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Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:19 pm
by Parallels66
ah ok, thanks for explaining! makes alot of sense, didnt think about classes like magus etc tbh

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:06 pm
by zij83

- Do you consider this event better than the 1st and the 2nd?

Yes, prior feedback has been listened to and things were adjusted to make this the best event yet.

- Did you notice the feedbacks and suggestions that we implemented from previous [FEEDBACK] -

Twitch Drops threads? Yes

- Do you think having Twitch Drops twice or thrice per year is fair enough?

I think the more you can do this the more hype it generates from the game. If you can continue a once a month pace without something blowing up I'd say go for it, and then sprinkle in special holiday drop events that last maybe 24 hours.

- Is there anything that you find unclear about this event, its process and rewards?



- Did you get all the rewards that were mentioned on the rewards list?

I got most of them/the ones I was interested in.

- Were the guaranteed rewards fair (fixed hours rewards)?


- Were the hours required for these rewards fair?

This round seemed perfect.

- Did the RNG rewards drop often for you?

It felt much better this round than the last having a chance to get more smaller rewards.

- Do you prefer watching more for more hours than relying on your RNG luck? For example, you might get an RNG reward in 10 minutes or in 10 hours.

I like the mixture


- Are the quests challenging enough?


- Are the quests' rewards fair?

Yes, but you gave out invader/royal shards and I'd say you should have just given the medallions instead, even if it worked out to the same amount. You have a branding problem when it comes to shards, it feels like it takes so long to get shards that people hate them.

- Can the quests be more competitive?

I think its fine.


- Have you watched more than one streamer?


- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names here)?


- Do you think you're more inclined to watch RoR streamers after this event?

Yes, I found some new streamers that I'll pop into from time to time.

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:25 pm
by mimsy
Gurf wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:04 am Only criticism was I wish we had a description of the quests on here before sending to our character, as this time the rewards were great but I sent them to the wrong characters so didn't feel it was worth getting them done. If I had known what they were before I would have spend all weekend doing scenarios and rvr on my White Lion as he needs to crests/rewards.
i had the same thing. But overall really enjoyed the twitch drops weekend. Got some gold out of it so I'm happy :)

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:32 pm
by GamesBond
Mnemon wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:02 pm Did the items have a timer? Somebody in Advice said they did. So I probably received them, didn't realize they were in the quests loot and they expired.

Live and learn ;-)
You need to start the quest within 24 hours of claiming it, then you have 7 days to complete that quest.

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Concentrate wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:54 pm Got over 20 drops on the first 2 days, then on the 3rd I received none. Did I max out my rewards?
You need to check the list of rewards that was posted. Rewards do not have a limit until you claim all of them.

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mimsy wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:25 pm
Gurf wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:04 am Only criticism was I wish we had a description of the quests on here before sending to our character, as this time the rewards were great but I sent them to the wrong characters so didn't feel it was worth getting them done. If I had known what they were before I would have spend all weekend doing scenarios and rvr on my White Lion as he needs to crests/rewards.
i had the same thing. But overall really enjoyed the twitch drops weekend. Got some gold out of it so I'm happy :)
We surely will adjust this for next events.

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:58 pm
by Elenori
The lists here don't seem to work well in terms of spacing between items, so let's have a list without lists! Revolution!

Has there been an improvement?
Not having to fetch a streamer to open a door and having no mandatory duels are certainly both great improvements.

How much time is enough?
Maybe one third or fourth of the whole event duration is ok to get all the rewards (provided that the interesting items are not random). I believe we all know how most people "watch" these streams :) Just don't go into the territory of requiring it running day and night.

Are the quests challenging?
They are in the sense that you needed to ask someone about what each quest actually awards (and then, the reward amounts are not shown correctly in the links, creating the impression they only give one item each).
I also heard that the dungeon one counted only in the higher level dungeons. If that's true (couldn't check myself), then it's the only quest where you exclude a lot of lower level players from being able to complete it.

Untimely cancellation
The timed nature of the quests is not stated in any desciption and the items themselves have a different expiration date. This creates a certain amount of confusion. At least please put this in the quest text itself: the authorities consider this task very urgent so it will disappear next Monday at such and such Altdorf time.

How were the rewards?
The RvR quest gave disproportionately less than the other ones, perhaps 20 and 10 whole coins would've been more fair (especially compared to the scenario one).

A game of timers
Timers on mounts are a terrible feature. Not only we cannot select the one we might like (sorry, but I'm just not a rhino person), but ALL of them that are NOT your bog-standard armored horse are limited to one character and that's only for a month, with no way at all to work towards getting one permanently.
Don't you think the game would benefit if people played more characters? They would learn how these different classes work and maybe find a few that suit them. Customization surely plays a huge role in how much one gets attached to a character, and these timers (together with the lack of alternative options) are imposing an immense limit to ways one could add a personal touch. Not to mention the completely unnecessary pressure it creates.
Why don't you have timers on trophies? On pets? On pieces of clothes? Let's also decrease a character's level if a person doesn't play enough. And gradually take away their coins. This sounds a bit on the insane side, right? But then again, in what way are horses that different?

