Stumbling upon an unusual network of tunnels beneath Praag, a small band of Order finds themselves within the slumbering walls of The Eternal Citadel. Followed by members of Destruction, these two forces clash within Tchar'zanek's throne room... but that is not all that trespasses through this labyrinth of twisted reality.
This weekend Foray of Fate will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Eternal Citadel scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.
If you complete all tasks you will get the title "Eternal Infiltrator" as order or "Citadel Cerberus" as destruction.

The mechanics in the 6v6 scenarios have changed to be best of 3 rounds. Scoring two kills wins the round, and the fight is reset for the next round.
Each round lasts for 5 minutes before going into overtime. When a round enters overtime all players get a gradually increasing wounds debuff that lowers their health pool, until kills are scored and the round is won by either team. The wounds debuff gradually increases all the way to -99% health after 5 minutes of overtime in the unlikely situation that kills haven't been scored before then.
This change codifies the typical strategy already used in organized 6v6 matches, and the overtime mechanic is designed to prevent matches from becoming too drawn out or lacking in action.
New maps have also been added, The Sacellum Arena and Blood of the Black Cairn are now available in ranked.
New Tutorial Quests
New Tutorial Quest: Dragonback Pass: Players who reach level 9 will now get a new Tutorial Quest in the mail that guides them towards the new Dragonback Pass Dungeon.
New Tutorial Quest: Warcamp Bonus Damage: Players who reach level 20 will now get a new Tutorial Quest in the mail aimed at teaching them about the bonus damage taken in RvR if pushing too close to an enemy warcamp. This quest can be completed in either High Pass / Talabecland or in Chaos Wastes, to ensure players have a non-active RvR lake to use. This Quest Starter item has also been added to the Records Keeper in both the Altdorf Library and The Lyceum.
New Tutorial Quest: Heralds: Players who reach level 38 will also now get a new Tutorial Quest in the mail. This quest will guide players to both the RvR and Dungeon Weekly Heralds in Altdorf or The Inevitable City, as well as the Companion Keeper. Completing the quest awards three 1-hour 660 Armor Potions.
Dragonback Pass
Added some invisible barriers to prevent players from scaling unintended mountains in the Dungeon. (Intended Mountain Scaling is still encouraged - just watch out for Trolls.)
Chapter 22
New visual improvements, bug fixes, and quality-of-life updates have arrived for almost all Chapter 22 PQs:
- Gorfang Rotgut (Dwarf Ch 22): When a player is given Gork's Gift, they now gain a visible Skull icon over their head to warn the warband that they will die once the 20 second timer expires, if not cleansed.
- Malus Darkblade (High Elf Ch 22): "Impending Corruption", which triggers AOE Puddles at 75% HP, will once again properly display red lights on all those affected before the puddles appear.
- The Ebon Keep (Empire Ch 22): The Exalted adds spawned upstairs in this PQ have had their abilities toned down in damage and their total HP reduced. The destroyable Game Objects which buff the boss have had their HP reduced. Additionally, Yrilesnirin's the Changer's "Surging Flames" interruptable AOE attack is now always visible, and will display as blue and purple flames.
Tanks near the boss will now periodically gain a new "Swap!" granted ability, which will let them reduce their hatred on the boss in order to help a second tank pick up the aggro.
- All the King's Men (Chaos Ch 22): The Reiksguard Inner Circle adds have had their HP slightly reduced. The destroyable Game Objects which buff the boss have had their HP increased slightly to match closer to the Order PQ. Tanks near the boss will now periodically gain a new "Swap!" granted ability, which will let them reduce their hatred on the boss in order to help a second tank pick up the aggro.
- Glittering Citadel (Dark Elf Ch 22): The "Chilled Mark" skill, which triggers AOE puddles at 75% HP, will once again display red lights on all those affected. Additionally, the furthest target from the raid will also properly see a red light now before their puddle drops.
- White Bags in all Chapter 22 PQs have been upgraded to now offer two +24 or equivalent Talismans, instead of one.
Warband Leader Bonus
New Mount Added: The Ragebeast, the new Rhinox mount that originally debuted during this year's Daemon Moon Bleeding event, has been added to the Exotic Mount Vendor in Capital cities. A 7 day version has also been added exclusively for Warband Leaders. For more information on how to acquire Warband Leader Marks to purchase these limited mounts, check out the Wiki page here.
New Titles Added: Five new titles have been added as rewards for Warband Leader's Marks via the Commander Vendor. They are:
- Herder of Cats (10 Marks)
- Cries in the Shower (20 Marks)
- The Infinitely Patient (30 Marks)
- Rising Commander (50 Marks)
- Lord Commander (100 Marks)
These titles can be earned by any race and any faction.
Bastion Stair
New fixes and quality-of-life updates for Bastion Stair have arrived! These are aimed at fixing Skull Lord Var'Ithrok and making his Infectious Rage more visible for players, balancing some bosses, improving AOE visuals and adding a new teleport for players who get the book-of-binding teleport bug in the Middle Wing.
Dungeon Changes:
- Skull Lord Var'Ithrok now properly turns after punting his targets or changing aggro.
- Skull Lord Var'Ithrok will now eventually reset if players remain too far from him.
- Skull Lord Var'Ithrok's Infectious Rage and Khorne's Affliction now announce the affected player in Center-screen messages again.
- Infectious Rage now also appears in your chat window in yellow text to give players another method to see it.
- Infectious Rage now also casts a visible skull icon over the impacted player while active.
- New Teleport: A new mob named "Kaarn's Bloodfiend" has been added in front of Kaarn the Vanquisher's door. Killing this mob will trigger a new teleport skull at the Dungeon's entrance, allowing players to jump right back to this location in case the book of binding bug hits while leaving Kaarn's room.
- Borzhar Rageborn: This boss no longer has taunt immunity when he spikes aggro to a different target. This is intended to happen when his banner is not destroyed, but given the extra damage this boss gained in the re-launch last year, this mechanic has been removed to better balance the fight for tanks. We may reintroduce this in the future.
- Urlf Daemonblessed's Steaming Skulls have had their damage reduced (~10% reduction per skull). The hardest part of this fight still remains the first 30 seconds or so, but this should make it a little more manageable.
- Visual Improvement: Gahlvoth Darkrage's Lightning Puddle AOE will now always display.
- Visual Improvement: Kaarn the Vanquisher's Blood Puddles will now always display. The Bloodletter trash mobs will also no longer cast this visual effect.
- New Extremely Rare Drop: Wing Bosses now have a very small (~1%) chance to drop a 90-Day version of the new Broken/Captured Ragebeast Mount. Skull Lord's chance to drop this is doubled. If a lucky party hits this jackpot, two mounts will drop instead of just one.

