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Sorc spec rr50

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 661

Sorc spec rr50

Post#1 » Fri May 08, 2020 5:09 pm

I recently hit 55 rr and wish to have ST spec help
i am planning something like this: ... 15,5420&t=

any tip? Thanks in advance :D

Posts: 11

Re: Sorc spec rr50

Post#2 » Fri May 15, 2020 1:16 am

This setup works fine. I recomend the following aditional tactics: Endless Knowledge and Frozen Fury.

Posts: 46

Re: Sorc spec rr50

Post#3 » Fri May 15, 2020 6:58 am

By no means an expert here, but i found Hand of Ruin to be very underwhelming because it's a fragile spell and has a fairly long timer, coupled with you already having a lot of single target DoT's and DD's to put into your rotation. HoR when i had it would often be wasted, either people die on the 1st tick, move out of range and prevent future ticks or interrupt it, meaning i probably miss getting all 3 ticks to work on someone about 50% of the time.

I went up the Destruction tree myself and have extended range/radius and reduced CD for Infernal wave, which basically makes it around 90 range and 5s CD...the fact it almost reaches your maximum range is GAME CHANGER, plus it's instant and AoE, so when you are chasing down broken ranks of enemies omg it's bliss, coz you don't have to stop chasing to finish people off.

The added bonus of Neverending Agony is you get to use pit of shades basically on cooldown, which i absolutely love, damage wise it does as much as Hand of Ruin, but is AoE, and the shorter range can be offset by the fact it's area target, the outer radius actually stretches out to about 95 range (80 base range with around 15 extra from the area radius), you can also hit people on walls and hiding round corners with it, which is next level :D

I used to think big single target burst was the best plan, but having pvp'd to 40/57 on mine i am 100% into the "AoE pressure" role, taking out defenders on walls, pressuring with AoE on the front lines a lot, which is both fun and frustrating (without guard lol). I currently have Impending doom from Path of Agony and i must say that is AMAZING for some extra burst to kill people, but other than that i found Agony path a bit underwhelming and whilst i would love to take the Chillwind debuff tactic, most of the time my DoT's are just to build Dark Magic and the extra damage i think i would get from the debuff is likely offset to some extent by having to adjust my rotation to always drop CW 1st for the debuff.

Posts: 1

Re: Sorc spec rr50

Post#4 » Fri May 15, 2020 8:34 am

i would go for sth like this ... 420&t=5399
you 100% want Vision of Domination and then try to time your dmg around when word of pain pops.
So your rotation would be Chillwind -> WoP -> Arctic Blast/Doombolt -> Impending Doom -> Hand of Ruin

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