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  • Patch Notes 02/10/2024
    Weekend Warfront: Woods of Woe


    The rugged land of Caledor has long withstood assaults by Druchii and daemons alike. Mighty dragons slumber beneath its peaks unaware of the struggle waged above their heads. The Druchii have arrived on the shores of Caledor once more, but this time led by Malekith himself. The forests of Caledor will know the sound of war.

    Millennia of hatred writhe through Malekith's broken body, rejected by the flames of Asuryan. To this day he curses Caledor Dragontamer for what Malekith sees as a betrayal of his father, Aenarion. Malekith strikes at Caledor with an insatiable longing for vengeance against the kin of Caledor Dragontamer.

    This weekend warfront Woods of Woe will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Caledor Woods scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

    Realm versus Realm


    - Locking all 3 pairings within the timer of the first pairing should now reopen all 3 pairings.


    - Fortress lords damage now scales with attackers. Baseline is around 50% of what it was and then increases with % of max attackers.

    - Fortress lords AOE abilities have been changed to now ignore global AOE cap and instead hit up to 72 targets.
    - The Queue area for Butcher's Pass defenders has been moved closer to Karak Eight Peaks.
    - The Back Door in Butcher's Pass is now open during Fortress sieges.

    Previously, players without a reservation could still heal / attack players in the fort due to the old design. Likewise, players on both sides getting punted off the wall would sometimes be bugged and unable to get back into the fort until they re-logged. With these changes, we're aiming to fix both issues at once, making the South flag more viable to fight over, and reducing frustration.

    - Tzeentch has added Barrier Spheres to the large chains in The Maw to prevent Order players from jumping up these and then leaping into the inner sanctum.


    Defense lock and repair of doors has been changed as noted below:

    - Doors will no longer heal from 0% instantly to 100% with a single supply box
    - Now, if a keep is "safe status" each box will heal X amount more(100% for supplies returned to keep + 100% for each BO held) than the normal amount
    - If doors (both inner and outer) are (during safe time) healed to 100%, this will trigger the defense reward
    - If a door is dead when supplies are returned during safe status it will spawn new doors at a low 10% (to then be healed by the increased amount for subsequent boxes)
    - Supply Boxes turned into the keep now grant Double Renown from those turned into the Warcamp

    Do note that to get bags from a keep defense you still currently need to have 125 kills in the keep. We are looking into changing this, but it was not done for this patch.

    - Doors are no longer degraded (take bonus damage) if they are repaired after being destroyed.

    This was unintuitive and not visually displayed for players.

    - Unlocked New Keep Upgrade: Divine Altar.
    - This Divine Altar is only purchasable by Rank 40 Guilds, and when purchased (and timer has elapsed) will spawn on the second floor of the Inner Keep.

    The Altar spawns with 0 charges and gains a charge every 15 minutes. When charged, a player from the guild owning the keep with the right permissions can activate it, granting all defenders in the keep a 2 minute buff that increases strength, willpower, intelligence and morale regen by 20%.

    Land of the Dead

    - The range of allies in range check for the Diminishing Rations debuff has been reduced to 150ft, the update frequency has been increased and it will now reach the maximum of 50 stacks when there's 84 or more allies within the range.

    Combat and Careers
    Balance Changes

    - Daemonic Fire - Cast time removed. Cooldown increased from 5s to 8s.

    Balance Changes

    - Penetrating Rounds - Cast time removed. Cooldown stays at 10s.

    Bastion Stair

    - Players can now teleport to bosses they've defeated in Bastion Stair via the skulls at the Dungeon's Entrance.

    This means that if you disconnect, or a bug sends you outside the Dungeon you can now more easily catch up to your group again and parties should spend much less time having to wait or backtrack.

    - Bastion Stair Bosses now each grant individual influence. End bosses are no longer the only bosses which grant influence.

    Live Events
    Pie Week & Goldtooth's Great Feast

    - The Ingredients for these events have had some of their names updated to make it clear which event they're used for.
    - As an example, "Fresh Pig Meat" is now only used by Pie Week ingredients. The Great Feast equivalent will now be named "Salted Pig Meat" to clearly identify them.

    Bug Fixes

    [23326] - [Mail] Fixed bug which caused the game to crash when opening certain mail. All expired mail will be extended to allow players to open mail which would have otherwise be lost.
    [23283] - [General] Getting a resurrection should check if you need to get chickened.
    [23249] - [Guild] Purchasing an upgrade to a banner tactic should now replace any prior ranks in banners.
    [23328] - [Tanks] Champ Challenge not removed after death.
    - [Quest] Fixed a small typo from the Mythic days in the quest text for "Legend Has It".

    Addendum - Post-Patch Fixes

    - New characters bugged: Resolved [23356] & [23358].
    - Stat Doll: Fixed [23357].
    - Resurrection Bug: Resolved [23355].
    - Supply boxes disappearing: This issue has been addressed.

    2024-10-04 Hotfix:
    Realm versus Realm


    - Keeps that has fallen should not be claimable anymore.