- All Renown Potion descriptions now clarify that their timers will continue when a player is logged out.
- Fixed many armor icons

- Two Praag fences, one north of Martyr's Square and one near the Manor BO, into which players would frequently get punted and stuck, have had a wall knocked down so the fight can properly continue.
Combat and Careers

General Changes and Fixes
- Fixed an issue where melee power/ranged power was contributing to strikethrough on auto attacks (not on abilities).
- All item procs that proc 'On Hit' have been reworked to function properly.
- All item procs that proc 'On Heal' have been reworked to function properly.
- All item procs that proc 'On Being Hit' (and other similar effects) have been reworked to function properly.
Some more information:
With the ability rework, all the item procs were reverted to how Mythic designed them, which in many cases didn't make a lot of sense. For example, simple damage procs such as Concussion had one global internal cooldown (ICD), which meant they could only be triggered on one target if you do an AoE attack. But they were even worse, because instead of getting a 5% chance on every target, you only got a 5% chance on one target. This was the case for many procs, but has now been fixed for all of them.
- The following "On Hit" procs now have an internal cooldown (of 250 ms) per target hit:

Bug Fixes
- Phosphorous Shells now requires line of sight to the target location.

Bug Fixes
- Blade Enchantsments now function as toggled abilities, same as Black Orc War Bellows.

Bug Fixes
- Baited Trap no longer stacks with other abilities and potions.

