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RoR abbreviations list

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 5:41 pm
by NSKaneda

RoR - Return of Reckoning
WAR - Warhammer Age of Reckoning
orvr - open realm vs realm
lakes - pvp zones
bo - battlefield objective
wb - warband
sc - scenario
pq - public quest
aao - against all odds
aoe - area of effect
hot - heal over time
dot - damage over time
T1-4 - Tier 1-4
SoR - State of Realm
AP - Action Points
gcd - global cooldown
lvl - level (as in: character level)
rr - renown rank (as in: pvp level, whole game revolves around it. RR > LVL)


Alt - Altdorf
KaK - Karaz'a'Karak
IC - Inevitable City
K8P - Karak Eight Peaks

MB - Mount Bloodhorn
MoM - Marshes of Madness
BV - Barak Varr
BFP - Black Fire Pass
BL - Badlands
KV - Kadrin Valley
TM - Thunder Mountain
BC - Black Crag

Nord - Nordland
Ost - Ostland
TC - Troll Country
Tala - Talabec
HP - High Pass
Reik - Reikland
CW - Chaos Wastes

BI - Blighted Isle
Ave - Avelorn
Saph - Saphery
Ea - Eataine
DW - Dragon Wake
Cal - Caledor

Then there are BOs in the zones but you can hover mouse over your SoR (state of realm) to see which one is which.


AM - Arch Mage
SM - Sword Master
SW - Shadow Warrior
WL - White Lion

RP - Rune Priest
IB - IronBreaker
ENG - Engineer
SLA - Slayer

WP - Warrior Priest
KOTBS - Knight of the Blazing Sun
BW - Bright Wizard
WH - Witch Hunter

SHM - Shaman
BO - Black Ork
SH - Squig Herder
CHP - Choppa

DoK - Disciple of Khaine
BG - Black Guard
Sorc - Sorcerer
WE - Witch Elf

Zeal - Zealot
CH - Chosen
Mag - Magus
Mara - Marauder


Sac - Sacellum (16+)
GB - Gunbad (36ish+)
HV - Hunter's Vale (40)
CnT - Crypts and Tunnels (40)
BB/BE - Bilerot Burrows / Bloodwrought Enclave (40)
BS - Bastion Stairs (40)


LV - Lost Vale
TOVL - Tomb of the Vulture Lord

Armour sets

deci - decimator
brag - braggart
obli/oblit - obliterator
dev/deva - devastator
anni - annihilator
merc - mercenary
conq - conqueror
dom/domi - dominator
vanq - vanquisher
opp - oppressor
inv - invader
bl - beastlord (or bloodlord 😉 )
war/warl/wrl - warlord
sov - sovereign


S - Strength
T - Toughness
WS - Weapon Skill
BS - Ballistic Skill
Int - Intelligence
WP - Willpower
Ini - Initiative
W - Wounds
D&D - Dodge&Disrupt (deft defender, anti range)
FS - Futile Strikes (anti crit)


FOTG - Fury of the Green
GTDC - Get to da Choppa
WW - Whispering Winds
EoV - Energy of Vaul


snb - sword and board (shield tank)
2h - twohander
dual - dual wield
rdps - range dps (damage per second)
mdps - melee dps
hybrid - nerfed out of the game (dps healer build that focuses on healing)
xrealm - playing one side to the benefit of the other (i.e. pushing zone on one side and switching to farm in fort)


Useful commands

/assist - assist selected friendly player (get his target, has effective range)
/rel - reload ui
/log - logout
/q - quit
/leave - leave party
/follow - follow selected friendly
/partyresetinstance - reset instance
/petname name - give your lion a name

/1 - region chat
/2 - region pvp chat (only readable to those in the lakes)
/3 - general
/4 - trade channel
/5 - looking for group
/6 - misc / offtopic
/7 - roleplaying channel
/8 - russian channel
/9 - addon spam
/ad - advice channel
/g - guild channel
/a - alliance channel
/p - party channel
/wb - warband channel
/sc - scenario channel
/s - say channel
/sh - shout channel
/e - emote channel
/t1 - tier 1 rvr coordination chat
/t2 - tier 2 rvr coordination chat
/t3 - tier 3 rvr coordination chat
/t4 - tier 4 rvr coordination chat
/w name - whisper player

/time - local server time
/help - list of all /commands
/stuck - logout and move
/stuck /stuck - aka double stuck - teleports to starter area

.u - small jump to unstuck
.changename - change name, logout, click button
.getstats - get list of your stats (target self, do .getstats)
.guildchangename - allows a guild leader to rename the guild for a cost of 1000 gold deducted from the Guild vault
.lockouts - check lockouts

this script shows you all chat channels (copy and paste):

Code: Select all

/script for k,v in pairs(ChatSettings.ChannelSwitches) do CHAT_DEBUG(ChatSettings.ChannelSwitches[k].replacement..L" = "..ChatSettings.ChannelSwitches[k].commands)end
shift + ↑ - last typed msg in chat, can scroll up and down