Should these events happen frequently?
Only if it's possible to devise some kind of system that does it mostly automatically, so the team could actually work on the game itself.

Am I going to watch the streamers afterwards?
Let's be frank, I'll maybe watch them for 10 seconds to look at their State of Realm addon (make sure to have it if you want that lengthy viewership!) to see if I would like to play at that time :)

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:31 pm
by wargrimnir
Elenori wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:58 pm Timers on mounts are a terrible feature. Not only we cannot select the one we might like (sorry, but I'm just not a rhino person), but ALL of them that are NOT your bog-standard armored horse are limited to one character and that's only for a month, with no way at all to work towards getting one permanently.
Don't you think the game would benefit if people played more characters? They would learn how these different classes work and maybe find a few that suit them. Customization surely plays a huge role in how much one gets attached to a character, and these timers (together with the lack of alternative options) are imposing an immense limit to ways one could add a personal touch. Not to mention the completely unnecessary pressure it creates.
Why don't you have timers on trophies? On pets? On pieces of clothes? Let's also decrease a character's level if a person doesn't play enough. And gradually take away their coins. This sounds a bit on the insane side, right? But then again, in what way are horses that different?
I answered this on the last page, there are several reasons. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=41426&start=50#p440537

Comparing them to pets and trophies is interesting. There's about 8 unique mounts that are mildly suitable for a special temporary reward. There are hundreds of pets and trophies that work properly and are intended to be collectible.

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:45 am
by Ebonskaith
1: A; No comment, it was also good. (yes I know, that is actually a comment).
B; Did not notice.
C; Quarterly would be good.
D; Not so much.

2: A; I believe so, at least most of them.
B; Yes, Except the RNG rewards. I have Very bad RNG luck, so I didn't get anything but the goggles.
C; Yes.
D; Not at all really.
E; I watched almost the entire time, except for 6hrs sleep per night, and failed to get almost all RNG's. Prefer commitment over luck.

3: Have not completed the quests, however they seems good.

4: A; Yes.
B; No.
C; Yes.

Suggestions: Is it possible to know which side they are streaming before you log into each streamer?
Post the benefits to the game with high numbers on twitch? Some of the streamers mentioned it.
And every streamer I watched was awesome, esp. Fixxer :)
Could the pet be known? So I don't put an Awesome owl on a back corner char :(

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:16 pm
by GamesBond
Ebonskaith wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:45 am B; Yes, Except the RNG rewards. I have Very bad RNG luck, so I didn't get anything but the goggles.
The Goggles have the lowest drop rate between all rewards in all Twitch Drops, that's some nice luck here :lol:

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Ebonskaith wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:45 am Is it possible to know which side they are streaming before you log into each streamer?
Not really, unless they want to manually add it but it's up to the streamers not us.

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Ebonskaith wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:45 am Post the benefits to the game with high numbers on twitch? Some of the streamers mentioned it.
In simple words: Since we do not have an ad budget, and are not allow to commercially advertise the game, Youtube videos and Twitch livestreams are the most successful organic methods the RoR community (the players) could profit from as it brings new players, fresh guilds, etc. - "Organic" means unpaid reach/view. Twitch Drops increase Warhammer Online viewership by 700% to 900% sometimes which puts the game in top 10 MMORPGs on Twitch's main page and increases its suggestions to other viewers who usually watch other MMORPG categories/games. All of that is done for free. Supporting our streamers with viewers is one of the few effective ways to help the community grow.

- - -
Ebonskaith wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:45 am Could the pet be known? So I don't put an Awesome owl on a back corner char :(
Some key rewards we count on to attract people and increase Twitch Drops event participations are the mounts and the pets. In order to know what are they, as a player in this community, you'll have to ask on the forums, in-game, on Reddit, etc. which also increases the awareness of the event and we go back to the initial circle.

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:27 pm
by TimoTimeYoutube
GamesBond wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:15 pm
TimoTimeYoutube wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:55 pm - Is there anything that you find unclear about this event, its process and rewards?
When you can no longer receive rewards
We mentioned tens of times that you always keep on getting rewards, or potential have a chance to get rewards (RNG). You only stop receiving rewards when you have had all the rewards mentioned dropped for you. This information can also be found on Twitch's website, under Frequently Asked Questions.

I'm sorry that I understood it differently, maybe you noticed that my English is not exactly good? Maybe that's why I am annoyed by the German streamer streaming in English ...
I'm sorry for the mistake of misunderstanding.

Re: [FEEDBACK] - 3rd Twitch Drops event

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:59 pm
by Telo
@Gamesbond I DM'd you the screenshots you requested