Bug Fixes
- Tzeentch's Firestorm now requires line of sight to the target location.
Realm versus Realm

- Zone Lock bags should now always be properly awarded in Tier 2 and Tier 3 RvR Zones.
- Siege machines now once more properly cannot be pulled from the person who spawned it. The person who spawned the siege can tow it from whomever at any point.
- Siege fire button should now light up again once the usage cooldown is over (no need to keep dropping and re-selecting oil to pour each time.)
- Trying to repair a siege in the siege UI should now properly tell the player that its not working.
- Enabled the banker keep upgrade for claimed keeps (These always go to your bank in IC/Altdorf).
- Enabled the vault keeper upgrade for claimed keeps.
- Enabled the option to upgrade static guards in keeps to champion.
- Added support to remove keep upgrades purchased.
- Enabled the healer ritualist keep upgrade. These NPCs will stand in the first floor of inner and spam AOE healing once engaged.
- Enabled the lifetap ritualist keep upgrade, These NPCs will stand in lord room and spam AOE lifetap once engaged.
- Fixed an issue where posterns were unbarred when they should not be for attackers.
- Fixed Boiling Oil animation to always show on oil poor for the ground target animation
- Fortress doors and posterns can no longer be used while rooted (matching the behavior of keeps)
City Sieges
- Players will now properly be teleported back to their spawn at the start of Stage 2.

- Promoting someone to assistant should no longer send a message to the leader that they have been promoted to assistant, but should now correctly send to the promoted player.
- The distance shown in open groups should be more realistic now. (keep in mind that anything not in your region will display as 5 minutes).
- Guild rewards tab (in your Guild window) now only lists rewards that actually exist. (Removed some of Mythic's old rewards that were either not working or never added.)
- Event starting soon announcements should no longer announce 30 minutes after the start time, only before.
State of Realm
- Fortress Doors are now fixed in the State of Realm add-on and should no longer display as 0%.
- If a player has set hidden it will be respected now on login so you will always be shows as offline on other players friendlists.
- If a friend switches zone it should update on your friendlist assuming they are not hidden.
- Changed friend list limit to 100 to not cause issues for client.
- Added 100 limit on ignorelist.
Bug Fixes

