enroute from encounter to encounter. This would be aimed to allow sub 40/lower geared healers a better chance at being effective and there for invited more easily into runs. Yes your beefy groups with geared and skilled players can handle of this with limited issue.

All of this is not meant to take away from the "challenge mode" that is to be speedruns. As is the quest often auto cancels itself even with several minutes left on the time as is. And for most groups to accomplish this within the timer players have had to develop pull routes, strategies, double boss pulls, discipline while pulling, guard swaps, detaunts, etc. There is much that can be done or remain to keep the challenge alive while adjusting certain aspects to fit the community goal for the dungeon. And yes, of course, you can just say build a 2/2/2 or bring a second healer. But I have seen players that are mabe pre 40 or undergeared/still learning get denied groups while their aim is progress because the group is only interested in the speedrun factor. There is simply not enough of a player base let alone constant influx of new players/alts to have people being denied group spots because prog vs speedrun.
Dourdenn - rr8x DoK

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Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#7 » Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:45 pm

Additional changes are scheduled for patching, thanks to Community Feedback!

- Chipfang's Screech - Chipfang was too loud and has been asked to keep it down.
Screech's Stun duration is also lowered!
Screech will be used less often!

- Masta Mixxa's Jar o' Pummelin - Masta Mixa's fury, guided by Gork (or possibly Mork), will now be finely tempered.
Jar o' Pummelin's Auto Attack is going to be reduced! ( The Spirit Hands )

Posts: 359

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#8 » Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:21 am

the bosses are completely overtuned. for example the fists on masta mixa. dungeon is harder than bs right now just revert that **** nobody got time for wiping in gb

Posts: 43

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#9 » Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:18 am

A bug I have ran into that isn't listed.
When I die in the vicinity of the solithex mob. I am either behind the puller and die to mobs that he has pulled to get up the ramp to decide to fight (because I am healing and he overpulled). I have got used to releasing when a boss isn't inside an "instance fight" because most healers are "terrified" and can't rez. No problem. However, when I rez, it dumps me completely at the beginning of the instance, not at the closest healer.

Would it be possible to touch each healer as you go thru the wing as a "save" in case you die, and they will save your point at that location? I am not sure why this bug has happened. It has caused several groups to break in the past or they go on and pull through without me then realize when they wipe in the locked instance they are missing a healer.

I feel like as a returning player that never did Gunbad 5-7 years ago doing this with PUGs that are equally under geared as me or not paying attention to not use AOE when someone spams it in chat 20x not to do it is more of a challenge than adding extra mechanics but I get it.
Listening to the geared kids that do GB out of boredom to make it harder won't help the games retention if that is what you truly want to have again.
Cheers on keeping it alive this long!

Posts: 95

Re: Official Gunbad Dungeon Feedback Megathread

Post#10 » Tue Mar 19, 2024 4:13 am

Hazmy wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:45 pm Additional changes are scheduled for patching, thanks to Community Feedback!

- Chipfang's Screech - Chipfang was too loud and has been asked to keep it down.
Screech's Stun duration is also lowered!
Screech will be used less often!

- Masta Mixxa's Jar o' Pummelin - Masta Mixa's fury, guided by Gork (or possibly Mork), will now be finely tempered.
Jar o' Pummelin's Auto Attack is going to be reduced! ( The Spirit Hands )
Looks really good. Gives the bosses some "flavor" to keep players from falling asleep while giving groups of all comps and power level fair shots at these bosses. Good work here IMO - cheers!
Dourdenn - rr8x DoK

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