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Enlightenment needed

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Posts: 6

Enlightenment needed

Post#1 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:08 pm

So quick "Class Fantasy" question, what in-universe are the differences between a Magus and a Zealot? Besides the whole one being canon and the other not so much? Also as an RTS fan would be correct to say the Zealot is the Acollyte (their basic builder) from Warcraft III's Undead Scourge to the Magus' Necromancer (ranged spell unity) or the Lich (caster hero) from the same game?

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Posts: 77

Re: Enlightenment needed

Post#2 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:28 pm

Hey there, I'm a warhammer fan from wayback so I can share my opinions.

The Magus is based on the old Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch, riding a disc, in some cases unable to ever come down from the disk and well on the way to becoming more daemon than human.
The zealot on the other hand was made up for RoR, but in the lore they're closest to the tribal shamans of the chaos marauder tribes, the Norscans, the Hung, the Kurgans, etc. In the ye Olde Warhammer lore there weren't really priests of the chaos gods, most magic users were sorcerers of one variety or another, except for Khorne who despises sorcery and had no sorcerers at all.
Most worship was done as a tribe through action rather than through organised clerical service. Devotees of each of the Dark Gods would act in ways that pleased their gods and every kill was in its own way a prayer that empowered the gods.

The soft landers had gods that they prayed to, deities like Sigmar and the White wolf god, Ulric. (I think). They had organised services and warrior priests to lead prayers, they were led by the Grand Theoginist in Altdorf.

Marauders are just baby Chosen, with chaos warriors supposed to be the middle ground in lore. They're on the path to daemonhood as well, but take the martial rather than the magical route.

In universe I think the zealot has the place of a tribal wise-one, with the magus already being detached from such mortal concerns. In time a zealot might move into sorcery but I don't think all of them do.

Posts: 6

Re: Enlightenment needed

Post#3 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:33 pm

Gotcha I think I understand that, so let's say Tzeentch wanted to send one as some form of a preacher, missionary, and proselytizer and if the needs arrived Wandering Crusder to the let's say the Border Princes and if they were successful they would archive Daemonhod which one would he send? And why?

Posts: 340

Re: Enlightenment needed

Post#4 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:15 am

zealots were made up for aor. they are based on healer/seer/witch doctor archetype. they are sages meant to be spiritual guides of their tribe. maguses are dedicated to arcane, study and ascension into daemonhood. i think a zealot could become a magus eventually, but not the other way.

i think magus would be the more likely emissary to the human kingdoms. zealot would propably fare better as a missionary to non tzeentch aligned tribe

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Posts: 77

Re: Enlightenment needed

Post#5 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:18 pm

Lavendros wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:33 pm Gotcha I think I understand that, so let's say Tzeentch wanted to send one as some form of a preacher, missionary, and proselytizer and if the needs arrived Wandering Crusder to the let's say the Border Princes and if they were successful they would archive Daemonhod which one would he send? And why?
In general the Dark Gods don't send preachers unless it's Nurgle who often sends one to accompany a plague. Instead they tempt mortals by sending minor daemons to stoke emotions. Khorne might encourage ideas of martial pride until they become rage, Slaanesh urges likely followers to indulge in excess, Tzeentch stokes a love of knowledge, whispering that just one more secret will bring the wisdom and prestige a scholar or apprentice wizard seeks. Within the tribes a shaman or zealot could perform these roles, they're pretty much preaching to the converted. But traveling to the south lands like the Empire would make a zealot stand out and I don't think the cult of Sigmar would take too kindly to that, the whole witch hunter thing is taken pretty seriously.

As far as becoming a daemon prince, that's a looooong road and for the most part an adherent of the Dark Gods needs to do something pretty special to be elevated. A lot of Dark God adherents think they are on the path to success but end up becoming mindless spawn as their mortal shells can't deal with the sheer unreality of the mutations plaguing them. It might take 8000 skulls of worthy foes to become a daemon prince of Khorne, whereas Slaanesh might ask for an offering of wine made from the tears of a thousand virgin whores or something else as ridiculous. Tzeentch and Nurgle are much quicker to offer their gifts but they're also often a faster road to madness.

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