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Played live WAR and DAOC, checking in

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:47 pm
by Bulwyf
I played Warhammer Online from start to finish and with the server merges I can't for the life of me remember what the final server was called. I played both sides and had a blast playing the live game. I was on DAOC from start to end of my original server Tristan on Midgard as a complete underdog with the 2nd largest population imbalance on old Daoc.

My wife and I played both and are checking in on this game. I have lost touch with my former guidies in live WAR. I was in Dragons of Eternity on Order at the end and my Destro guild kinda quit when the game closure was announced. We'd like to play with old friends if possible and if not we're looking to make new friends.

I really appreciate the work the devs have done in keeping this great game alive. I am a huge Warhammer fantasy fan going to back 1986 and this was my favorite MMO as a result. Hope to see you guys and gals in game!

Re: Played live WAR and DAOC, checking in

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:51 am
by wargrimnir
You ended up on Badlands server probably. Welcome home. There's a handful of distiguished gentlemen hanging around here from the big guilds back in the day.

Re: Played live WAR and DAOC, checking in

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:05 pm
by Bulwyf
You could very well be correct. I also remember Volkmar as a server I was on as well previously.

Regardless, thank you for the welcome. My wife and I played last night and had a blast. I had forgotten just how much I missed this game. I know for legal reasons we can't donate or patreon to help on server costs but I wish I could.