[22994] - Guilty Soul shouldn't be defendable.
[23101] - Leonine Frenzy also removes and gives immunity to knockdown effects.
[23139] - Oathstone Tooltip fix.
[23211] - Phantom's Blade Wounds buff no longer stacks.
[23233] - Wear Em Down now works with Reckless Blow.
[23350] - Tastes Like Chicken now only allows instant summon of the first next squig.
[23387] - KABOOM! now requires player to be grounded to use.
[23494] - Multiple abilities now excluded from Close Quarters and Expert Skirmisher.
[23531] - Stubborn as Stone no longer increases Oath Friend's attack speed.
[23616] - Vaul's Tempering ranged fixed.
[23635] - Horned Squig and Summon Squig now removes Farty Squig.
[23701] - Vicious Strikes can now proc on multiple targets with one AoE attack.
[23759] - Warband requirement removed from tooltip for Don' Feel Nuthin and Shield of Saphery.
[23780] - Updated tooltip Vindication to reflect it does not affect damage procs.
[23788] - Choking Smoke no longer removes Flashfire proc.
[23804] - Blurring Shock no longer procs Blessing of Heaven.
[23817] - Block chance from Shield Rush no longer stacks with other sources.
[23763] - Tooltip errors in Tzeentch's Reflection.
[23861] - Vaul's Tempering ability indicator on perfect balance fixed.
[23653] - WH: Burn, Heretic! requires melee range instead of pistol range.
[23813] - All Dissolving Mist attacks (Both Magus and PvE versions) now continue to hit properly after 10 seconds.
[23812] - Abilities that apply damage to an enemy while they are moving will now correctly check if a PvE Mob is moving or not.
[23384] - The Petition to the Emperor ability is now properly removed from players at the end of the champion phase.
[23800] - The champion phase will now correctly end at 10 minutes remaining.
[23851] - Harvesting with full bags has been made more resilient against seed loss.
[23854] - Fixed an issue where swapping talisman containers mid-session could result in a lower power talisman.
[23806] - Sigmar's Crypts: Necromancer Malcidious' Spirits now properly spawn with the impacted player's names.
[23811] - Lockouts will now correctly be removed if you were logged in at the time that they expired.
[23839] - Bilerot Burrows: the innards phase for the Bile Lord should now work again.
[23441] - Sigmar's Crypts: Killing the Twins should now always grant quest credit.
[23673] - Fortress lords will now reset when pulled outside main.
[23403] - A player should not get stuck in a phantom zone of not being able to be invited to a group/warband.
[22696] - Fixed "ror_PacketHandling got an error" messages and non-functional SoR in non-English locales.
[23623] - Items with an expiration can no longer be deposited into the guild vault.
[23705] - Fixed interaction cooldowns not applying to BO portals and many other interactable objects throughout the world.
[23612] - Fixed Guild Standards being removed from players if their guild had claimed a keep in the same zone.
[23651] - Dragonback Sledge has a 1H skin despite being 2H.
[23655] - Dragonback Crusher unable to equip.
[23751] - Bright Wizard mistakenly assigned to Warrior Priest career.
[23754] - Mecharius Solar Orange Dye has old icon.
Live Events
[23796] - Keg End: Frowny Frowson and other NPCs should no longer move or attack enemies.
[23776] - Gotrek PvE Herald inaccessible due to statue.
[23815] - Cannot be attacked by PvE enemies.
[21823] - Taking fall damage will no longer cause pets to act erratically.
[22016] - Using heel will no longer cause the pet's position to desync if the pet entered combat before heel completed.
[22595] - Pets will properly lose track of stealthed players if the pet's owner cannot see them.
[23539] - Fixed an issue that prevented pets from properly engaging enemy players.
Public Quests (PQ)
[23664] - Altar of Bloodbane (Norsca): Standing stones are now attackable again.
[23709] - Gudrim's Veterans Arrer Boys don't attack back when damaged.
[23692] - "Temple of the Damned": Adjusted the PQ Area.
[23703] - Beer Barrel Bash: NPCs move once again.
[23691] - Monument of Narialle: Game object is once again destroyable.
[23654] - Altdorf: Daemons of the Night PQ area increased in size.
[23674] - Empire wagon objectives in public quests are now attackable again.
[23720] - Blind Justice PQ in Eataine has faster respawns for Champions.
[23723] - Thanalorn Forest PQ: updated the objective description.
[23656] - Raven Champion NPC Aggro state adjusted.
[23749] - Scarecrows can now be destroyed again.
[23755] - Sealed Tower PQ Boss can now be killed again.
[23753] - Raider Lobethys can now be killed again.
[23761] - Chapter 4 PQ Fields of Woe: Additional Wagons have been spawned.
[23752] - Chapter 22 now grants all bags properly.
[23852] - Chapter 20 Burnbeard's Oath: Tents are now attackable.
[23859] - Meuselbach Farm: Wagons are now attackable.
[23721] - Making Grudges for Stunties: Fixed the text on Stage III of this PQ.
[23650] - Reiksguard Training Ground: Fixed siege tank to properly take damage.
[23668] - Hearts and Minds: NPCs are now interactable.
[23605] - Map Marker has been updated.
[23724] - Down in Hochnar: Temporarily removed Armor tali to ensure quest completes.
[23860] - Who Lost the Lost Boyz? reward properly stacks again.
[23774] - Home Invasion: Mobs made hostile.
[23747] - VP should not jump directly to previous zone's value in new zone.
[23820] - Probable fix for keep lords dying too fast.
[19433] - Rams and other siege equipment will more reliably move through Skaven Tunnels.
[22684] - Supplies can no longer be carried through a war report or other teleport.
[23659] - Planted guild banners can now be captured even if they appear neutral.
[23744] - Supplies are no longer instantly removed if you leave the RvR lake.
[23784] - You can no longer generate morale by attacking keep or fortress doors.
[23830] - Fixed an issue that could allow players to enter an active fort without a reservation.
[23838] - Phoenix Gate Guard added to the destro spawn.