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Patch Notes 28/11/2024

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Posts: 412

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#71 » Tue Dec 10, 2024 6:17 pm

Every day I discover what beautiful skins there are for most classes in the new Dragonback Pass instance.
I would like to thank you again for your efforts.
Hurub Chopa 80+ / Wybrany Chosen 80+ / Mroczniak BG 60+ / Alubercik BO 50+ / Doczek DoK 80+ / Hurubek Zeal 80+ /
Misio Shaman 80+ / Maxra Mara 60+ / Alubertus RP 70+ / Alubert KTB 80+ / Mnich WP 60+ / Kregi SL 60+ / Uposledzonyjez IB 40+

Posts: 740

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#72 » Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:27 am

Something seems very wrong with zone lock rewards, feels like rp/crest/bag seems to be from different indicators.

The last two days there were locks without any reward outside of renown, another time i logged in and got 7k renown ~50crests, a gold and a purple bag from two locks (low renown, high rewards), yesterday I contributed like hell in reikland and got 12k renown but only 8-12 crests and no bag. With the old system you could predict the outcome of a lock a little bit, you did good and got high rewards. The new system seems to randomize it.

But maybe I'm just not clever enough to understand the new system...

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

Posts: 740

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#73 » Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:45 am

Another thing about this patch is the missing fix of pet classes.

I was bitter about the state of the lion in the last month, but the mess created by the fix is a joke. Lion is completly disfunctional at this point, the only class with ZERO utility. Pack everything on the pet and then make it not working for weeks and month.

The fix of pets should be top priority atm, if there is no fix, revert the changes, it's that easy. The current state of pets leaves two classes behind others, one more then the other.

If this is the reaction on the cry for a lion nerf, congrats, you did it, but at least put pull on a char that can use it properly, lion pull was inferiror compared to mara before, now it's effectively patched out.

I love most of the work put in this game, I love that you keeping it alive. I always appreciated your work, but the way you let people standing in the rain with half baked solutions and weird design choices with nearly to zero communication when and if things will get better makes me sad.

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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