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BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:30 am
by Tordek421
Hey all,

Yeah, I know, BlOrc has been beaten into the ground by a thousand and one threads, but let a Greenskins main have a little hope. I love BlOrc, its been my favorite class since I was a kid playing with my dad. The devs of the server seem to hate this class for some reason, and I have gone through thread after thread about how BO is awful, all hope is lost, etc, etc.

Should I just main my chosen and my choppa or is there no hope for us BO mains, damned forever into oblivion? Just makes me kinda sad to see classes get pointless changes that seem to make them unplayable while favorites like the Slayer become almost mandatory.

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:51 am
by Detangler
The ability rework has definitely given the BO some much needed love. The future is a little brighter. I wouldnt give up - play what you like. Groups will take good tanks that guard no matter the class.

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:57 am
by Hazmy
If you like Black Orc go for it - there are several players who can make it work and have already made it work. But you might have to work and think harder since it isn't the "best" choice.

While it isn't the best Tank available right now sure, and some might have the prejudice to gloss over you due to forum popularity, balance and class viability also tends to be quite exaggerated here to the point of scaring away a lot of new players. In-game in reality - there isn't really a luxury to ignore good players or tanks in general.

Also briefly on "meta" - yes it exists but most players aren't on the skill level to fully make use of it in general, just like in any video game, so personal skill is still more important here.

You will still be a tank and so quite desired, and if you are a good player who think and cares about playing well you're already going to be better than the majority playing.


Aside all that, a new Ability Rework system is currently being developer and tested for the server and is in its final stages. This will allow brand new changes to classes and abilities so now is the best time to play whatever you want as there will be lots of changes in the near future - like Black Orc likely getting buffed.

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:11 am
by Tordek421
Thanks to both of you for your responses, I was primarily worried about being precluded from RVR and content because my favorite class is ass. Im gonna try ad stick with it, but I wanted some adv from some peeps who have a bit more time on the server than me.

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:26 am
by Bozzax
If you main a tank BO is the least wanted of all 6 in any setting (wb, competitive 6v6, solo)

You can find enjoyment in a good roam group bc that is a mostly social exercise

Ranked, small scale, solo BG
Wb or group Chosen (unless green skin wb)
BO mostly filler roles

Order classes are more rounded and even IB is extremely good with the unique +25% oathfriend parry and +10% crits

Simple as that … and if you decide to put 300+ hours of maxing one you should try figure out what you want from endgame before you do it.

All the changes to the class has to my knowledge been done by ppl that don’t play or played the class on live. Don’t expect BO being a filler to change.


Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:39 am
by what63
Detangler wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:51 am The ability rework has definitely given the BO some much needed love. The future is a little brighter. I wouldnt give up - play what you like. Groups will take good tanks that guard no matter the class.
What? The stance mechanic is now incredibly clunky and even more bugged, it just feels completely off. Bellows are destroyed, as are the tactics tied to them in large part.

The only sunny spots are Da Jibblies finally being a consistent interrupt despite people giving free immunities, but other than that, BO is much, much, much worse now. It's still incredibly fun to meme around on, but it's bad on live RoR, and even worse on initial ability rework patch.

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:49 am
by rady
Detangler wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:51 am The ability rework has definitely given the BO some much needed love. The future is a little brighter. I wouldnt give up - play what you like. Groups will take good tanks that guard no matter the class.
I don't know what you have in mind. Ability rework gave BO nothing.

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:50 am
by deadlinger
No Bo isn't Fun anymore better go other tanks Devs hate Bo

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:05 am
by Fey
Assuming they get a punt in the future they will be okay. The nerf bat has hit them hard though. The aoe snare in particular was a bummer.

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:04 pm
by Detangler
rady wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:49 am
Detangler wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:51 am The ability rework has definitely given the BO some much needed love. The future is a little brighter. I wouldnt give up - play what you like. Groups will take good tanks that guard no matter the class.
I don't know what you have in mind. Ability rework gave BO nothing.
Right in da Jibblies is an interrupt on 10 seconds. Single target punt in the future. Yes, its a bit better. Changes will be coming.