    Bug Fixes

    [23360] - [Campaign] You can no longer turn in supplies at the wrong keep
    [20780] - [Campaign] Zonelocks will now remove keep claims
    [23364] - [Campaign] You can no longer turn in infinite amount of supplies at reclaimed keep.
    [23366] - [Campaign] You should no longer be able to bypass posterns automatically on reclaimed keeps.
    Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:44 pm View the latest post
  • Patch Notes 18/09/2024
    Live Event: Pie Week


    Pie Week has come! Toll the bells and throw open the city gates! Caravans of halfling bakers and traders ride into cities to sell their wares and earn a good coin off the hungry stomachs of the Old World. Esmeralda blesses all on this special celebration in her honor. The custom, which originated in the town of Saurapfel in the Moot, has quickly spread across human settlements in the Old World, but particularly in the Empire. Loosen those belt buckles, because Pie Week is all about eating your fill of all manner of pies and washing it down with tasty beer, Esmeralda wouldn't want it any other way!

    The Autumn harvest is in full swing in the Old World. Farmers reap the bounties of the earth, as hard work and toil turns into food to feed empires and kingdoms. No where is the Autumn harvest celebrated with greater joy than the Moot. Halflings mark the Autumn Equinox with the celebration known as Pie Week, a celebration of thanks to their goddess of the hearth and home - Esmeralda. Halflings across the Old World use this opportunity to flock to human settlements and earn a quick coin feeding hungry mouths with delicious pies. Of course it wouldn't be a proper Pie Week without some silly games and baking contests, so join in the festive fun while the ovens are hot!

    Pie Week will start on September 18th at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until September 30th 12:00 Altdorf time.


    +Basic reward: Golden Cockerel Stein - a new trophy to remind you that you experienced Pie Week too its fullest, and cannot remember anything after the 5th stein. Preview here
    +Advanced reward: Fiery Cockerel Cloak for Order; Soiled Cockerel Cloak for Destruction - two Pie Week capes.Preview here or a Potion of Acclaim.
    +Elite reward: Battle Ram, or Daemonic Ram Disc mount (decay timers based on renown bracket)
    -Completing the Event Quest 'Applebottom's Pie' (Order) or 'Protector's Fee' (Destro) - Rumster's Rum an event slot item.
    -Unconfirmed reports speak of apple trophies found in bobbing apples

    Pie Week Pies, Picnic Baskets, and Moot Silver Shillings
    What would Pie Week be without pies or a picnic basket full of food? Certainly not a proper Pie Week. During Pie Week you can bake pies (i.e. 1-hour liniments) by gathering food from Picnic Baskets, which drop from players. Get the right combination of ingredients and head to the Pie Week baker merchants in Altdorf or the Inevitable City to buy an oven. Buying an oven will start the baking process (you didn't expect to turn ingredients into a pie instantly with a click did you?), which will say 'decaying in 10min' because changing the text to say 'baking' is complicated. After 10 minutes your express pie will be done and ready for your consumption! However, why bake one pie with one fish and one potato when you can bake 2, 3, or 5? Players will also drop Moot Silver Shillings, and you can buy multipliers with your Moot Silver Shillings to bake more than one pie with your ingredients.

    Two pies have had their bonuses changed, namely the Auld Styrlande and Quinsberry pies that increased range. Due to issues restricting the range increase to range abilities only, and not melee abilities, and feedback that the range increases were too powerful, these bonuses have been changed to range/magic power.

    Taking into account player feedback from previous events, this year we've added Tarts for players who are below level 40. Players can convert their food ingredients with a vendor located near the pigs into "Bits 'n Scraps", which can then be baked into Tarts. Tarts have weaker buffs, but allow players below level 40 to complete event tasks.

    20 dyes themed around the Halflings/Moot are available during Pie Week.

    Dye previews are available here towards the bottom, but please be aware that the colors may apply differently on different base armor colors. We recommend to use an addon such as Pocket Palette to see how this dye will look on your armor. These colors were drawn largely from Citadel Paints, Games Workshop publications, and maybe food... We hope to continue to introduce new dyes based on inspiration from the source material in the Live Events to come.

    Live Event Shoppe
    Multiple Pie Week themed vendors have popped up in the Altdorf War Quarters and Inevitable City Slaanesh Chambers (oh those poor lost halflings who stumbled into the Inevitable City... or is it the Slaanesh cultists who are the poor ones?). Four vendors sell pies for ingredients; one sells pies at a basic ratio of 2 ingredients for 1 pie, while the other three sell the same pies but with output multipliers so a single pair of ingredients combined with a multiplier can yield 2, 3, or 5 pies. Please check all four bakers and check what you want to spend your event resources on. Other vendors sell items for the LE currency 'Moot Silver Shillings' (which drop from player-kills), such as beer.

    Pie Week Quests
    A couple custom quests are available during Pie Week. Six of these called 'Quest for A Pie' use our new race-specific portion of the quest system - meaning that each race has different tasks catered to their racial peculiarities. We hope to use this system more in the future, especially during live events so each race has a more unique take on the festivities. There are also two new branching quests for an event slot item - 'Applebottom's Pie' (Order) or 'Protector's Fee' (Destro); one branch focuses on PvP tasks from T1 to T4, while the other is PvE oriented. These branching quests are not required to complete the LE.

