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Finding and moving folders on Chromebook Help

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:34 am
by GrishnakBlagtoof
So, I'll try and keep this short....we have everything installed and ready to go on my wife's Chromebook. It all works....only ONE problem....CrossOver can't seem find where the WAR folder is in Chromebook>Downloads...

So we can't find it no matter what, believe me we've tried....
So we figure, let's take the folder from the Downloads folder and MOVE into the NEW C drive we made that has the program folder just waiting? Can't figure out how to get the folder out of Downloads TO Program Folders....and we've tried everything....but there HAS to be a way to get something out of the stupid Downloads folder in Chromebook into other folders on it!!!

Anyone that has experience with Chromebooks, please let me know if you know how to do this. It's the last step to getting her back into Warhammer!

Re: Finding and moving folders on Chromebook Help

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:46 am
by Secrets ... rs-146915/

If it's on a virtualized C drive, you have to consult the CrossOver manual on where the files are stored for virtual drives. On Mac it's at:
~/Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games/Bottles

so I imagine something similar for Chromebooks is in the user's home directory.