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[RP/ZL] Active Component of Runes and Marks

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:33 pm
by Tenab
Identify the issue:
One of the two RP/ZL mechanics are their buff Runes/Marks. While the buffs are somewhat useful (mostly the initiative buff), the active component is rather lackluster.

Explain why it is an issue:
For class identification it is beneficial to have class mechanics such as these Runes/Marks to have some impact. Further with a large cooldown of 60 seconds the active component of the runes/marks are pretty useless, making the mechanic not much more than just a buff.

The active abilities of the marks/runes are pretty basic abilities that even with no cooldown would not really be considered overpowered. To integrate the active component of Runes/Marks more into play of dps RP/ZL I propose to reduce the cooldown of these active abilities for the RP/ZL themselves to 10 seconds. This will give dps RP/ZL a little bit more damaging tools which they can definitely use.

Re: [RP/ZL] Active Component of Runes and Marks

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:00 pm
by peterthepan3
I think DPS Zealot is in a good place at the moment. DPS RP could do with some love - for sure - but instead of an overhaul of the mark system, i.e. having the marks on a shorter CD just for the zealot/RP seems a bit...odd, I would suggest alternative ideas that would increase their potency.

As to whether or not the marks could do with an overhaul? You may have a point, as their active abilities are (as you said) largely underused. However: if the proposal is done with the intent of making the DPS RP/Zealot more viable, I am going to decline it simply because I think there are more creative/viable ideas players such as yourself could conjure up.

Declined for now.