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Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:39 am
by Azarael
[RvR Campaign]


Hopefully fixed an issue causing Battlefield Objectives never to remove the "assaulting" realm during the Contested state, rendering them unable to be interacted with.

This is a partial push of the next RvR state. In this build, only battlefield objective reward / kill reward / contribution changes are live. The previous systems are not linear and are subject to a battery of checks and scalers, so their output will vary with battlefield conditions. Again - expect bugs and other such "fun".

After looking at some of the scalers for RvR kill rewards, it became apparent that in almost all cases, these scalers would result in giving the same RP rewards as live, even with the -75% renown nerf. The scalers have been tweaked, and will no longer stack with the XP and RP bonuses from Field of Glory and BO/Keep proximity.. The renown nerf has been reduced to -50%.

The Field of Glory buff is now applied.


Reworked the area Maps for all Tier 4 and Tier 1 zones.
- Safe travel for PvE players: They can now cross every Bridge, that connects PvE Areas with each other, in all tier 4 zones without getting flagged for RvR.
- Moved all Lakes in tier 4/tier 1: No Warcamp is located within a lake any longer. Respawning players won't get flagged for RvR anymore. RvR Lakes are much more precise now.
- Corrected various issues with tier 4 RvR lakes, which would result in players being unflagged in certain areas like Bloodmon Hole.
- Corrected several mistakes in tier 4 and tier 1 PvE areas, which would result in falsely displayed area names.



- Added a 'Win the Scenario' quest for each Scenario currently implemented on RoR.
- Added a specialised War NPC to grant these quests, in every Scenario currently available.

[Other changes]


The Auction House is now taxed at 10%.


- Fixed the armor type of Regimental Garb (blackguard starter armor) so it can be used for appearance.
- Amended the Noteworthy Person unlocks for Empire chapter 7 to 10 Rally Masters.


Added blues and purple drops to PVP kills

Tchar'zanek, displeased with the petty brawling within the arena, has summoned more competent combatants to meet any challengers

[Addressed tickets]


- [7641] ToK: 1,000 Empire kills now properly awards the kill trophy ribbon.
- [7685] World: Ironrock Tower in Barak Varr is now accessible by a fixed door.
- [7646] Item: Tempest-Rider's Crusher stats fixed.
- [7667] Item: Thickmuck Squignoggin talisman slot added.
- [7656] Quest: Recipe for Disaster hand-in text fixed.
- [7664] Quest: Clearin' Da Way multiple objectives added.
- [7702] Quest: Alive and Well objective fixed.
- [7642] Quest: On Da Right Track objective fixed.
- [7692] Quest: Show of Power and Promise of Power completion texts fixed.
- [7720] Quest: Test of Loyalty repeatable dye quest fixed.
- [7721] Quest: Striking the Source repeatable dye quest fixed.
- [7723] Quest: Stout and Bitter objective fixed.
- [7722] Quest: Bittestone is Better Stone repeatable dye quest fixed.
- [7637] NPC: Gazrog Beardrippa double spawn removed.
- [7655] NPC: Nobwort triple spawn removed.
- [7663] NPC: Angry Nogaz triple spawn removed.
- [7660] NPC: Dungni Fjornsson double spawn removed.
- [7690] NPC: Brother Matthias double spawn removed.
- [7689] NPC: Thardrik Beardrouser subtype fixed.
- [7676] NPC: Oathbearer Gunner levels fixed in Mount Bloodhorn.
- [7713] NPC: Made a separate entry for the Griffon Grimwing in Eataine.
- [7636] NPC: Blacktoof Choppas animations and levels fixed.


[7648] Reduced the bias a tiny bit.
[7684][7682][7679][7677][7675][7685][7674] Removed Doublespawn.

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:43 am
by arnagob
Wonderful ! Thank you for great job as always

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:44 am
by DokB

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:46 am
by Jail
Amazing patch!

Thanks :)

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:01 am
by Jaycub
RIP arena farming

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:05 am
by Panzerkasper
Do these SC Quests reward something special or just xp/money?

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:28 am
by geezereur
Some really nice changes, thanks.

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:33 am
by Combi
Azarael wrote: - Added a 'Win the Scenario' quest for each Scenario currently implemented on RoR.
- Added a specialised War NPC to grant these quests, in every Scenario currently available.
Where can we find this NPC please?

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:36 am
by saupreusse
Crap. Forgot to upload these area reworks. :S sry...

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:44 am
by Razielhell
Great work #Rorteam!
Especially saupr and Torque*