Destro WB vs WB play in primetime dominates thoroughly (sometimes) for a few good reasons. Cohesion, communication, intuition, and warband maneuvering that plays to Destro strengths in a given RvR Lake. It is no surprise that despite lower numbers you sometimes see Destro respectably stomp on Order WBs during high pop hours. Order's marging of error is less than it is for Destro, in general, so they grow overconfident from it (vets/newbies). This makes them more prone to either ignore WB strategies and compositions or just haphazardly crash against warbands with poor/exposed positioning, which is critical for their heavy range-favored realm.Paxsanarion wrote: ↑Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:23 pm Very interesting I suppose I must apologize for my misstatement as it does appear that order out numbers Destro in the ways that matter in regards to PVP. I was basing my statement on what I saw in game as far as population percentage during the times that I normally play perhaps overall this is not the case.
So badly lead and/or composed Order WBs will get punished for not respecting Choppa Pulls (melee trains) and cooldown decreasers (Choppa being a mandatory class for effective endgame RvR/city fight success). W/o the right Destro leadership that respects/manages party compositions and good party tanks to mitigate said over-exposed Choppa/Melee front and mid-line... it all falls apart. Bad tanking hurts Destro more here, because of how much they need to mitigate to prevent healer exhaustion/overstress from the significant burst DPS (unavoidable) Order puts out on melee fronts due to "certain" class tactics, abilities, and broken synergies (high success w/ lower investments than Destro mirror), but I won't mention which here.
It's no mystery to anyone who leads warbands on BOTH realms that you HAVE to play a tighter ship on Destro to face off against the roaming Order Guild WBs, which are damn near invincible with the best comps and highly successful with good comps and a leadership with a pulse. But luckily Destro tanks have a popularity that Order, occasionally, lacks, which can make up the deficit in WB vs WB play. This concludes my tedtalk.