    Realm versus Realm


    - If a keep is claimed the guild name will now be shown in the objectives tracker.

    - Door Hit Points upgrade is now available for claimed keeps.

    - Keep can now fully reset after capture if defenders can hold the keep for 20 minutes and then return a supply box to the keep (Warcamp does not work)

    - Tier 2 keep lords have been reworked to bring more variety and challenge to the battlefield. Instead of being solely tanks, keep lords will now feature a mix of ranged DPS (rdps), melee DPS (mdps), and tanks, each equipped with new flavour abilities to spice up the encounters and create a more dynamic fight for attackers.

    - Each Tier 2 keep lord now comes with a new set of NPC guards, featuring a variety of archetypes that further add to the diversity of the battles.

    - As a side note: Tier 3 and Tier 4 keep lords will undergo similar reworks in upcoming patches, continuing the effort to diversify and enhance the keep siege experience.

    - The name of the guild who has claimed the Keep will appear under the names of guards and other NPCs in the Keep.

    - You can no also claim the Keep for your guild by interacting with the base of the standards on the top floor of a Keep.

    Chapter 22 Public Quest Optimizations

    Thank you for your feedback and congrats to all the Warbands who have conquered the new Chapter 22 Raid fights thus far!

    Today we're making a few optimizations
    to these fights to fix some bugs and make some slight adjustments to difficulty:

    - Chaos Wastes: The Flame of the Changer and Hourglass of Reversed Time were respawning more often than they should have. This has been fixed. Additionally, the stacking Tank Swap debuff can now be applied at range.

    - Reikland: Kurt Helborg was taking less physical damage than intended, making this PQ quite difficult for Destruction. This has been fixed and he's now properly mirrored to the Order PQ.

    - Eataine: The Game Objects which empower Caradryan can now be targeted properly with Single Target attacks, and don't require AOE to destroy.

    - Caledor: The Damage of Malus Darkblade's puddles has been increased slightly.

    - Black Crag: If Gork Sez "Stop Movin!", players will be granted temporary immunity to pulls. This should also no longer one shot players who get pulled with GTDC during this mechanic.

    There's one more improvement we're exploring for the future, which is updating the contribution for these PQs to prevent players from leeching bags off of the primary warbands completing them. This may still take some, but just wanted to note we're looking into adding this!

    Combat and Careers
    General Changes and Fixes

    - The +10% parry from dual wield is now shown on the character sheet instead of being a hidden bonus.

    Bug Fixes

    - Slow Boil - No longer counts as a direct damage ability.

    Bug Fixes

    - Sapping Strike - No longer stacks with other stat buffs.

    16th Anniversary Celebration of Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning!

    We’re thrilled to celebrate 16 years of epic battles, fierce alliances, and unforgettable adventures in Warhammer Age of Reckoning! As a token of our appreciation for your continued dedication and passion, we’re kicking off the celebrations with a special boost!

    DOUBLE Renown & Influence Gain is active now until Thursday, 2024/09/26, 12:00 Altdorf time.
    Take advantage of this opportunity to rise in the ranks and strengthen your influence in the ongoing war!

    Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Let’s make this anniversary one to remember!

    Bug Fixes

    [22609] - [UI] Moving abilities on the hot bar in combat removes their cooldown timer

    [23192] - "Far From Home" quest cannot be completed since talisman ejection was added

    [23261] - Quest "Far from home" Can't speak with Svengi Grumhammer

    [23270] - Deathwind Pass PQ first stage does unlock in tome

    [23263] - Onslaught setpieces doesnt give vanquisher wards

    [23246] - Scoreboard reset button fails

    [23282] - Pet Name Command

    [23276] - Thunder mountain monsters not figthing back and granting xp + loot

    [23274] - Involving guild into the RVR front should now work once more.

    [23277] - [SM] Sapping Strike Crit Buff

    [23259] - The commands ]bagbonus and ]rvrstatus doesn't work

    [23255] - T2 Quest - Rot'Em! missing rewards

    [23260] - You can not unset bragging rights

    [8846] - The /who command is now working
    Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:51 pm View the latest post
  • Patch Notes 04/09/2024
    Weekend Warfront: Garden of Deadly Delights


    In the dark corners of the Empire, the Garden of Morr stirs to life during Hexensnacht. Skeletal hands punch through the soil as they answer the call of their masters. Morrslieb's aura falls upon the Old World, giving power to the wind of Shyish. Enter the dark cemetery of the Empire and defeat the vampires before they grow too powerful.

    This weekend warfront Garden of Morr will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Garden of Morr scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

    Chapter 22 Public Quest Re-Launch

    All six Chapter 22 Public Quests (3 per Realm) have been re-added
    and can now be challenged by 24-man Warbands!

    These Public Quests have been fully redesigned and now feature much heavier mechanics than before. As a result of their overall difficulty increasing, the Onslaught Set's item level has been increased and stats generally upgraded, which you can read more on below.

    To note, the final boss of each PQ may provide significant challenge during first attempts. Once you learn the mechanics and decide strategies that work for your warband, they become much easier. We'll be keeping our eyes on the results for the first couple of weeks to see how the difficulty is, and adjusting if needed.

    For more information on the Chapter 22 PQ mechanics, check out the Guide here on the RoR wiki.

