Watch & Earn Twitch Drops!
Prepare for battle in the Tides of War: T1 Weekend Bash from January 31st at 10:00 AM UTC to February 3rd at 10:00 AM UTC! Twitch Drops will be active throughout the event, allowing you to earn rewards simply by watching participating streams.

Featured Streamers
These streamers will be leading the charge:
- Tothmonra
- Troma
- Whiskeysyn
- Uchoo
However, anyone can stream with Drops enabled! Read below to learn how to get whitelisted.

Twitch Drops Rewards
Watch participating streams to unlock rewards:
- 1 Hour: Small Gold Bag (20g)
- 2 Hours: Potion of Acclaim
- 3 Hours: Starter Potion Kit
- 4 Hours: Starter Talisman Chest
- 5 Hours: RoR Aegis (30-Day)
- 6 Hours: Fleeting Renown Potion
- 7 Hours: Pouch of War Tokens (50)
- 8 Hours: Box of Tier 2 Mounts
- 9 Hours: Scorpion's Embrace (60-Day)
Event Duration: January 31st - February 3rd

Want to Stream with Drops Enabled?
Twitch Drops are not automatic—you must request whitelist access to participate.
How to Sign Up as a Drops-Enabled Streamer:
1. Click → Request Access and then choose Sign in with Return of Reckoning.
2. Click Open a New Ticket.
3. Choose Media and Content Creators / Request Access to Twitch Drops.
4. In the box below, type in your Twitch Username.
5. Hit Create Ticket—that’s it!

Important Links
- How to Claim Drops
- Twitch Drops Info & FAQs
- Link Your Twitch Account

Don't miss out on these exclusive rewards! Be sure to tune in, join the battle, and claim your Twitch Drops!