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Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:47 pm
by Minerva
Nameless wrote:and i thought that healing AM spec is no-brainer but yea...; ... ;;;0:0:0:0:

bloostering boon is not core tactic but it is usefull at certain situation and why not pick it instead putting one point somewhere else
And sacrifice what? Discipline? Mastery points are not the problem, but having 3 slots ur gonna give one to Bolstering Boon? Seriously? Meh.

Other then that yea, I guess that's the most default mastery build for a heal.

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:02 pm
by StormX2
just an FYI, have not seen someone in here state they were a "Good" AM Healer lol

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:02 pm
by Penril
Well, Discipline sucks. Willpower scales very poorly. Just cast a few spells with and without Disc and compare the numbers. Imho it is not worth a tactic slot (unless you really have no other tactics available, but this only happens at low levels).

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:12 pm
by Minerva
Penril wrote:Well, Discipline sucks. Willpower scales very poorly. Just cast a few spells with and without Disc and compare the numbers. Imho it is not worth a tactic slot (unless you really have no other tactics available, but this only happens at low levels).
Yea Discipline is not core and the difference is not huge, on my RunePriest I don't use Discipline anymore cuz I have better tactics in it's place, but for now I think 160 willp >250 morale points.
So with 4 spots:
Wild Healing, Healcrit, Desperation, and... something :D We'll see in T4 whats gonna work and what not :)

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:27 pm
by Mez
To the original poster; You'll want to take Wild Healing and Funnel Essence. Archmage healing is meh, but the one thing they do better than any healer in the game is burst heal. This is a combo package of 2 very expensive AP spells, i.e. Magical Infusion (55 ap) and then spam 3 second cast of Funnel Essence (60 AP). This is a sure fire way of saving someone's life long enough for hopefully another healer to land some big heals. Wild Healing is a nice AP reduction with a long duration that specifically targets emptying your AP bar on this heal burst package. Desperation is a great tactic that compliments both of these spells and if they both benefit, you will fill someone's healthbar from zero to 100. At least it will feel like it. It's one of the best rewards of playing a heal archetype Archmage.

Also be handy with your AP-drain spell, because it costs a lot to cast. If you get disrupted or waste it on a target that dies quickly, you actually lost AP trying to use it.

I've never played one, but I know this game fairly well. I think most people would agree on taking the abilities mentioned in this post. Good Luck!

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:16 pm
by gungnir08
Oh man, where do I even begin... Even if you guys have resolved this discussion, I've got a couple things I want to add:
Zeviun wrote:Wild healing is OP and has basically 100% uptime which means you never run out of ap.
Actually, on Live, Wild Healing didn't proc on HoT crits like it does here. Could be bugged, could be intentional. Either way, its uptime on Live was tied more or less to how much you had the luxury of spamming your group heal, since it was the most reliable means of proccing WH (up to six direct heals per cast).

For a mobile healing spec like what Minerva is talking about, it is indeed the case that Wild Healing wouldn't have been the best on Live. Even if you want to make this discussion solely about RoR, it can be argued to not be optimal for such a spec, since WH doesn't reduce the cost of Lambent Aura (even though it SHOULD, grrr) and the AP regen from an errant Healing Energy cast while kiting isn't made useless by switching to HoT spam.
Minerva wrote:
Jaycub wrote:Why would you not use the best single target / panic healing tool you have access to?
I use Magical Infusion as a panic heal. On live I tried FE in T4 and I had 2 problems with it:
a) It was very AP heavy, and the way I play (constant spam esp HoTs) I just drained out the last AP's I had withouth even finishing the 3s channel.
b) Even when I had the AP it wasn't enough too keep someone alive, at leasy not the way I used it (Maybe I'm just doing it wrong?)

The big advantage MI has over FE is that MI is cast on the run and is an instant that with Desperation gives you crazy amounts of HP, ofc the obvious drawback is the CD but it just works for me.

As I said, FE is good, I just don't liek to use it that's why I wrote the extra info in the OP.
Magical Infusion is objectively worse than Funnel Essence. This isn't even a matter of personal preference.

MI can be completely ignored if your target is killed before it procs. In addition, its cooldown is substantially longer than Funnel Essence, making its usage even more situational as a result.

If you want to argue that FE is inferior for a mobile healing spec, that is also problematic. If I'm splitting hairs, I can say that FE's first tick goes off whether you stop moving to cast it or not, and over the course of a MI cooldown, you probably would heal more with only FE's first ticks than the MI itself. Also, and I mean this completely respectfully, if you find you don't have the time while kiting to stop for a short channel of FE, then you need to practice more proactive pre-kiting.

MI's burst is negligible if you can't stop to cast a substantial heal, as well. I've found its best use to be as a tool to keep a focused target alive long enough to cast Boon of Hysh into FE to stop the target from dying. On its own, MI just isn't worth it. Its cost is prohibitive (seriously, 55 AP?), the healing is relatively poor, and it has a chance to be ignored outright if your target is crit or has low max health (since it activates via percentage of player health) and dies before its threshold is reached. To argue that MI is, in any way, superior to FE is laughable.

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:31 pm
by Azarael
Actually, on Live, Wild Healing didn't proc on HoT crits like it does here.

Relevant report.

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:08 pm
by Zeviun
gungnir08 wrote:
Zeviun wrote:Wild healing is OP and has basically 100% uptime which means you never run out of ap.
Actually, on Live, Wild Healing didn't proc on HoT crits like it does here.
This is what I also remember, but in t4 I used to have much higher crit and more ap anyway. So I never paid enough attention to wild healing to be certain how it used to work.

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:25 pm
by bloodi
For every time i thought "man, this healer sucks" while playing am i had another time where Desperation + funnel essence saved someone.

Also why i was so against the proposal of letting AMs cast FE on the move, it would become just way too good.

Anyway, he/shhe never talked about it being better for everyone, just for him/her but as free as she/he is of doing so, so we are of talking **** about it i guess.

Re: [Archmage] dps and healing build

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:02 pm
by Minerva
bloodi wrote: Also why i was so against the proposal of letting AMs cast FE on the move, it would become just way too good.
FE cast on the run would be laughably overpowered.
How anyone came up with this is beyond me :P
gungnir08 wrote: To argue that MI is, in any way, superior to FE is laughable.
Again. Never. Said. That. Read.