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Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:49 am
by wwright72
Torquemadra wrote: I will likely be putting 10% disrupt strikethrough into transference/efficient runecarving.
This would make transference a very serious contender for the 4th slot because not only is transference not bad to start with but this would be the only major way of getting strikethrough while maintaining int cap (other than 3 pce genesis).

And i'm sure the pugs in SCs would enjoy getting some reliable off-heals. :3

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:54 am
by Athergic
Torquemadra wrote:it has, as stated, a 1s icd.

Your itemisation suggests you are bridging between offense and defence, mine is glass cannon. When I place MoM on a target, usually a RP or WP they tend to die soon after, its particularly satisfying to screw over RPs healing on the move, chase, movecast MoM, and snare channel Storm of Ravens. I find it situational perhaps but effective.

Clunky is something it, along with soulfire, is stuck with as cast time cannot be altered at this point.

I will likely be putting 10% disrupt strikethrough into transference/efficient runecarving.
any chance transference will be a little closer down the tree for other dps specs to utilize? or are we going for 1 tree for dps and the others having other functions? Also curious about lashing waves and swirling vortex tactics?

Thank you for your time and hard work :)

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:28 pm
by wwright72
Jaycub wrote: If the tactic where to change spittle from the 40ft large cone AoE to a 65ft small cone AoE like sorc's ice spikes that would make it considerably more easier to apply, but still in danger of things like WL pull/m1, SW/BW RKD etc...
How realistic is this change? Because as it stands Spittle is almost suicide to apply without a dedicated guard, especially if people already want to focus you.

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:33 pm
by Penril
I think it won't happen. It is the only AoE armor debuff in the game, so there should be a HUGE risk when applying it.

As for the Corp debuff, if you really need one, you can always group up with a WAAAGH Black Orc.

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:36 pm
by Collateral
Well for what it' worth, tanks have aoe armour debuff, granted you need a full set of gear (which is not terribly bad for rvr). And some rdps classes will soon get it also. Or maybe I'm completely wrong in how these procs work.

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:43 pm
by Penril
Skills and specs should not be adjusted around gear. It should be the other way around.

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:45 pm
by Collateral
Absolutely not, but I just wanted to correct the 'only aoe armour debuff in the game' part.

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:46 pm
by Jaycub
Collateral wrote:Well for what it' worth, tanks have aoe armour debuff, granted you need a full set of gear (which is not terribly bad for rvr). And some rdps classes will soon get it also. Or maybe I'm completely wrong in how these procs work.
Zealot debuff stacks with everything, making it considerably stronger.

It's not unrealistic to apply at all in small scale rvr/scenarios or while protected in bomb warband in most situations, and it obviously has huge synergy with rift.

I suggest that merely to make it better used outside assisting a rift, or making the usual 6 man playstyle of fighting 6v8+ in rvr more plausible.

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:49 pm
by Collateral
It stacks with other armour debuffs? How come? I thought the only buffs and debuffs that stack are those from morales.

Re: [Zealot] Path of Witchcraft Abilities

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:50 pm
by Penril
Collateral wrote:Absolutely not, but I just wanted to correct the 'only aoe armour debuff in the game' part.
As far as class skills go, it is. Procs from armor sets don't count for balance discussions.