Hi all! It’s been a long, long time since I’ve played RoR. I used to play many years ago when the game was still live, and dabbled a little on and off with ror. Life kept me busy but I have recently been able to come back.
One thing I’ve noticed though…I love my destro characters and have always preferred them over order. But….is it normal for order to essentially steam roll destro constantly? In rvr lake’s it seems like we only do well on off hours when no one is really around.
A few friends of mine are rank 40 with RR50-60 and they have similar issues. One friend played 30 scenarios in the last day or so and he said he was rolled everytime. And not even close…like order had 30+ kills on each player and destro had maybe 1 or 2.
Is this just because the majority of long term players have always rolled with order/are much better geared? Or is it just better organized/premades? I’m not griping, it’s still fun. But I’m just curious as to what some Long terms players feel/have to say about it!
Thank you all for your time.
Life of a destro main
Re: Life of a destro main
it's just about who is playing at the time, what you're playing and who you're playing with. if you queue in to event SC solo you should expect premades since people typically group up in an mmo to increase their success chance. there's really no faction imbalance or bias or whatever people like to use as a coping mechanism for their own inadequacy (not saying that's you, but many exhibit this). sometimes destro rolls order, sometimes order rolls destro, sometimes it's evenly matched.
for example i queued today solo, for event SC, on my slayer and went pretty much 50/50 in wins and losses. first few i won, last few i got absolutely stomped 30 kills to 4 by destro premades. it is what it is, that's the life of queueing solo in to a multiplayer team based pvp game.
order doesn't have a majority of long term players or more geared players. most of the long term/good players play both realms not just one. sometimes you get worse premades than the enemies, that can happen too. sometimes 1 realm has 3 premades queueing at once and the other only has 1 so it seems imbalanced but the opposite happens all the same.
if you, your friends, or anyone else wants to increase their chances of winning dramatically as well as learn the game and become better; my advice is to find a guild, play with that guild, form premades with them or /5, meet other players and other premades in your matches, make friends with the good ones and start networking. eventually you will have a decent roster of people to pull from and be able to set up groups and enjoy the game as it was meant to be. playing both sides and multiple archetypes/roles helps a lot too.
for example i queued today solo, for event SC, on my slayer and went pretty much 50/50 in wins and losses. first few i won, last few i got absolutely stomped 30 kills to 4 by destro premades. it is what it is, that's the life of queueing solo in to a multiplayer team based pvp game.
order doesn't have a majority of long term players or more geared players. most of the long term/good players play both realms not just one. sometimes you get worse premades than the enemies, that can happen too. sometimes 1 realm has 3 premades queueing at once and the other only has 1 so it seems imbalanced but the opposite happens all the same.
if you, your friends, or anyone else wants to increase their chances of winning dramatically as well as learn the game and become better; my advice is to find a guild, play with that guild, form premades with them or /5, meet other players and other premades in your matches, make friends with the good ones and start networking. eventually you will have a decent roster of people to pull from and be able to set up groups and enjoy the game as it was meant to be. playing both sides and multiple archetypes/roles helps a lot too.
Gersy, Witch Hunter General
WH Guide
WH Guide
Re: Life of a destro main
From my observations during NA hours destruction is not very organized with lower levels of cooperation and people not playing their classes primary rolls, and it's not a lack of awareness it's a lack of willingness (people want to have fun their own way and that's ok). It's not a universal issue obviously some do organize well but it's a minority. It's best to be proactive and roll your own groups. Also worth mentioning in general things seem to be a bit more balanced on the weekends.
During EU hours it feels like the exact opposite of NA, more organization and cooperation.
During EU hours it feels like the exact opposite of NA, more organization and cooperation.
Re: Life of a destro main
Thanks for the responses both. Yeah, I also feel it’s just more a matter of getting everyone to work together. I find once destro actually organizes things become more of a 50/50 on who will win and it’s fun!!
However, I still feel that I will avoid scenarios until I get into a guild/with some others. Thanks for weighing in!
However, I still feel that I will avoid scenarios until I get into a guild/with some others. Thanks for weighing in!
Re: Life of a destro main
This is part of the ebb and flow of WAR.
If you play long enough, you'll notice that winning switches back and forth. There might be a month where destro steamrolls order, then a month of the reverse. It can switch during the course of an evening, a week, a month, or longer.
It tends to be totally dependent on who is playing. If destro happens to have a bunch of good PUG leaders running, then they'll start winning more RvR and SCs. But leading is tiring, those people eventually take a break, then destro starts losing. Same with order.
Your choices:
1) Tough it out!
Learn to accept the losing streaks and stick around long enough for winning streaks to come around.
2) Be the change you wanna see!
Step up and start leading. Form scenario groups of your own, form warbands of your own, learn to lead. Your success rate will go up, you'll rank up faster, you'll gear up faster, and you'll probably have more fun. It is hard, and tiring, which is why most of us don't bother.
If you play long enough, you'll notice that winning switches back and forth. There might be a month where destro steamrolls order, then a month of the reverse. It can switch during the course of an evening, a week, a month, or longer.
It tends to be totally dependent on who is playing. If destro happens to have a bunch of good PUG leaders running, then they'll start winning more RvR and SCs. But leading is tiring, those people eventually take a break, then destro starts losing. Same with order.
Your choices:
1) Tough it out!
Learn to accept the losing streaks and stick around long enough for winning streaks to come around.
2) Be the change you wanna see!
Step up and start leading. Form scenario groups of your own, form warbands of your own, learn to lead. Your success rate will go up, you'll rank up faster, you'll gear up faster, and you'll probably have more fun. It is hard, and tiring, which is why most of us don't bother.
Spitt - RR80 BO | Scrotling - RR6X Squig Herder | Scabrous - RR5X Shaman
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