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[Open RVR][AAO] make AAO more aggressive to provide an anti zerg mechanic

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:55 am
by b00n

i want to propose a change on AAO. I would drop the linear approach and move to an approach which reaches it's maximum at 100% AAO. Why? Because a AAO of 100% states that you already heavily outnumbered... To encourage more revolting against this, i suggest a more aggressive climb of AAO effects.

Change the AAO to be not linear. While this is could be already enough incentive, an additional change could be to also drop Wartorn Apathy

Goal: Give more incentives to actively fight against the "zerging" side


formula (x is old AAO):
-160/9 + (1343 min(100,x))/270 - (733 min(100,x)^2)/5400 + (89 min(100,x)^3)/54000 - min(100,x)^4/270000

Wolframalpha link

Yes this would need to have a minimum of players to kick in, to avoid abusal especially with the new AAO delayed determination.


Re: [Open RVR][AAO] make AAO more aggressive to provide an anti zerg mechanic

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:22 am
by Cyrylius
Now, i can understand the formulas and idea, but how making AAO cap at 100 could make zerging less frequent? 100% AAO situations offer more possibilities than 200, 300 and 400 AAO zones so its obvious they should give less renown. on the other hand, 400% AAO is here to make anyone come to the zone, and more players will flock to 400 than to 100 AAO zone. So, once again, i see no point in capping it, when it serves its purpose pretty well.

Re: [Open RVR][AAO] make AAO more aggressive to provide an anti zerg mechanic

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:55 am
by b00n
Cyrylius wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:22 am Now, i can understand the formulas and idea, but how making AAO cap at 100 could make zerging less frequent? 100% AAO situations offer more possibilities than 200, 300 and 400 AAO zones so its obvious they should give less renown. on the other hand, 400% AAO is here to make anyone come to the zone, and more players will flock to 400 than to 100 AAO zone. So, once again, i see no point in capping it, when it serves its purpose pretty well.
no, maybe i need to add somehow the axis description, X= Old AAO, Y = New AAO, and for example it means on old 100% AAO you have actually 400% AAO with this new formula

Re: [Open RVR][AAO] make AAO more aggressive to provide an anti zerg mechanic

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:20 pm
by Cyrylius
Make the change half of what it is, so that 200=400 IMO. Other than that i like the idea, though general rule is the more players in the zone the less visible the AAO is. and the current system was based on 100+ pop zones.