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Help with Marauder

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:23 pm
by havartii
I am rank 35 now and really don't seem to do much damage compared to other melee classes. I was really hoping it would get better by now. Any tips? Or is this class just garbage?

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:30 pm
by Grock
Are you struggling in T2-T3 scenarios, or in actual open RvR? Coz in oRvR you aren't gonna be doing much until at least conq/bl double/triple mix

I can't help much with specifics of mara, especially since you didn't give any details, but in general you wanna use Brute Force, make sure you have talisman slots filled and RR points spent. For RR i suppose you want str/crit or crit/parry if your goal is damage.

For mastery build maybe you could go something like this: ... ,5187,5196
Armor debuff to soften targets and strong crits to secure kills

And yeah just in case - make sure you aren't hitting guarded/detaunting target :)

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:43 pm
by havartii
I have 3 piece mercenary (53 str) 2 piece ruin (47 str) It's the best I can do till full merc. Everything slotted with str tallies (14's is all I want to spend for throw away gear) I do spec str/crit /parry in rr points. I use my dots in sav switch to brute and only aoe for pressure. I really don't want to spend any more time on it if it is just underperforming all the way to end game. I would rather just be told the truth and re roll a better class tbh. Maybe there is something I'm missing?

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:57 pm
by Pandastyle
Others may tell you otherwise...and this is my personal opinion:

Mara is not garbage, its in a good spot right now balance wise. Yes it gets better with better gear and renown and yes it can be frustrating but that is the case with every dps imo. As a dps you stand and fall with your grp. Get a tank and a healer and then reevaluate.

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:04 pm
by havartii
It's kida sad when a tank can do more damage than a dps class in sc. sure they live longer and that has something to do with it. But on my choppa or squig I can be top every other sc. With the skill involved to actually play your class rather than spam a couple buttons, you think it would be a little more rewarding?

I do appreciate your input but that build with those tactics seems to rely on having a lot of crit. 2 tactics are crit based and with 45 renown and gear that only gives a few % . I can't see it working for my lvl.

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 9:07 pm
by Grock
havartii wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:04 pm It's kida sad when a tank can do more damage than a dps class in sc. sure they live longer and that has something to do with it. But on my choppa or squig I can be top every other sc. With the skill involved to actually play your class rather than spam a couple buttons, you think it would be a little more rewarding?

I do appreciate your input but that build with those tactics seems to rely on having a lot of crit. 2 tactics are crit based and with 45 renown and gear that only gives a few % . I can't see it working for my lvl.
Don't forget that people in mid tier usually have low initiative and very low inc crit reduction from rr/gear, your actual crit chance in T2-T3 scenarios should be pretty high - +10-20% on top of what you get from gear/rr/tactics, and in case of Mara you can get two guaranteed crits (Gut Ripper, Guiltotine) on top of strong core tactics for crit (deeply impaled + feeding on fear)

In T4, especially at high RR everyone goes 2-3 Futile Strikes + pretty good initiative thanks to Bloodlord weapons and some other pieces, meaning you often hitting enemies with 0% incoming crit and rely only on the bonuses you get from gear/rr/tactics

Another important nuance that you might be missing if you are a new player is you need Buffhead addon (with settings preset) to track and see Guards, Detaunts, Challenges, Bellows and other damage reducing effects, in order to know when you can apply your burst and when you should switch target or wait for better moment.

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:30 pm
by Pandastyle
well tbh then play another class...even with low rr you should be at least top3 dps if you are a r35 mara in t2/3 sc's. It has a high skill cap but imo thats what it makes it have to do more than to smash just two bottons to get that imba dps but its also more rewarding imo (careful the "mara is a two botton OP class"-plebs are maybe inc now). And yes ofc the beginnings of T4 are rough...but the transition from t2/3 to t4 is rough for everyone...imagine being a 40/45 tank...the one day you face lvl20 dps and the next day you get *****d by rr8x dps in full sov...

//edit: I read so much about other classes and how to get them to at least rr60 conq/vanq/inv before judging yeah thats the advice I give you...

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:18 am
by Sofong
just play other dps u will be alot happier

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:44 am
by XsorrowerX
I haven't leveled a mara very high, but they seem pretty beastly at high RR and the gear to support them. However, this pretty much applies to all melee dps classes. It's pretty rough until you get the gear and experience. Mara seems like one of those classes with good potential, but you have to learn how/when to swap stances, etc.

Re: Help with Marauder

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:32 am
by agemennon675
I didnt have a single scenario getting top dps while leveling my marauder be it in sav or brut, the moment you get wrecking ball no one can outdps you