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Installing error

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:25 pm
by Sqandwich
so i installed the game, added to the whitelist and i still get this messege and cant run the game from the launcher

Error: System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadUInt32()
at WarZoneLib.MYP.MFTHeader.g4Y0iZjZoPDHBG8M6pK(Object )
at WarZoneLib.MYP.MFTHeader.Load(BinaryReader reader)
at WarZoneLib.MYP.ycSXwlbNRwQKfaSJWu(Object , Object )
at WarZoneLib.MYP..ctor(String fileName, FileAccess access)
at WarZoneLib.MYPManager.Get(MythicPackage archive)
at RoRLauncher.Client.gGUhKmcY0MwYwiWiANN(MythicPackage archive)
at RoRLauncher.Client.Handle(PacketIn packet)
at RoRLauncher.Client.uVm3RMckDq5gW3822Li(Object )
at RoRLauncher.Client.OnReceive(PacketIn packet)
at RoRLauncher.Client.sQFFQNc4xaG4Xv8fcHj(Object )
at RoRLauncher.Client.tkeprHWAcH(Object )