    Onslaught Set Updates

    The Onslaught Set, earned exclusively via Chapter 22, is getting some upgrades and rebalancing to pair with the re-launch of the Chapter 22 PQ Raids.

    Ward Upgrade: Conq → Vanquisher

    - This set now grants the Vanquisher Ward, which was already more in line with the item level for the pieces. The Item level has also gone up slightly to align with the Ch. 22 increase in difficulty and mechanics.

    Restriction Removal: Renown
    - This set had a Renown requirement previously, but that doesn’t follow our pattern of not requiring Renown for PvE focused sets. Once updated, this set will no longer require any Renown to wear.

    Onslaught Gear Stat Adjustments
    - We’ve increased the overall item level of this set up closer to Vanquisher, which means that across the board, almost all pieces are seeing an increase in stats and armor granted. Many of these pieces will also grant Initiative.

    - In some cases, we’ve had to make very small reductions to some stats to balance the pieces properly. We’ve also kept the existing unique stats (Armor Pen, Reduction, Power, Range, etc) instead of removing them, to keep this set as close as possible to the way it was, with only minor reductions where needed.

    New Piece Added: Cape
    - A cape, unique in that it grants half Armor and half Resistances, is being added to the set. This cape also includes a Talisman slot. These capes are brand new designs and were created by the artists on the RoR Team! You can find a quest to acquire these capes at the Chapter 22 Rally Masters.

    Click here to view the new capes!

    New Piece Added: Belt
    - A belt is also being added to bring this up to a full 7-piece set.

    New 7-Piece Granted Abilities
    - Equipping a full 7-piece set of Onslaught Gear will now grant an ability that players can activate to benefit their party or nearby allies. These vary between classes, and some will be more useful than others in different situations. As an example, the Tank 7-piece bonus is a 4 second version of "Leading the Charge", which was previously only found on the Tank's Sovereign set.

    Onslaught Gear Drop Locations

    Specific pieces of Onslaught Gear, and the PQ to earn them at, are:

    - High Elf / Dark Elf: Helmet (Gold Bag) + Boots (Purple Bag or Gold Bag)
    - Empire / Chaos: Shoulders (Gold Bag) + Gloves (Purple Bag or Gold Bag)
    - Dwarf / Greenskin: Chest (Gold Bag) + Belt (Purple Bag or Gold Bag)
    - Cloak: Earned via Chapter 22 Rally Master repeatable quest


    - You will now no longer be debolstered entering Tier 1 PvE areas

    Realm versus Realm


    - A pairing now unlocks 2 hours after its fortress has fallen. This means that assuming no fort was claimed in the last 2 hours all 3 pairings should be open.

    - The hotspots system has been redone and is no longer using a grid to display them. They will now be centered around the fights. Also the hotspots on the world campaign map are working again.


    - High Elf and Chaos fortress lord now also gets damage resistance as part of the effect if their helper is not far enough away.

    Combat and Careers

    Bug Fixes

    - Rune of Power - Changed to not be able to critically hit, just like Daemonic Fury on Zealot.



    - Rank 2 of the guild tactics has been unlocked. As a consequence all purchased tactics has been reset.


    - You will now no longer be debolstered entering Tier 1 PvE areas


    T2 PvE Rework Conclusion

    The Tier 2 Hidden Quests have been (re)implemented (quest progress on these has been reset). The Dwarf and Greenskin storylines have 14 hidden quests each; the Empire and Chaos storylines have 15 hidden quests each; and Elven superiority once again sees the High Elf and Dark Elf storylines with 16 hidden quests each. In every storyline there are 5 quests which are specific to that race. The Dwarf, Greenskin, Empire, and Chaos storylines have 8 faction specific quests, while the Elves have 9 faction specific quests. The remaining quest(s) per storyline are universal for both realms. Can you find them all?

    The broken undiscovered map of Troll Country has been fixed.

    The completion of the hidden quests marks the conclusion of the Tier 2 rework, which started back in March.

    Tier 3 PvE Rework

    Wasting no time, we've started working on Tier 3 PvE content.
    What is done:
    - All Tier 3 History & Lore, Achievement, and Bestiary Tome Unlocks have been implemented
    - All Tier 3 Kill Collectors have been implemented
    - All Tier 3 RvR War Story Unlocks (for BOs and Keeps) have been fixed/implemented
    - Tier 3 Map Icons have been fixed/updated
    - Tier 3 zone areas have been fixed in many locations (mainly affecting PQs, but also fixing Hallenfurt Manor's area)
    - Tier 3 Public Quest Fixes/Rework
    - Tier 3 Influence Rewards Rework
    - Tier 3 Quest analysis has begun (over 800 quests!)

    Please note that the wiki or old guides for Tome Unlocks may no longer be accurate. Also please note that a Kill Collector has a hidden counter, and you will not obtain the reward, and associated unlock, until you kill the required amount of hostile mobs.

