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Wrong purchase

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:11 am
by Xotesede
Last night after the fort I wanted to finish my invader set so I went to the trader in IC and scrolled down to the jewel, once I saw it I rightclicked it, but as I did the window changed to show the robe last, instead of being fully scrolled down, therefore my surprise to check my bag and find out I got a robe instead of the jewel, robe that I already got and no longer need.
Dunno if it was my mistake scrolling or if there is any kind of bug with the shop windows yet the issue is that now I have 2 robes and miss my gem... Is there any kind of support about this? or am I just supossed to make another X forts until I get enough medallios to buy the jewel again?

Character name is Xote, Shaman.

If there is no support about it, it would be ideal to get a confirmation window when purchasing then, cus sincerely, the piece itself is useless once bought.

Re: Wrong purchase

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:15 am
by Caffeine
User settings -> General tab -> scroll down to Dialog Warnings -> turn on "Warn on buy"

Re: Wrong purchase

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:21 am
by sioding
As Caffeine already wrote - there is a "are you sure" option. And sorry - we don't have any support for these situations.

Re: Wrong purchase

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:43 am
by Rockalypse
It is also good to darg&drop such things instead of clicking, saves you nerves and currency.

Re: Wrong purchase

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:39 am
by Xotesede
Thanks for the replies, didn't even know there is that setting lol. I guess I'll start dragging items then hehe

I had this issue happen before but normally it were items costing silver or
other currency easier to obtain, so you can jsut get rid of it and get the one you wanted...