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[Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:55 am
by andersensnorre
So I'm new to RoR (played back on live when I was a kid) and now that I've found this nostalgic dream of a server, I want to try out some Magus gameplay. I'm not familiar with their builds other than a couple of reads (riftbot build and some hybrids of changing/havoc).

The style of gameplay I'll be doing for a long time is probably going to be pugging as I have to level up before finding some guild to have fun with. I wouldn't mind a build that can do 1v1s but I am aware the game is about teamplay and such, which is why I would prefer something that would help out the teams I'd eventually be placed in (Whether it be in SCs or good ol' RVR).

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:00 am
by TheSockPuppet
The magus can't work at all in 6v6 (right now), however in organized (or not) 24v24 you could go riftbot, here's a build - Magus
Blue Demon on close quarters pulls, Pink one for "snipes" (blue is the optimal one...but the snipes,man...the pink is also very cute and you should most definitely use it), pop Aegis, pull, Glean Magic (it should affect everyone you have pulled), Pandemonium + Agonizing Torrent (Both should be in 0,5 sec cast time), Infernal Blast, then close your eyes, imagine those poor sods that are standing right infront of you are japanese schoolgirls, you are a rather large octopus and you are in the middle of shooting a hardcore tentacle hentai, connect your chakras, open your ki, spam the living tzeentchdamn **** out of your tentacle spanking button and then open your eyes again to witness 6 corpses standing on your feet (or 6 people standing over your corpse, or no corpses at all, it happens). Extra points for having a chosen tank with res aura guarding you and an AoE build Sorc with you, go full INT and crit because you are not a filthy midget.

Magi can actually solo roam and even emerge out of close quarter combat with mdps alive, however you will need a clever application of your CCs, an extremely accurate timing of your abilities, a liberal usage of pots, a lot of RR, and lot's of wounds to achieve victory. Here's one such build - Magus
The key here is mobility (don't use the flamer however, use our pink friend instead, the pink one is kawaii as ****), cc and dots, Lot's and lot's and lot's of DoTs, due to the nature of the build and dueling in general, describing what you have to do in each situation would require me to write a novel, so i will just leave that to your imagination, however by the time you reach the required rr to pull that build off YOU WILL know EXACTLY what to do out of the sheer experience you have accumulated so far.

Finally, i suppose i should mention the good ol' fashioned default vanilla ST Havoc cookiecutter in the missionary position without double latte or cookies that is used in every other situation - Magus
Not the most viable or powerful build out of there, but it gets the job done...most of the time...i suppose you know the drill, Baleful->Withering->Glean->BoC->SoI->SVF->IFoC, you build int and crit. Also use the pink one obviously. Pink one best girl. I waifu the pink one. I swear to Tzeentch that if a baka gaijin in this Tzeentchdamn thread disses my waifu i am going to get very, very mad(der).

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:55 am
by andersensnorre
So I am thinking I'll do the cookiecutter for leveling till I get enough points for some Riftbot fun. Thanks for the very informal (and hilarious) answer!

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:53 am
by SilverWF
For pugging, this build works just fine at sieges and most scenarios.
Magus - DOTter
It provides just an extremely high AOE pressure.

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:56 am
by peterthepan3
if you want the best build for killing single targets, then get Bolt of Change, Perils of the Warp, Firestorm and Indigo Fire of Change. Don't bother getting Change reach tactic atm: 90% of your rotation will be havoc-based DD/dots, and Firestorm is too good not to have right now (snare component/castable on move/speccing this high also increases your BOC/POTW/SVF crits)

Tactics Surging Power and Chaos Unleashed (mandatory), Endless Knowledge, the last can either be Withered Soul for guaranteed big crits/group play or instapet if you're running around solo/rvr.

Silver's build is good for pugging, too.

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:26 pm
by Nidwin
It's always a personal choice but I normally don't pass on taking the Lasting Chaos tactic and have at least one tactic range with it in it.

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:46 pm
by SilverWF
Nidwin wrote:Lasting Chaos tactic
Was wonder: is it still works for "everyone" or only for groupmembers (like they made with Engi's keg)?

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:48 pm
by footpatrol2
It is everyone. Lasting chaos/extra ammo tactic is highly underrated. It is a extremely powerful tactic especially in warband play.

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:14 pm
by peterthepan3
good for pve, situational use for WB (perhaps in keep siege/defenses/chokepoints), can't see myself using it for a ST spec as you'd miss out on a vital tactic and you should be able to help AP issues with double pot/bl jewel/zealot ritual. to each their own.

Re: [Magus] Looking for THE build

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:10 pm
by andersensnorre
Hey so I was wondering what RR traits I should run, I was thinking Wounds, INT and maybe some reduced in being crit.