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Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 52

Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#1 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:47 pm

Which one between Chosen and Black Guard is best for solo and doesn't suck hard against all of these WH, AM, WL?

Thank you

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Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#2 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:24 am

If you love the Druchii, roll a BG but you will be eating a lot of dirt till you get better gear. Chosen is a all around good tank, lots of really good 2h solo builds.

Posts: 187

Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#3 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:52 am

Chosen is just overall stupid good at solo compared to the other two dessie tanks after buffs. Less gear dependent aswell. BG solid choice aswell, but not in the same league.

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Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#4 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:23 am

The chosen one has too much at once, a very strong tank and can easily pick up a victim in a two-handed build. Needs a nerf

Posts: 52

Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#5 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:16 am

so looks like chosen is easier and stronger that bg for solo.

that's it?

Posts: 595

Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#6 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:37 am

chosen clearly out of balance, it requires a minimum amount of skill and provides max more effectiveness than any other solo 2h tank
However, he will never be able to kill the AM dd and you will start losing some WHs.
BG is the most difficult tank of all, you can build a floor of any class, the only class in the entire game that will defeat DD AM without much effort but for BG you need to really understand what you are doing on the continent there are a lot of BG perverts who just run around and jerk off to a killboard, while they are as dead as possible
WH - mdpv 80+
WE - Witchrage 80+

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Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#7 » Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:06 pm

BG 2h is a late rank/renown tank, till rr 50 you wont be able to be usefull and it's pointless touch a 2h. If you are fine of being carry till that point youcan roll bg. The moment chosen reach rank 19/20ish ( cant rememer now when you unlock it) for suppression ( parry buff) you can 2h to your heart content (This happen due mastery specialization being more point requirement for 2h bg builds than for chosen). The end results is bg > chosen in 2h mode tough, better punt, crit debuff, crit increase, tougher than chosen, better avoidance, better panic button ( morale 1).

Posts: 554

Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#8 » Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:57 pm

if ur rly looking to specifically hunt down those ams, than roll a disrupt bg, other than that, i think u will have a much easier time as a chosen.

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Re: Black Guard or Chosen for solo?

Post#9 » Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:15 am

Both good but chosen is easy mode with easy mechanics (aura) while bg requires good skills due to the insane amount of key you have to press and also you have to micromanage hate gain and spending.If you consider yourself good in that go for bg,it has more potential and in the end it’s a more rewarding playstile.Both are useful for wb /6 man and both are good for solo.When you have 100% disrupt and speed on disrupt hunting caster and healers is easy.
Grumm /a.k.a Grumug- RR87 Bo - Retired since 2021
Argrimm - RR81 Chosen
Skarzig - RR84 Shaman Glasscannon
Hateme - RR78 Bg
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Parabellum - RR81 Wh
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