    What is left to do (in no specific order):
    - Tier 3 Quest Fixes + Reward Updates
    - Tier 3 Armor Rework
    - Tier 3 Hidden Quest Rework

    User Interface

    - The command system has been rewritten. This needs some testing as every command handler for the game has been rewritten, functionally everything should still work as it did. From a technical perspective it has been rewritten be very low memory allocation and very fast, with much cleaner code, auto generating documentation, unifying the "game commands" and "server commands" under one system. This also involves actions using the user interface such as guild actions, party actions, changing social settings, etc. Please also check all your addons and ensure any that use chat commands are functioning correctly.

    Bug Fixes

    [23221] Dueling should now work again
    [23235] [KotBS] Golden Heater of Nordland has an incorrect appearance
    [23230] Blackheart Hyrda Skin item doesn't start a quest
    [23242] Aggro Reset on Keep Guards
    [23241] we cant talk in guildchat

    Upcoming Festivities
    Can you smell that? Mmm, smells like Ms Applebottom's fish-n-apple special! Someone grab those greased pigs! The festivities return September 18th!
    Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:02 pm View the latest post
  • Hotfix 30/08/2024
    Weekend Warfront: The Struggle of Nordenwatch


    Along the rain-scoured coast of Nordland, spring is not a blessing. For while the end of winter signals a return of the growing season, it also heralds the thawing of the Sea of Claws. Now all eyes turn to the white foamed waves, searching for the first sign of invaders. It doesn't take long.

    A sharp shout goes up from the watchtower moments before a harsh bell begins to toll. Norse sails have been spotted on the horizon. War is coming, and the only hope that the people of Nordland have is that their defenders are well prepared.

    This weekend The Struggle of Nordenwatch will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Nordenwatch scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.


    [23158] - [Public Quest] Fixed a bug where kill objective credit was awarded multiple times
    [23205] - [Bank] Fixed a bug which could cause you to use more than the expected items stat when equipping an item directly from the bank
    [23193] - [Keeps] Fixed a bug which caused rams to do auto attack damage
    [22975] - [General] Pets should now be attack-able in duels even if you are of the same realm.
    [22225] - [Stats] Stat buffs not updating parry/dodge/disrupt etc on character sheet
    [23170] - [Renown] Renown Training: Spiritual Refinement is not trainable beyond Rank 1
    [23081] - [Combat] Healing doesn't put you in combat
    [23158] - [Kill Quests/Quests] Quest kills count up for every member in the party

    Please note some of these may have been pushed out earlier.

    Thank you for your patience, and we appreciate your continued feedback! Keep an eye out for more updates coming soon.
    Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:47 pm View the latest post
  • Patch Notes 22/08/2024
    Weekend Warfront: Scurvy Dogs


    The seas run with blood! Dwarf ironclads, streaming out of Barak Varr, carry legions or blood-mad Slayers to raid and plunder the enemy's ships and ports. Meanwhile, Orc sea-hulks, loaded with Choppa freebooters, have ambushed the Dwarfs in the Black Gulf, and the sea is choked with the carcasses of the dead!

    Shiver me timbers and call me matey, prepare to set sail on the high seas of bonus renown and experience for participating in the scenario, The Ironclad! Also, you may notice that you're pillaging more booty when participating in the Weekend Warfront in the form of +50% XP and Renown. So get out there, keel haul those Scurvy Dogs and let your enemies know that you are, without a doubt, on a boat!


    Completing all tasks grants the title "The Dread Pirate".

    Realm versus Realm

    - Fort lord HP now scales with attacker population. At 168 attackers it remains the same as before, and with fewer attacks will scale down to 50% of the current max.

    - Fort lords now have hostile auras that increase aggro generation by 50% for players of their hated race. (Dwarves hate Greenskins, High Elves hate Dark Elves, Empire hates Chaos.) This mechanic existed before the new ability system, and is now restored with a visible icon so players can see it.

    Fort Lord Mechanics

    All Fortress Lords now have actual mechanics again, which will force attackers to do more than simply hit a lord in the face, and will give defenders more options to fight back and protect their fortress. The restored and new mechanics are:

    Greenskin and Dwarf
    Each Lord will spawn a Keg (Dwarf) or Banner (Greenskin) on the lower floor of the fort. While this object is alive, the boss cannot be damaged, so attackers must take - and hold - the bottom floor to destroy the object. This object spawns starting at 90% Lord HP, and respawns every 10% after.

    This mechanic is primarily a DPS-focused mechanic, and also requires attackers to divide up their forces.

    Empire and Dark Elf
    New Mechanic for Healers: At 90% HP, the attacking realm spawns a friendly Lord NPC in the Lord Room that will stop the enemy Lord from gaining bonus powers. When the enemy boss takes damage, your friendly Lord also takes 60% of that damage. Healers must consistently focus on healing both their warband and the Friendly Lord.

    If the Friendly Lord falls below specific HP thresholds, the enemy Fort Lord will gradually gain more powerful buffs. Those buffs are:

    - Friendly Lord at 80% HP: Enemy Lord Incoming Damage Reduced by 25%

    - Friendly Lord at 60% HP: Enemy Lord Incoming Damage Reduced by 50%

    - Friendly Lord at 40% HP: Enemy Lord Incoming Damage Reduced by 50%, Outgoing Damage increased by 25%

    - Friendly Lord at 20% HP Or less: Enemy Lord Incoming Damage Reduced by 50%, Outgoing increased by 50%

    Because the friendly lord takes damage based on damage that hits the Enemy Lord, it is possible to slow DPS on the enemy Lord to balance these scales. This is primarily a Healing-focused mechanic, with DPS players also able to impact the rate.

