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Double War Crests - Night of Murder

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:27 pm
by Hazmy
Festivities are Underway!
Praise be Khaine!

Another friendly reminder that the Night of Murder Live Event is currently active, and The Lord of Murder has blessed us all with special rewards during this bloody festival!

As darkness falls on the Night of Murder, the worshippers of death bathe the land in blood, all intent on proving their devotion to the Elven god Khaine. It is a time that the forces of Destruction are all too willing to exploit. Assassins infiltrate the cities, while on the battlefield the differences between Good and Evil fade beneath the crimson haze of bloodlust. None are immune to the will of Khaine during this dark holiday.

During the Night of Murder, all players will earn:
  • - x2 War Crests from Kills!


There is still time to get in the action and prove your devotion to Khaine!
So log in and earn those War Crests!