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A guide to submitting reports

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:50 pm
by Kaelang

You can locate the official bugtracker by heading here At this time, we have a large amount of Open Issues. This being said, some of these are duplicates, some of these are dated, and some of these may already be fixed in recent patches. I am actively working through all reports on this tracker to organise, clean and optimise the efficiency of the tracker.


General Information & Guidelines

To support the efforts made by the team, there's a few notes I would like to address before moving into the 'How to submit a report' portion of this thread.

1. The bugtracker is the hub for live reports in RoR. If you identify a bug in-game, and want to report this to the team, please make sure you are using the bugtracker link listed in this thread, or at the top of the webpage. The forums is not the place to report bugs and could risk the report being lost in the abyss.

2. If you are looking to report multiple bugs, please make sure you open separate tickets for individual issues. This helps when it comes to assigning the development team to the relevant issues. If you have what looks to be a DB issue, as well as a dungeon issue, a loot issue, and a city issue. I need to assign each of these to individual members of the team.

3. When submitting a report, please include as much information as possible. The template (which I will go into shortly) needs to be filled out. Sometimes the information requested may seem excessive, however without details on the issue it will be difficult for the team to replicate the issue and look to work on a fix.

4. Please make sure you search the Github prior to submitting a report to ensure that you are not duplicating any reports. More than likely I will be able to spot a duplicate and will close the report shortly thereafter. That being said, save yourself time (and me!) by looking first.


How to use Github to report bugs.

Creating your account.

To report issues to the Bugtracker, you will need to create a Github account. This is free to do, and you can access the Register page here:
Accessing the official RoR Bugtracker.

Once you have logged into your account. Click this link to visit the official Bugtracker.
Searching for a Bug Report.

Once you are looking at the bugtracker, you will see a small search bar at the top which should have "is:open <blank>". Here you can type a description of the bug you are looking to report, to identify if there are any open issues. For example "Death by fall damage".

Once you have finished typing the search, simply press Enter and you will see the following.


As you can see, there are no live reports which match the description that you have used for your upcoming bug report. From here, you can now look to see if any have been reported previously, but have been closed. From the image above, you can see that there are 3 Issues that in some way hold the term 'Death by fall damage'. however are closed.

Simply click the '3 Closed' tab to see what they are.


From here, you can now select any of the three reports to find out more information about what was reported and what the response was from members of the RoR team.

If you still cannot see any relation to the bug that you are looking to report - move to the next step and get it reported!

Posting a new Bug Report.

You've made your account, you've checked to see if there's already a report, and you're confident that this is a unique report. Here's the fun part!

Where you previously searched for a duplicate report, you should see the icon 'New Issue'.


Selecting this option will bring up the following screen:


When you have verified that this report is actually a Bug, and not related to any of the other options listed - Select 'Get Started' and you should see the following screen:


From here, you are now able to fill in your very own Bug Report. Please make sure you are following the template, and reviewing all information that is provided.


Once you have filled in the information relating to your report - you can add Screenshots / Video's as evidence. You print screen and paste directly into the report and it will upload the image for you. Alternatively, you can save an image file, and drag and drop the image into the report.

Once you are happy with your report, you can remove the bracketed information and look to "Submit new issue".


Congratulations, you have now submitted your very own Bug Report!

From here - I'll be able to review, test and assign this report to the development team.


I appreciate you guys reading through this guide to understand the Bugtracker a little more. If you have any questions or concerns related to the usage of the Bugtracker, you're welcome to PM me through the Official RoR Discord, the Forums, or if you can... catch me in-game. Destro pride!