    High Elf and Chaos
    At 90% HP, the boss spawns in a Hero mob with significant health to aid them. When this Hero is near the boss, the Lord gains a 50% raw damage output buff.

    This mechanic is primarily a Tank-focused proximity mechanic, but Aggro reduction in general (including on DPS and Healers) can have big impact here. Attackers can have this Hero aggro'd on whoever they like, but eating the 50% damage increase will give the Lord a much higher chance of wiping entire groups, giving defenders a chance to push in with Morales and retake the Lord Room.


    - Keep Lords now also scale their HP based on the active population in a zone. Their max HP is the same as before today's patch, and during low population, can scale down to 50% of the existing Health Pool.

    This change was almost universally approved by our RvR Focus Groups some months back, and it makes sense: hitting a tank Lord for 25 minutes during lower population times isn't really fun for anyone, so this change should improve that significantly.

    - Keep Upgraders are now working once again.

    Combat and Careers
    General Changes and Fixes

    - The three offensive crit stats from renown (Opportunist, Focused Power, and Sure Shot) are combined into one speccable stat, giving the same amount of crit per investment to each offensive crit. The name remains “Opportunist”. Focused Power & Sure Shot remain in-game for now, but will be removed at a later date and all saved builds will be updated to use Opportunist instead.

    "The offensive crit chances have been combined to offer more flexibility for Shadow Warriors and Squig Herders, allowing them to seamlessly switch between melee and ranged combat."

    - Guile (Heal Debuff Weapon Proc) – The duration of the heal debuff effect has been reduced from 10 seconds to 7 seconds. This change ensures that powerful tools like AoE heal debuffs remain primarily within class kits, rather than being overly reliant on gear procs. By shortening the uptime, we aim to maintain balance while still allowing Guile to complement class abilities effectively.

    - Flee - No longer functions as a toggle ability. Cooldown increased to 40s so the effective cooldown remains the same. The morale-reducing effect is moved from Flee to Panic effect.

    - RP’s Oath Rune of Power and other abilities that proc on next attack (such as Ere We Go!) now only trigger on one target.

    Target Cap Test Results

    After careful evaluation, we’ve concluded the test of the 9-target cap and made the decision to revert back to the 24-target cap.

    We initially reduced the target cap to 9 to explore how it could improve gameplay, particularly in reducing zerging and giving smaller groups more opportunities to compete. The 9-target limit did bring some advantages, such as tanks being able to absorb more damage and providing a more manageable Time to Kill (TTK). However, we also heard from many of you that it introduced challenges for smaller warbands who couldn’t benefit as much from these changes.

    After considering your valuable feedback, we’ve decided to return to the 24-target cap, which many players felt offered more flexibility and balance in large-scale encounters. We’re grateful to everyone who participated in the test and shared their thoughts with us. Your insights are essential to shaping the best possible gameplay experience, and we look forward to working with you on future improvements!

    Initiative & Weapon Skill Rebalancing

    We’ve made some important adjustments to Initiative and Weapon Skill in order to address two major issues and provide a more balanced experience across all classes.

    - Weapon Skill's addition to Parry has been reduced from 3% to 0% per 100 Weapon Skill.
    - Weapon Skill now grants 0.5% block strikethrough per 100 Weapon Skill.
    - Initiative now grants 5% reduced chance to be critically hit per 100 Initiative, as well as 3% parry.
    - The base chance to be critically hit has been increased by 5% (from 20% to 25%).

    Why these changes?

    Weapon Skill was unique in providing both strong offensive and defensive capabilities, which made it by far the most valuable stat to invest in. Meanwhile, Initiative was a weak choice, as it wasn’t competitive with other defensive stats like Toughness, and its buffs and debuffs were underwhelming.

    To resolve this, we’ve shifted the parry bonus from Weapon Skill to Initiative. This way, Initiative now offers meaningful defensive value while Weapon Skill maintains its role as a potent offensive stat. As a result, players will have more balanced choices depending on their playstyle, and both stats will have clear roles.

    What does this mean for you?

    In some cases, Initiative may now offer more damage mitigation than Toughness, while in other cases Toughness will still be a better choice. This creates a more dynamic decision-making process when optimizing your character's defenses, giving you flexibility based on the situation at hand.

    It’s important to note that while physical damage classes need to invest in two stats (for damage and defense) compared to one for magical damage classes, physical damage classes also have ways to gain armor penetration that helps compensate for this. But this discrepancy is something we will look into balancing longer term.

    What’s next?

    We believe this rebalancing improves the overall value of Initiative without diminishing the importance of Weapon Skill. This is just one step toward making more stats relevant and ensuring that your build choices feel impactful. Your feedback is key as we continue refining the game, and we’re excited to see how these changes play out in the coming weeks.

    Thank you for your ongoing support!

    Click below to see a before/after screenshot of the changes!
    Additional calculations comparing stats before and after: Talisman exchange

    For those players that have acquired Weapon Skill talismans specifically to increase the Parry stat we have created a system to replace them with initiative talismans instead.

