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Warrior Priest Change ideas.

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
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Posts: 213

Re: Warrior Priest Change ideas.

Post#11 » Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:49 am

IMO Prayer of Absolution should be lessened to maybe 300, and make it stack with armor pots. Also Divine Aid should be able to be cast on the move like all the other healers. Same thing with DoK counterparts.
SHAM rr87, BO/SH/CHOP rr85, ZE rr60+, WE rr50+, MAGUS rr40+

BW rr81, KoBS/WP rr70+, ENGI rr50+, WL rr40+

Posts: 282

Re: Warrior Priest Change ideas.

Post#12 » Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:17 am

personally i think grace should be changed from being a healers tree and turned into a "tank" design.

In the end, Salvation is simply the best and having a second healing tree with melee involved just doesn't really work, its maximum work with less reward.

Instead it should focus on Damage mitigation like a tank, move the armour aura here and boost it to 825 to make it worth using, increase block value, we already have a very good HP buffer so thats covered....Allow the WP to guard someone or perhaps throw a challenge out, obviously he wont be on the same level as a real tank but that's where the smaller amounts of healing comes in to cover that ground.

Well thas my dream anyway, i love tanking so having another class option would be glorious!

Posts: 6

Re: Warrior Priest Change ideas.

Post#13 » Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:32 am

My 2 coins from leveling a sub40 WP:
*All of the auras are mostly useless if running solo. Heck, sometimes I don't even bother activating it. Or use Righteousness just to get more points from tagging :D If running in a group, Devotion can be useful with tactic just to help you focus healing others and Righteousness with some extra punch to dps. THOUGH AGAIN, DoK auras have snare proc and extra damage converted into health. So I don't see any balance here. Armor auras are complete garbage as mentioned before. Make them useful by either a) making armor aura stack with potion, b) remove armor aura and make it give something more useful, like reduced armor pen/ini, toughness/ini, resists (that would stack with kotbs aura), maybe some passive debuff like 'attacker has a chance to be slowed'.
*No heals on the run, no kds/staggers, only one conditional slow which requires you to attack. At least give the punt from lv16. All that's left is to slot Quick Escape, or cleanse some of the slows that are actually cleanseable and hope the attacker doesn't react. Still, can't cleanse WE's daggers, nor SHs slows. But then again, with the limitations put on sub40 characters (being 29/54, I can only use so few rr points - WHY am I being punished for trying to rank up in a way so I won't get punished if I ding 40/40???), I have to sacrifice other useful rr abilities for that.
*Needs a strong ST heal. If someone gets focused, all you can do is spam Divine Aid when Mend is on cd, but that way Aid's hot effect is just lost. Just remove the hot and add some its value to base heal value? As there are already 2 hots available...
*What's with the freaking armor set bonuses and crest weapons? Why loldps WP has both crests/pve sets and heal wp just one, with dubious bonuses. Why Spirit res? A detaunted/cleansed ST sorc can't kill you and most of the blob aoe abilities are corp damage anyway. Why not toughness/wounds? Why there's no option for defensive weapons that would give toughness/wounds/-% to be crit? With the way wp stacks with healing, there's absolutely no reason to stack it, not until you're sub40 and don't have hp/-crit/armor/toughness stacked.
*Increase contribution from healing someone. As I've seen it written somewhere, you get more points just from tagging someone with your smite/castigation/whatever melee ability than actually healing someone. I see some WH fighting a WE and losing. I heal him, he kills the WE. I get like what, 100rp? He gets all the crests and maybe 7k rps.. So the only real reason for me to heal is that the WE doesn't kill the WH and I don't have to run away and lose the few points from capping bo :D

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Posts: 213

Re: Warrior Priest Change ideas.

Post#14 » Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:56 am

NoEternity wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:32 am If running in a group, Devotion can be useful with tactic just to help you focus healing others and Righteousness with some extra punch to dps. THOUGH AGAIN, DoK auras have snare proc and extra damage converted into health. So I don't see any balance here.
Devotion heals for way more, Vitalitys damage can be absorbed and mitigated, making it heal for way less or even nothing. The snare of Celerity is only 20% and can be cleansed, I have never seen it that much of issue as some people seem to do. WP has 20% healbuff with exalted defences, making it just better healer at healing than Dok. IMO these are just differences between classes, not major balance issues. WP is better at healing, DoK is more offensive.
SHAM rr87, BO/SH/CHOP rr85, ZE rr60+, WE rr50+, MAGUS rr40+

BW rr81, KoBS/WP rr70+, ENGI rr50+, WL rr40+

Posts: 6

Re: Warrior Priest Change ideas.

Post#15 » Thu Oct 03, 2024 10:06 am

Gladiolix wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:56 am
NoEternity wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:32 am If running in a group, Devotion can be useful with tactic just to help you focus healing others and Righteousness with some extra punch to dps. THOUGH AGAIN, DoK auras have snare proc and extra damage converted into health. So I don't see any balance here.
Devotion heals for way more, Vitalitys damage can be absorbed and mitigated, making it heal for way less or even nothing. The snare of Celerity is only 20% and can be cleansed, I have never seen it that much of issue as some people seem to do. WP has 20% healbuff with exalted defences, making it just better healer at healing than Dok. IMO these are just differences between classes, not major balance issues. WP is better at healing, DoK is more offensive.
Ok, fair argument regarding Vitality. Celerity on the other hand, with the amount of debuffs placed on you, imo, still means you will be snared, just because you can't cleanse everything at once.

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