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[Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

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[Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#1 » Fri May 17, 2024 6:57 pm

Hello, I would like to propose a slight rework to these abilities as they are so weak right now that they are rarely worth using.

In-game tooltips at 15 points in tree and 852 Ballistic Skill:

The Damage over Time portion deals roughly 66% of the damage of Fragmentation Grenade, an AoE DoT with the same duration.

The Instant Damage portion deals roughly 55% of the damage of Firebomb, your Single Target spammable and Phosphorous Shells, your primary AoE Channel.

The Proposal:

While target is below 50% HP, it ticks at 200% rate, and while below 30% HP, it ticks at 300% rate. Additionally, increase the damage of the ending tick by about 40-50%, putting it's damage at roughly 80-90% of a Firebomb or Phospho tick.

200% rate = Roughly 30% more damage than a Frag Grenade and 7.5 second maximum duration. 300% rate = Roughly double the damage of a Frag Grenade and 5 second maximum duration.

The Reasoning:

The idea of this change is to make the skill perform its intended function much quicker and more reliably: That is, add pressure on a Single Target and then explode for AoE damage. 15 seconds is far too long too wait on a class that already spends far too long developing their damage and the ending damage tick is just too low in my opinion.

It also adds a "soft execute" feature to the Engineer, which is very lacking in finishing power or any real burst in every build, while keeping the theme of Damage over Time.


1. These numbers are just me spit-balling and may not fall exactly in line with what others think is correct, so I would expect testing and revisions.
2. The ability could become quite dangerous if stacked by multiple Engineers, but probably not moreso than those same Engineers all using Snipe on the same target.
3. This same rework should also be applied to Seed of Chaos for Magus.
4. As a 5 point Ability, this could become a key tool for every Engineer/Magus spec. I think this is absolutely fine but I could be wrong.

Thank you and have a great day,

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Re: [Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#2 » Sat May 18, 2024 1:41 pm

+1. Finaly propose that I like and makes 100% sence. It benefit both classes same way and doesnt favour one side over other. Both skills in curent form does not wort skill point.
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Re: [Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#3 » Sat May 18, 2024 2:14 pm

or make that skill simply stacking AND slowing target by 30%
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Re: [Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#4 » Sun May 19, 2024 7:06 am

I've played all these years, and I still had to check. Engi and Magus have no ranged snare option.

Spanner swipe should be core in the Tinkerer tree so that it's damage increases with the spec. Tracer Rounds tactic should increase the range of Spanner Swipe to 65ft, increase CD to 10 seconds.

Similar treatment for Magus obviously. I endorse fixing seed of chaos, the ability currently doesn't do what it's designed to do.
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Re: [Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#5 » Sun May 19, 2024 7:10 am

Fey wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:06 am I've played all these years, and I still had to check. Engi and Magus have no ranged snare option.
They do, Tzeench's Firestorm for magus and Phosphorous Shells for engi.
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Re: [Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#6 » Sun May 19, 2024 7:23 am

Would be glad if it had at least some utility like aoe snare (20-30%) on final blow or target centered aoe ticks like BWs spreading flames.
Right now I only have it specced because the current build just ticks every node up to phosphorous and only use it once everything is applied and I still need to kite/chase. It doesn't make much of a difference, though, like original post explained.

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Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#7 » Sun May 19, 2024 7:24 am

Zxul wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:10 am
Fey wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:06 am I've played all these years, and I still had to check. Engi and Magus have no ranged snare option.
They do, Tzeench's Firestorm for magus and Phosphorous Shells for engi.
20% and you must channel it. OP refers to the kiting situation
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Re: [Engineer] Sticky Bomb / [Magus] Seed of Chaos

Post#8 » Mon May 20, 2024 2:15 am

Also the idea of an Engi throwing a spanner at the enemy target gives me warm fuzzies. Have the Magus toss a nurgling. It's a win-win baby!
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
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