    Talk to the smith or trinket maker NPCs next to the Talisman Merchant in any of the cities, they will help you eject Weapon Skill talismans from your items.

    Then you can exchange them for equivalent Initiative talismans at the Talisman Merchant.


    Eject Talismans: Svengi Grumhammer
    Talisman Merchant: Tim the Imbuer

    Inevitable City

    Eject Talismans: Nur Axerender
    Talisman Merchant: Kris'la the Warpsmith


    Eject Talismans: Smithy
    Talisman Merchant: Runescribe Wrin Ragmir

    Karaz Eight Peaks

    Eject Talismans: Trinket Maker
    Talisman Merchant: Ick da Waaaghsmith

    Balance Changes

    - RUN AWAY and Red Tipped Arrer are swapped in the Quick Shooting mastery tree.
    - Red Tipped Arrer - Cooldown increased from 10 to 15s. Removed the absorb removal component. Base damage reduced from 187 to 112. However, if you interrupt the target, it deals (399 + 1.5xDB + 1.5xWDPS) damage instead.
    - Squig Armor - Cast time changed from instant to 1s cast on the move. Armor bonus reduced from 100% of armor from items to 50% of armor from items. AP cost reduced from 55 to 35.
    - Sneaky Bouncin’ - Additionally gives Squig Armor an extra 50% armor from gear.
    - KABOOM - Cooldown changed to 60s

    Additional Notes:
    "The ranged Squig Herder is in a great spot currently, boasting impressive damage output, especially while on the move. Their strong burst capabilities with the Spiked Squig and exceptional escape tools make them a formidable RDPS class. By moving Run Away! to 13 points in the tree, players are now presented with more meaningful choices between Finish Em Off and their powerful escape tools.

    Even with these adjustments, ranged Squig Herders will remain elusive and difficult to catch. The changes to Squig Armor provide a better opportunity for counterplay, making it more challenging to activate Squig Armor if caught, but Melee and Hybrid builds should not see much impact. The 1-second move cast adds some counterbalance while maintaining playstyle options."

    "Red Tipped Arrer has been reworked to focus on its interrupt effect, making it a more impactful tool. The absorb removal was less effective due to most absorbs being too small to matter. By reducing the base damage and greatly increasing the damage on interrupt, we’ve made this ability far more useful and strategic, rather than just a filler ability."

    Balance Changes


    - Rune of Striking - Base damage increased from 299 to 399.
    - Rune of Immolation - Base damage increased from 131 to 162.
    - Rune of Cleaving - Damage Bonus scaling reduced from 1.0 to 0.6. Cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.
    - Rune of Might - Cooldown removed. AP cost reduced from 40 to 35 AP. Base damage lowered from 225 to 187 to match other similar abilities.
    - Rune of Fate - Cooldown reduced from 20 to 15 seconds. Amount of damage ticks increased from 7 to 8. Initial tick removed.
    - Rune of Binding - Damage Bonus scaling increased from 0.5 to 1.5.
    - Rune of Nullification - Heal debuff increased from 30% to 35%.
    - Rune of Nullification: Duration increased from 5s to 7s.
    - Grimnir's Fury - Reworked into: Damaging. 40 AP. Self. 1s Cast. 10s CD. Using the fury of Grimnir you strike all enemies within 25 ft for (200 + 0.86*DB) Elemental damage followed by another (200 + 0.86*DB) Elemental damage after 3 seconds on the same location.
    - Concussive Runes - Moved to 3 pts in Path of Grimnir. Now also reduces Elemental Resistance by 378.
    - Extended Battle - Moved to 7 pts in Path of Grimnir and reworked to: Increase the duration of Rune of Battle and Rune of Cleaving by 6s.

    The Runepriest DPS spec has been refined to boost its AoE damage potential, making the class more valuable in warbands. Adjustments have also been made to certain single-target abilities to bring them in line with other classes. Stay tuned for further improvements to the single-target spec in a future patch!

    Healing and Utility

    - Protection of the Ancestors - Now Core Ability, providing the full Wounds buff regardless of your spec.
    - Oath Rune of Iron - Active effect reworked into: No cost. 60s cd. Instant cast. Cleanse one curse, one ailment, and one hex from yourself.
    - Oath Rune of Power - Active effect reworked into: No cost. 60s cd. Instant cast. On your next attack, deal an additional (5 * 125) Elemental damage over 5 seconds and reduce the victim’s run speed by 20%. (Effect scales with points in Path of Grugni).
    - Oath Rune of Warding - Active effect reworked into: No cost. 60s cd. Instant cast. Shield yourself, absorbing 1162 damage over 10 seconds. (Effect scales with points in Path of Grimnir).
    - Sundered Motion - Slow duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.
    - On Your Feet - Reworked into: Rune of Life and Rune of Sanctuary now resurrect players with 50% of their maximum health.
    - Thick-Skulled - Now additionally prevents Rune of Restoration from being set back while casting.
    - Cleansing Vitality - Healing Bonus Scaling increased from 0.38 to 1.5.
    - Grungni’s Gift - AP cost increased from 15 to 25.
    - Potent Runes - Reworked: Reduce the cooldown of your Oath Rune’s granted abilities by 30 seconds.

