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Why doesnt Discordant Instability work the way its supposed to?

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Posts: 26

Why doesnt Discordant Instability work the way its supposed to?

Post#1 » Wed Sep 25, 2024 5:18 am

It no longer affects corporeal resistance and does nothing to increase ravage damage... so its broken with spirit resistance as well as corporeal damage reduction.. So it seems and potentially needs to be fixed?

If ravage scales off strength but does spirit damage it should be a split or a bonus to running that specific trait, no?

Posts: 26

Re: Why doesnt Discordant Instability work the way its supposed to?

Post#2 » Wed Sep 25, 2024 5:40 am

Also the parry proc from Hand of Malal with vanquisher parry proc isnt stacking properly .

Posts: 185

Re: Why doesnt Discordant Instability work the way its supposed to?

Post#3 » Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:49 am

Buffs not affecting corporeal resist is a long standing visual bug on the character sheet. Use .getstats to see actual values, it will print them in chat. Target dummies have 0 resist, debuffs will as such not increase damage of magic attacks against them, I'm guessing this is why you got the result you did. Discordant Instability works as advertised, just double checked.

Hand of Malal and Vanq proc do not stack, they are both ability type buffs. On the parry portion, neither stack with Suppression either, as this is another ability type buff. For parry, only the highest value buff out of these three will apply.

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