this is the extended “How to install” Return of Reckoning guide.
Yes, it’s a long guide, but I want to explain really everything to avoid any possible issues.
If you find a mistake or you have a really nice idea, please poke me on the RoR discord (link in my signature).
To the official RoR Join us! page
What's your OS?
This guide will explain the install for windows operating system, if you are using Linux or Mac, please check these guides:
+ Linux viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35023
+ MacOS via Crossover viewtopic.php?f=4&t=43040
Mac users can use bootcamp aswell.
You have still questions or issues?
+ Join the official RoR discord: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22044
+ Or check the Technical Advice forum: viewforum.php?f=4
+ Jump to the Install Troubleshooting post

How to Download the Game Files
!!! Before you start the download process and the installation process, disable your Antivirus, Firewall and your Malware detection programs.
These can potentially interfere with an install. If you are using Kaspersky or a similar program, check also your Windows Defender, even if you think it’s disabled.
If you don't manage your antivirus, eventually a client update will come along and critically break the game for you. Do not ignore this, we see it all the time.
Why should you do this?

Recently we added the possibility to download the game files via WeTransfer.
Please follow the steps on their page to download the game.
If you're done, please follow our guide at point "Whats inside the ReturnOfReckoning folder?"
For more information please check our Join Us site.
Downloading the Game via Torrent
1 // We recommend to download the game via torrent. Never used a torrent? We recommend Tixati (it's ad-free):

Tixati-Torrent guide
1 // Open the Torrent and drag & drop the ReturnOfReckoning-Oct2021.torrent file.
2 // At the “Local Files Location” you can switch the destination of your download folder. If you press “Start” Tixati will start the download.
3 // If you forgot the current destination of your download. Right click > Local Files > Open Folder will show your download.
4 // Now wait until it's finished. Maybe enjoy some memes or drink a cup of coffee/tea.
5 // If it’s done stop your Torrent from seeding.
Whats inside the ReturnOfReckoning folder?

Content of the downloaded ReturnOfReckoning folder
// DirectX 9.0c is the required Directx9 version for RoR.
- !!! Even if you already have Directx12 or so, you have to install it. Just open the folder and run the DXSETUP.exe !!!
// Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning
- This folder contains all game files and is required for the following installation process.
Directory Rights
1 //
MOVE THE Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning FOLDER OUT OF THE ReturnOfReckoning-september2022 FOLDER AND MOVE THE Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning FOLDER TO:
- c:\ for instance move it to c:\Games
- but NOT inside c:\ Program Files; it should be in a folder which it has write access!

2 // Remove the write-protection from ALL files inside the Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning folder.
- Right click Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning folder > properties > disable the read-only box and apply it to all files.
- The important thing is that all files inside have been unchecked Read-only atleast once.
- Don't worry if the box still looks filled afterward (it's a visual bug from windows).
Antivirus, Firewall, or Malware detection programs
1 // Check that your whole Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning folder is whitelisted in your Antivirus (*Windows Defender*) program.
2 // Check if your Firewall or Maleware detection program doesn't interfere with the install.
Inside the Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning folder

your Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning folder should look like this
TORRENT DOWNLOAD - Please, replace the RoRLauncher.exe
The Install
1 // Run the RoRLauncher.exe
2 // Let it update.
- Sometimes it takes a few seconds until the update starts.
- If it's around 70k files or 170k files. Stop the update. Something went wrong!
3 // Start the game until you reach the character selection and close the Game + Launcher again.
4 // Open again the Launcher, wait 5 seconds. Now the game should be ready!
5 // Additional switch the launcher to the 32-bit version to avoid weird animation bugs.

- Click the gearwheel in the right upper corner
- Choose the "32 Bit" option
- Save
6 // Just start the game and enjoy!