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My WAR times

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:37 am
by nexis72
I am not new to War. I have start playing back in 2010. But lets take the story from the beginning. Since always i liked gaming. Back in 1990 i was playing my first Computer games. During my gaming career and before WAR i have imagined what game would have been the best for me. The game i have imagined was something similar to the WAR. And at 2010 i was introduced to WAR by a friend of mine. I was shocked. The game of my imagination was existing. And it was much better than I have imagined. I got really obsessed with WAR. I have stopped all hobys and gave all my energy and free time to WAR. At that time and till the end of the live, WAR was my home. I really would say that i was happy. I had my WAR friends, my guild, people were waiting for me to log in so we can start a party to go out and fight. Amazing times. My real life was not really progressing but who cared.. I was happy. At that time I felt guilty that I was exaggerating how much I was playing and it was really a lot. Average i was planning 8 hours par day. And at the same time working. No need to say that I was sleeping less than 8 hours per day. Anyway the time was passing nicely... At some time I was tempted to play some other MMORPG. Since i liked so much WAR a new game maybe would have been even more fun I have thought. Mistake. Lost time. I was borred with every other game and always i was returning to WAR. Well everything was fine but then it came this cursed day. The WAR has closed permanently. That was like the end of the World for me. Dark days came. I could not any more have fun. Well the time has passed anyway and then ROR came. At the beginning i was of course exited that i would be able to play again WAR, but then i was a little bit disappointed since it was not so much playable. At some time it was more functional and with time got better. Bye now it is as good as then. But then it came another problem. What if I invest time, effort, then i will be again emotionally connected and at some time I will be again disappointed? This fear hunts me till now. And with some other issues does not let me fully engage myself to the game like in the past. When I play WAR i have great fun like back in the beginning. But i invest 10% of the time that I was investing back then. But i am planing to continue at least like this and when I have more free time maybe I can play more. Anyway I would like to thank the creators that they have created such an amazing game... This is more than game to me. Going a walk lets say in Praag i feel like i go a walk outside my house. Praag and not only Praag, is a real place for me. Then I would like to thank the ROR team, that they continue this amazing game without being paid only out of love for the game. Then I would like to thank all my Order Allies. And of course all the Destro enemies, that I love so much to hunt and kill.. Of course sometimes it turns the other way, but otherwise it would habe been boring. And I hope this game continues at least till I walk on this Earth. Because I plan to play till then. :D