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A Tasty Meal - Part 1

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A Tasty Meal - Part 1

Post#1 » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:32 am

The howling winds of High Pass blow fierce, directly into the handsome green face of our bold young hero. Trekking through snow and ice up to his very chin, Kazzig desperately marches on. He makes his way towards the puffs of smoke rising high just over the hillside, the only sign of life visible in the barren valley.

Shortly beside him was his companion, a reddish-orange squig no larger than he. For sometime, our adventurous hero had to fend off its ravenous advances, both of whom having not seen a meal in days. Only through his quick thinking, and cunning intellect, was Kazzig able to beat the unruly squig just enough so it wouldn't eat him.

As the two approaches the edge of a hill, they look down below into the basin, where they manage to spot the small campfire. They make their way down quickly, rushing towards the warm glowing embrace of the dimly lit fire. Surrounding the fire were tools, tents, and other camp remnants, as well as a makeshift rack from which large hooks hung. They seemed to be bloodied, although the winter frost made it hard to notice.

Of course, neither our hero nor his brave companion took notice, and instead they huddle closely to the fire's warmth. As the blood begins to recirculate to Kazzig's hands and droopy nose, he starts to scavenge the abandoned tents. Inside one in particular he finds some supplies, a jug of thick, brown ooze - a taste bitter and tangy - some sort of strange brew. He spits it out, quickly tossing it into the fire. All the meanwhile, his companion tears through the tents and make as much mess as possible.

As Kazzig was busily rummaging through various belongings, his companion happens to stumble across a tasty meal, the leftovers of some roasted creature sitting in the cold, completely unrecognizable. Our hungry hero takes notice, quickly tackling his companion in an attempt to steal its meat. Of course, this does not bode well, and the two soon find themselves in a heated wrestling match. Kazzig winces as his companion throws him to the side with a mighty charge, for which he in turn jumps onto its back, using his poorly manicured nails to poke at its eyes. The squig shrieks, twirling Kazzig off its spine and running aimlessly in pain, tripping over itself as it brushes against the dying campfire. It lays there, momentarily defeated as Kazzig goes to claim his prize. He examines what his companion was gnawing at, a piece of bone with shredded strips of flesh loosely hanging.

Delicious! Kazzig greedily licks every scrap of flesh until there is no more. Our brave hero has his full, his stomach at ease. He looks over to his friend, and with compassion tosses a bone its way. Sighing, Kazzig takes a moment to rest from his long and arduous journey. Sitting close to the fire, Kazzig huddles to its last breath of warmth. Just as he was beginning to fall asleep, he notices something strange pointing out in the corner of his eye. A face of some sorts. Not entirely a face, but the outline of one. Only when he realizes what it is does Kazzig immediately jump to his feet, somewhat apprehensive. It appears to be half buried in the snow. Upon closer insprection, by our hero repeatingly stabbing it with a stick, does it become clear that it is in fact a skull. Kazzig stares at it for some time, unsure of any connection to why it might be there. Only when he sees the rest of the body, and the bloodied hooks, and the charred remains from which he had eaten does it all become clear. But it is too late, for somebody's here. Just a dozen yards out, the grey silhouette of a lumbering figure appears, cloaked in the morning fog. It seems to be carrying a large club, and drapped over his body some sort of creature. A deer? A wolf? No, it was bigger, it had arms and legs, and hair. Kazzig darts behind a corner, frighteningly cowering in fear as the large individual passes by. It seemed to not take notice of the twitching goblin. However, the squig still sits by the fire, and in surprise, turns to find the large ogre looming over it, with a twisted grin of delight sprawling arcross its dumb face.

Without a word, the ogre swings the dead body from his shoulders and throws it to the side. Raising his club high into the air, the squig panics, freezing in fear. Just as the ogre begins to let loose his swing, an arrow flies by straight into its side. The ogre, shocked but not hurt, looks down at the arrow in his chest, snapping its end and turning his head, looking for whomever had fired it. In a corner just behind him stands Kazzig, who had put away his bow shortly afterwards. With a taunting gesture and some very rude name calling, our hero distracts the ogre long enough for his companion to escape. Enraged, the ogre begins to march towards Kazzig. With his superior agility and overall speed advantage, Kazzig darts away, all the meanwhile snickering and being an overall nuisance. The ogre howls in rage, cursing the tiny green git and vowing to one day find him and put to him a painful end.

And so our hero narrowly escapes a brush with a most grizzly death. If only the others were so lucky and were sparred the fate of being some ogre's meal. Luckily, Kazzig is able to push on, and will soon find himself in another distant land, for his journey has yet to start.

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Re: A Tasty Meal - Part 1

Post#2 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:33 pm

A tasty story - More please :D Are you going to make dialogues in the future? Greenskin talk is so funny!
Lowki Lyesmith
Gatebreaker Bjorrik Rjufendr
Mogens Wyrdmake
- 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers.

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Posts: 262

Re: A Tasty Meal - Part 1

Post#3 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:54 pm


And yes. For some reason I neglected dialogue this time. Maybe because I'm a bit rusty and wanted to test out my narrative writing. Hopefully the quality will improve with each addition.

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