Though the stirring of the undead may be a disturbing and rare phenomenon in the lands of the Old World, the Tomb Kings are ever restless since the days of Nagash. South of the Black Mountains, the presence of the living is sure to awake the dead from their slumber. Those who dare to enter the realm of the Tomb Kings are certain to face their ire.
The Nehekharan goddess Sakhmet is always eager to toy with the fate of the living, and the dead. The moon known to the people of the Empire as Morrslieb is known to the Nehekharans as Sakhmet. When the grim face of this moon draws nearer to the world, Sakhmet whispers tales of riches into the ears of the slumbering Old Worlders. At the mere mention of treasure the living foolishly dare to tempt undeath. All it takes is one boastful drunkard in a tavern, and the Tomb Kings rise.
The Rise of the Tomb Kings will start on January 24th at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until February 3rd 12:00 Altdorf time.
The Rise of the Tomb Kings is the newest event in Return of Reckoning, and our artists have been hard at work creating new content. Our heartfelt thanks to all of our artists who have contributed to this live event for their continued dedication to RoR.
Basic reward: Tomb King Carrion, or Tomb King Scarab, or Tomb King Scorpion vanity pets, or a Crate of Tomb King dyes.
Advanced reward: the Nehekharan Guard's Shroud, or the Nehekharan Scarab's Shroud, or a Potion of Acclaim.
Elite reward: Skeletal Steed - a new mount option (decay timers based on renown bracket). Mounts can be Previewed here, and magus discs Preview here.
All Live Event rewards can be claimed at the Live Event heralds in the Garden of Qu'aph, which can be reached from your preferred capital city or friendly flight master. All live event associated NPCs are also located in the Garden of Qu'aph.
Alcadizaar's Court
Alcadizaar the Conqueror's realm spanned far and wide, reaching as far north as the Black Mountains. Alcadizaar did not achieve these conquests alone, for he had a court of kings and generals to aid him in this feat. Those very same kings and generals were buried under ground for ages, though now something causes them to stir back to life. Their resting places are hidden behind Sakhmet's riddles, and my is she a devious one. You will need the right key to open every resting place, but who holds the key? Can you figure it out?
In a true Tomb King's style, fifteen named Tomb Kings and Generals are spread across Alcadizaar's realm, with the first tier of eight granting access to the next tier of four, and so on, in a true pyramid scheme. Each member of Alcadizaar's court drops a cloak and a key to the next tier, which can be traded at the Tomb Raider in Zandri. Cloak preview are here. That Tomb Raider may have something else of interest for sale, be sure to pay him a visit.
The Fallen Kings ORvR PQ
A Tomb King expedition to reclaim a lost relic has been spotted in Thunder Mountain. They appear to be resting their weary bones before returning to Nehekhara, an opportunity for treasure seekers to strike! Loot rewards include a Collector's Edition trophy commemorating Ultima Online, dyes, some live event currency, an item which starts a quest, and a title.
The Necropolis of Zandri
During the Rise of the Tomb Kings, the Necropolis of Zandri is open at all times, though players can expect to be evicted from the zone before an expedition starts.
Litany of Undeath
During the Rise of the Tomb Kings players may purchase the Litany of Undeath at a vendor in the Garden of Qu'aph. This item will allow them to resurrect fallen allies so that their bones are not claimed by the Tomb Kings.
Live Event Quests & Achievements
Eight quests from live, along with some custom RoR quests, are available only during the Rise of the Tomb Kings live event. Quest rewards range from titles to trophies from live - trophy preview are here. There are a total of 51 achievements and 9 titles associated with this live event (excluding 16 cloak unlocks), some of which are stored in a new tome section, "Legends and Infamy". Can you get all 51 achievements?
Twenty two new dyes, are available during The Rise of the Tomb Kings, including three new specular dyes. These dyes are available only during this live event, for those who wish to expand their colorful horizons.
Dye previews are available here, but please be aware that the colors may apply differently on different base armor colors. We recommend to use an addon such as Pocket Palette to see how this dye will look on your armor. These colors were drawn largely from Citadel Paints. We hope to continue to introduce new dyes based on inspiration from the source material in the Live Events to come.
Realm versus Realm

- Keep lords are now more aggressive in finding new targets and using abilities after resetting.
- To get a defense reward will now require a door (outer or inner in the case of T2-3) to have been damaged to at least 90%.
- Players will now be teleported into the dueling arena after accepting a duel.
The mechanics in the 6v6 scenarios have changed to be best of 3 rounds. Scoring two kills wins the round, and the fight is reset for the next round.
Each round lasts for 5 minutes before going into overtime. When a round enters overtime all players get a gradually increasing wounds debuff that lowers their health pool, until kills are scored and the round is won by either team. The wounds debuff gradually increases all the way to -99% health after 5 minutes of overtime in the unlikely situation that kills haven't been scored before then.
This change codifies the typical strategy already used in organized 6v6 matches, and the overtime mechanic is designed to prevent matches from becoming too drawn out or lacking in action.
New maps have also been added, The Sacellum Arena and Blood of the Black Cairn are now available in ranked.
Combat and Careers

Bug Fixes
- Demolition now has correct type (Direct Damage).

Bug Fixes
- On Your Guard! no longer procs of ranged auto attacks.

- Added so that you should be able to remove friends and ignore of people that does not exists (they show up as numbers in your list).
Bug Fixes

[23862] - Acute Fury and Acute Essence now require player to finish the cast.
[23422] - Savin' Me Hide now correctly gives yourself the Toughness buff when using No Choppin' Me and magic damage reduction is now 5s.
[23866] - Tooltip updated on Spike Fling.
[23873] [General] - Fixed missing translations for NPCs.
[23872] [General] - Fixed various doors and portals not being interactable (hotfixed)
[23819] [ToK] - The Keg Slayer title can now be assigned correctly.