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email got me back

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:11 am
by FrangBentwrench
So I was a huge fan of WAR back in the day and a while ago learned about ROR how ever I had issues with getting it to work so I gave up. I then got an email that got so many it seems to come back and decided lets try again so after a few hours of working on it I am happy to say I am back baby.

I am playing a RP for right now for some reason this is one of the only mmos I like healing in. had a fun first night last night in T1 and I am about to start up for the morning. I am a NA player but having no life I play with a lot of EU people in games. Name is Baffle in case you see me or have a guild you think I may want to join. But for now I am content with healing T1.

Bit about my WAR history I played from early beta back in the day as a engi in an all dwarf guild named none other then frang bentwrench. I got to RR 60 some odd before I stopped playing had a keg in my beard and like to shoot orcs.

Anyway I am done rambling time to go do some RVR.

Re: email got me back

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:53 am
by Achilleos
Welcome back to the most MMO in the history of MMO. ;)

I hope you exaggerated when saying you needed a couple hours work to make it work... it isn't that difficult, really. ;)

Whatever! Enjoy your stay and have my gratitude for rolling a healer on Order side... we have too few. ;)

Re: email got me back

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:08 pm
by Shalktonin
Welcome back and i could say something witty here about joining the ranks of the healers on order but I couldn't come up with anything. Have fun and don't let the downers get to you.

Re: email got me back

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:27 pm
by Jakeman
oh fancy meeting u here baffle

Re: email got me back

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:07 am
by StormX2
welcome back!