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Recently killed player worth almost no renown.

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Posts: 183

Recently killed player worth almost no renown.

Post#1 » Wed Dec 11, 2024 7:36 pm

The system for reducing the renown reward for killing a recently killed player is in my opinion too punishing.
It goes as low as 20 renown for a "recently killed" player even though that player was at full health and not newly ressed.
What's the point of making the penalty this severe?
Anti-exploit vs kill-trading?
How long is "recently" anyway?

In lengthy warband fights where the same ppl are running in to each other repeatedly, renown quickly goes down to basically nothing even if the fight isn't one-sided.
This seems wrong on a low-pop server like this and only increases the (already long) renown/crest grind further, especially during non-peak hours.

Couldn't the system be made more progressive such that the renown penalty scales with the time since the last death of the player?
Or that successive deaths adds -XX% renown penalty until the player has scored credit for a kill?
To combat kill-trading wouldn't it be enough that a newly ressed player is worth 0 renown for the duration of the Battle Fatigue debuff?

Either way it would be nice if the current system for renown bonuses/penalties were explained on the wiki rather than having to sift through years of patch notes to find the information.

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Posts: 349

Re: Recently killed player worth almost no renown.

Post#2 » Thu Dec 12, 2024 8:38 pm

Agree and was very surprised to get that in a SC…

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Posts: 77

Re: Recently killed player worth almost no renown.

Post#3 » Wed Dec 25, 2024 4:38 am

it shouldnt get that low in sc, but its to make warcamp farming from being the optimal way to play
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