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[Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Posts: 70

[Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#1 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 1:40 am

Hello everyone!

My Witch Hunter is beginning to enter a stage where I feel fairly comfortable looking at rolling an alt, especially as I have to wait out lockout timers etc.

As a result, I've been trying to think hard about my next character and what I'd like to achieve with it— ultimately, I fell in love with Witch Hunter for the ability to play solo (I'm Australian, so finding groups etc can be difficult.) I think on an Alt I would still need that same gameplay style.

As a result, even though I'm an Order Main through and through, KOBS seems just too meh to roll and IB and SM don't appeal to me at all. Which brings me here.

I'm thinking of rolling a 2H Chosen and due to my need to solo roam, the end-goal will be rocking regen items and leveraging my spiritual damage to overcome the lack of strength.

My question is, how viable is this, is the damage actually good, what kind of match ups would favour me, and how difficult is this to achieve?

Thanks guys, looking forward to reading your responses.

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Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#2 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:17 am

I don't play destro at all, however I do solo (SL). I would say chosens vs mdps = easy win for chosen. Now vs rdps I expect especially vs AM, ur dead or just run away and live but get nothing done. I would assume as you have been playing order you have noticed most classes that solo on Order will be WH, AM then prolly SW,IB and then it just falls off after that. From watching Rebiffs video who is a very good chosen, I believe he stated vs IB and AM if skill play and gear is equal it's a win for IB and AM. But why not try it and see how it goes. I fight far more chosens solo then I do almost any other destro class except maybe Sham and WE's.

I will add one last part, biggest issue of going regen, some people will just walk away from you as soon as they can as fighting regen tanks or really almost any class is just a big "no ty" . Not sure if that matters it's just an added note.
First RR90 Slayer working towards the top of the mountain.I still solo, still run riposte.

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Posts: 70

Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#3 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:57 am

Hey there @Toshutkidup thanks for your insights.

I had been thinking that might be the case, which does limit the target field a tad for sure, that being said it could be doable- especially given my timeslot is usually small scale in the lakes.

Yeah I absolutely hear you about the Regen side of things, I feel like I will often find myself in 1vX scenarios, as heck, I find myself 1vX on my Witch Hunter fairly commonly.

Thankfully WH has answers to that in their kit, between escape tools and stagger. However, Chosen feels like it doesn't neccesarily have an answer apart from just "Brawl and see what happens" ergo the want to run Regen.

As you say though, if a prospective fight simply runs away, that's not enjoyable in the slightest.

I'm open to alternative careers though, given I heavily dislike Elves, my options are a tad more limited.

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Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#4 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:22 am

Chosen is a great pick but you should also look at magus...
Playing rDPS might be different experience for you.
Ris - 85rr BO
Risx - 83rr SH

Posts: 226

Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#5 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:17 am

I'd say it's the strongest destro solo roaming tank, and correcto built It can actually beat SnB IB cause of the magic damage.

Posts: 553

Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#6 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:38 am

For roaming you can choose from the following classes:
Tanks - chosen, possible to semisuccesfully roam on bg/bo but chosen is superior in this regards
MDPS - mara, pretty decent, can build either offensive or defensive, can go regen
RDPS - magus, very strong pick for solo roam, toptier in duels but not so much in 1vX situations, to succed need to have decent kiting skills, can build either offensive or defensive; rSH, awesome roaming toolkit but pets are broken atm, pretty squishy need great kiting.
Healers - dps/hybrid shaman, classic; dps zealot, recent changes are pretty cool, but rest choices are still looking stronger

In regards to your other questions:
- damage for chosen is ok, it mostly depends on you using GCDs well tho (it greatly depends on what you are against and what build are they, where is the fight etc etc, check out latest mdpv videos he put some hints and other important information for others to learn)
- as regen chosen you are pretty fine with killing none solo roam specced DPS (in 1v1 case 99,99(9)% you will win), 2h tanks (high chances you will end up winning) and you will be performing solid (class wise, rest is upon you) against other solo roam classes/builds.
- as for gear cba to type much, take a look into advices ive wrote here viewtopic.php?t=49463 not much changed, you can start like that. toptier mix is the mix of warlord, alt sov and other high gear getting all the pieces with as much regen as possible (no grim chest ofc, its just for fresh cr40 in your case, you will lose too much using it at ~60rr+). tl;dr you can start even as fresh 40/45 in conq, keep in mind thats not gonna as effective as bis ofc. cool stuff is that you can farm fleshrenders almost asap solo

Posts: 515

Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#7 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:51 am

Imho if you want a challenge stick to Order, des is too easy.

But i hear you, the top Order classes are Elfs or IB SnB for roaming, maybe go for a WP and pray for a gap-closer added in a future patch? (You could utilize the snare weapon and renown speed proc).

If you have to play destruction , then Chosen will serve you well. Few order classes can defeat it 1vs1(high elfs).

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Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#8 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:12 pm

Chosen is so trite and easy mode. Play a magus who can be really good solo and they're fun to fight against unlike the boring Chosen.
[SM] 84, [WL] 83, [SW] 60+, [WH] 84, [AM] 70+, [Kotbs] 70+
[BO] 82, [Mara] 82, [Sham] 60+ [SH] 50+ [WE] 60+

Posts: 595

Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#9 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:56 pm

SJHarrison4115 wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 1:40 am Hello everyone!

My Witch Hunter is beginning to enter a stage where I feel fairly comfortable looking at rolling an alt, especially as I have to wait out lockout timers etc.

As a result, I've been trying to think hard about my next character and what I'd like to achieve with it— ultimately, I fell in love with Witch Hunter for the ability to play solo (I'm Australian, so finding groups etc can be difficult.) I think on an Alt I would still need that same gameplay style.

As a result, even though I'm an Order Main through and through, KOBS seems just too meh to roll and IB and SM don't appeal to me at all. Which brings me here.

I'm thinking of rolling a 2H Chosen and due to my need to solo roam, the end-goal will be rocking regen items and leveraging my spiritual damage to overcome the lack of strength.

My question is, how viable is this, is the damage actually good, what kind of match ups would favour me, and how difficult is this to achieve?

Thanks guys, looking forward to reading your responses.
chosen has been the strongest solo tank for 3 years now
maybe IB and SM are close to it now.
class requires absolutely no playing skill, a huge amount of def, and at the same time very good damage
WH - mdpv 80+
WE - Witchrage 80+

Posts: 226

Re: [Chosen] Actual 2H Solo Roam Viability

Post#10 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:45 pm

reynor007 wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:56 pm
SJHarrison4115 wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 1:40 am Hello everyone!

My Witch Hunter is beginning to enter a stage where I feel fairly comfortable looking at rolling an alt, especially as I have to wait out lockout timers etc.

As a result, I've been trying to think hard about my next character and what I'd like to achieve with it— ultimately, I fell in love with Witch Hunter for the ability to play solo (I'm Australian, so finding groups etc can be difficult.) I think on an Alt I would still need that same gameplay style.

As a result, even though I'm an Order Main through and through, KOBS seems just too meh to roll and IB and SM don't appeal to me at all. Which brings me here.

I'm thinking of rolling a 2H Chosen and due to my need to solo roam, the end-goal will be rocking regen items and leveraging my spiritual damage to overcome the lack of strength.

My question is, how viable is this, is the damage actually good, what kind of match ups would favour me, and how difficult is this to achieve?

Thanks guys, looking forward to reading your responses.
chosen has been the strongest solo tank for 3 years now
maybe IB and SM are close to it now.
class requires absolutely no playing skill, a huge amount of def, and at the same time very good damage
When are you coming back to the game?

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