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Dispel Disparity

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Dispel Disparity

Post#1 » Fri May 24, 2019 11:20 am

There are three types of dispellable debuffs: Ailment, Hex, and Curse. Every class currently only uses one type of debuff for all of their effects. On order, there are four careers for each debuff type. On destruction there are 5 ailment careers, three hex careers, and four curse careers.

This creates a dispel disparity among the order healers as each healer only dispels two types. Runepriest cleanses curse and ailments and thus covers 9 careers. Archmage cleanses ailments and hexes and thus covers 8 careers. Warrior Priest covers curses and hexes and thus covers 7 careers. All destro healers cover 8 careers with their cleanses. All tactics and secondary benefits related to cleanses are mirrored across each healing pair on both realms.

Solution to solve the in-realm disparity: One destro class that uses ailments should be changed to use hexes. This would create 4/4/4 for types of debuffs and 8 covered for all healer types.

(lesser) solution to create the same in-realm disparity for destro healers: One order class that uses ailments should be changed to use curses. This would take one dispel career type away from DoK giving it to Zealot.


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