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Patch Notes 02/10/2024

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Re: Patch Notes 02/10/2024

Post#71 » Fri Oct 11, 2024 10:22 am

forsa wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2024 5:56 pm
Voldt wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:47 pm
If every Choppa says that, you should re-evaluate your thinking, especially if you don't play a Choppa yourself. What you call reality is delusional subjectivity at best. But by all means, continue believing that if it makes you happy. Just don't expect everyone else to swallow it as "rEaLitY".

Let me rephrase that to let it sink in: The poster above you phrased it correctly. The pull is laughable. Plus, the damage is laughable. There is zero reason to run that skill.
Nah only braindead choppas run to cry on forum about perfectly working tool, how they cannot use it anymore cause it will not autowin every fight with keyboard faceroll. And i did play both choppa and slayer so i can compare them and choppa is in perfect spot rn, while sl is overnerfed.
Let me rephrase that to let it sink in: on the video i have added a coordinated warband employ choppas that use GTDC when it is requested by leader. Writing on forum that it is not like that is the definition of delusion.
Weird. The only one I see constantly crying here is you, being afraid of the truth. As you stated, you don't play Choppa anymore. So put your opinion where no light shines and stop your stupid slurs, thank you.

The reason Destro barely writes on these forums anymore is people like you, jumping in here to call for more and more Destro nerfs while raging at anyone disagreeing with them.

Continue like this and you can fight NPCs in a short time because there will be no Destro left to fight.

Let me rephrase that: Ask any other Choppa than the ones in your X-Realming bubble no one cares about anyway and you will get a different reaction.

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Posts: 154

Re: Patch Notes 02/10/2024

Post#72 » Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:27 pm

Voldt wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2024 10:22 am
Weird. The only one I see constantly crying here is you, being afraid of the truth. As you stated, you don't play Choppa anymore. So put your opinion where no light shines and stop your stupid slurs, thank you.

The reason Destro barely writes on these forums anymore is people like you, jumping in here to call for more and more Destro nerfs while raging at anyone disagreeing with them.

Continue like this and you can fight NPCs in a short time because there will be no Destro left to fight.

Let me rephrase that: Ask any other Choppa than the ones in your X-Realming bubble no one cares about anyway and you will get a different reaction.
You should refrain from telling people what to do, so they won't tell you where to go.
Also people who Xrealm have a way better understanding of skills and class issues, as they can compare, unlike people who play only one side and just make stuff up to fit their agenda.

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