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Returning player confused about the mixed feelings towards White Lions

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:38 pm
by FurHire
So I've been checking out White Lions on this forum and I'm baffled by the mixed reception of the class. On one hand there are people calling the class garbage and buggy as heck and on the other you have Destro complaining about the White Lions dps and how their pets melt them. The only thing I can see a lot of people agreeing on is the class needs a rework. Is it a bad time to make a White Lion? And can someone explain to me whats going on with White Lions that made people divided in their opinion on them?

Re: Returning player confused about the mixed feelings towards White Lions

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:04 pm
by Lokiusus
White lion just has certain upsides and downsides.

On one hand, you have the best mobility in the game, have a pet which you can sacrifice for dps/pulls and resummon, and enough burst to melt all but the tankiest tanks.

On the other hand, you're squishy, your pet bugs out sometimes, and you lack a decent AOE/Wb spec.

If you want to melt people in scenarios, 6 man's, and open rvr roaming, roll a white lion. If you want "optimal" WB viability, look elsewhere.

I'd suggest watching Kasic play on twitch. He's an animal at WL and a great representation of peak class performance.

Re: Returning player confused about the mixed feelings towards White Lions

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 8:09 pm
by BeautfulToad
I personally think with medium armour and therefore the potential to be tanky, White Lions are fine in rvr warbands except for defending in seiges since they cant funnel (aoe) that well.

You cant go wrong with White Lion, they are one of order's strongest classes.