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[Chosen/Knight] Aura Proposal

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[Chosen/Knight] Aura Proposal

Post#1 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:41 pm

1. Identify the issue.
- This is a bit self explanatory as its the infamous "EZmode Aura" problem with the two classes. Long story short. Auras are too good, with no management or skill required at all to keep the abilities active.

2. Explain why it's an issue.
- On LIVE we had twisting, which was VERY lame and I hope that doesnt come back. However, the current "set it and forget it" isnt ideal either. A Chosen or Knight pops their auras up with 100% uptime, that both AOE buffs and debuffs. Its far superior to anything any other tank can bring to the game which is why they completely dominate "The Meta". When I think "Class Mechanic" I think of something that is Unique to that class, that SHOULD require some level of management, but that is different and not just "More Abilities with GCDs". I write this, because I fear that is the direction that may be Inc. with these auras, and frankly it would completely kill any desire I have to play these classes.

A Mechanic should be just that - A Class Mechanic. That is unique, provides unique interaction with that classes entire kit, requires some level of management for maximal results. Right now Auras ARE "unique" but they dont provide any interaction with any of the Chosen/Knights current kit, and require NO management for optimal results... So lets change that!

3. Propose a viable solution to the problem.
Aura's now proc when using an ability from the Mastery Tree they belong to. When I say "proc" I mean just that. Currently, when you cast an aura, and then UNCAST it, you have a "lingering effect for up to 8 seconds". This is how twisting worked. You benefitted from that lingering effect. So my vision here, is that you:

- Select up to 3 auras (like you do now).
- Each aura you select has no initial benefits UNTIL...
- You cast an ability from the Mastery tree it belongs to which then
- Procs the aura as if you "cast" and immediately" uncast" it like it does now - aka the aura would proc and have an AOE effect for 8 seconds.
- In order to keep that aura active for longer than 8 seconds, you would need to again use another ability in that Mastery tree which would then "recast" the aura, or refresh the aura for up to 8 seconds.

EXAMPLE (Knight):
A KOBS selects his three auras, ONE of which is "Press the Attack". No initial auras are active yet, because he has not used any abilities. The Knight runs into battle and uses "Precision Strike" which is an ability in the Path of Conquest of which "Press the Attack" belongs to. This procs "Press the Attack" which now sends out an aoe Debuff to any enemy within 30 feet (same as current) as well as buffs allies within 100 feet. This buff/debuff would only last 8 seconds. In order to keep this active, he would need to use another Path of Conquest ability, such as Crippling Blow.

In order to keep auras from all three trees up, such as
- Press the Attack
- Stand Strong!
- Gather your Resolve!

The Knight now has to "TWIST" his active abilities in a rotation that would keep auras active. Using 1 ability from each tree.

however, if an enemy runs OUT of the 30 feet the debuff still "lingers" on him up to the full 8 seconds, but he wouldnt get hit with any NEW debuffs. Or likewise with an ally who might be within 100 feet and benefit from 1 or 2 aura procs, if he runs out of 100 feet, the buff lingers, but would not refresh etc.

So now we have a class Mechanic that is a hybrid of LIVE + Current.
- Unique to the class
- Interacts with his entire kit
- requires skill and management to keep at maximum effectiveness.

This ALSO adds some play/counter play and alternative uses for skills. Such as the Knight sitting back with his casters using Shield of the Sun to possibly proc his "Gather your Resolve" resistance buff for his casters... So you have added "alternative" uses for skills which only increases the skill cap/ceiling for these classes.

I truly think, this is one of the best avenues to fix this class. I have long debated, discussed other alternative methods and believe this proposal stays "true" to the class, and "true" to LIVE, without the horrible "twisting" we had on live. You now still have to "twist" but you do so, by "twisting" your rotation so that you are now using abilities in multiple trees, in various ways, at various times to get the maximum result.

Thanks for your time and consideration!
Sulfuras - Knight
Viskag - Chosen
Ashkandi - Swordmaster
Syzzle - Bright Wizard
Curz - Marauder
Andrithil - Blackguard

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Re: [Chosen/Knight] Aura Proposal

Post#2 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:22 pm

As Penril is on vacation, I'll do him the favor of declining this one.

We have a much more active plan in mind for Aura's.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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