    Additional Notes:
    "Protection of the Ancestors has been moved out of the mastery tree so you always gain the full Wounds buff, regardless of your spec."

    "The active abilities of the Oath Runes have been significantly improved to align with their passive effects, making them much more valuable across all classes. Each ability now complements the role of its corresponding passive buff, such as Oath Rune of Power providing a strong offensive active effect to match its offensive buff."

    "Several tactics were improved to enhance the Runepriest’s effectiveness. Cleansing Vitality now matches the healing power of the Archmage and Shaman versions, while Thick-Skulled prevents setbacks on your 2s cast single-target heal. Additionally, On Your Feet has been updated to resurrect players with more health."

    "To ensure balance, Sundered Motion was adjusted to align with other AoE slows, and the AP cost of Grungni’s Gift was increased slightly for consistency with other healing abilities. Even with this adjustment, a level 40 Runepriest can comfortably maintain AP during combat."
    "Be looking forward to a future patch, which will introduce significant updates to the Master Runes, promoting a more active playstyle and increasing their value in group settings!"

    Balance Changes


    - Scourge - Base damage increased from 299 to 399.
    - Warp Reality - Base damage increased from 131 to 162.
    - Demon Spittle - AP cost reduced from 45 to 30 AP.
    - Rite of Agony - Cooldown removed. AP cost reduced from 40 to 35 AP. Base damage lowered from 225 to 187 to match other similar abilities.
    - Boon of Tzeentch - Cooldown removed.
    - Mirror of Madness - Reworked into: Hex. 35 AP. 100 ft range. Instant. 10s CD. - You deal (5 * (198+0.9*DB)) Corporeal damage to your target over 15 seconds and your defensive target is healed for 150% of the damage done.
    - Changer’s Touch - Heal debuff increased from 30% to 35%. Duration increased from 5s to 7s.
    - Waves of Chaos - Moved to 7 pts in Path of Dark Rites.

    The Zealot DPS spec has been enhanced by removing the cooldown on Rite of Agony and improving Changer’s Touch, making Zealot a valuable tool for warbands. With AoE armor and corporeal debuffs, as well as powerful disruption through Wind of Insanity, Zealot is primed for battle. Single-target abilities have also been refined, with Mirror of Madness now reworked into a second single-target DoT. More single-target improvements are on the way in the next patch!

    Healing and Utility

    - Daemonic Fortitude - Now Core Ability.
    - Mark of the Spell Destroyer active effect reworked into - No cost. 60s cd. Instant cast. Cleanse one curse, one ailment, and one hex from yourself.
    - Mark of Daemonic Fury active effect reworked into - No cost. 60s cd. Instant cast. Deal an additional x damage on your 5 next attacks within 10 seconds. This ability cannot proc more than once per second. (Base damage 187, scaling 0). (Damage scales of Path of Witchcraft)
    - Mark of the Vortex active effect reworked into - No cost. 60s cd. Instant cast. Shield yourself, absorbing 1387 ranged and magic damage over 10 seconds.
    - Swirling Vortex: Reworked into - Now Core tactic available at lvl 33. Reduce the cooldown of your Mark’s granted abilities by 30 seconds.
    - Empowered Alteration - Now additionally increases the healing of Leaping Alteration by 25%.
    - Flash of Chaos - AP cost increased from 15 to 25.
    - Empowered Alteration - Now available at lvl 39.

    Additional Notes:
    "Daemonic Fortitude has been moved out of the mastery tree, so all Zealots will always gain the full Wounds buff, regardless of their spec."

    "The active abilities of the Marks have been reworked to be usable across any class. These changes align the active abilities with the passive buffs they provide. For example, Mark of the Vortex, which provides a defensive buff, now also grants a defensive active ability."

    "Swirling Vortex has been redesigned to reduce the cooldown of your Marks by 30 seconds, allowing for greater flexibility in your ability rotation. Empowered Alteration has also been enhanced to make it a more viable alternative to Tzeentch’s Refreshment."

    "Flash of Chaos has been slightly adjusted to bring its AP cost in line with other healing abilities, but level 40 Zealots should still be able to cast it indefinitely with Restorative Burst or an AP proc from gear."
    "Be looking forward to a future patch, which will introduce significant updates to the Master Runes, promoting a more active playstyle and increasing their value in group settings!"

    Balance Changes

    - Retribution - Direct damage component and reflect component are swapped. Thus the base ability will now deal direct damage, but you require Accuracy for it to deal reflect damage.

    Balance Changes

    - Bring It On - Direct damage component and reflect component are swapped. Thus the base ability will now deal direct damage, but you require Extra Choppin’ for it to deal reflect damage.

    "A common concern was that Bring It On and Retribution felt like dead abilities without using Accuracy or Extra Choppin'. By swapping the direct damage and reflect components, this issue is resolved while still requiring those tactics to unlock their full potential."

    Balance Changes

    - Protection of Hoeth and Rock ‘Ard are now mirrored to cost 25 AP and give an absorb shield of 600 to group mates within 80 ft.
    - Git Out! & Fly Gits! - AP cost reduced to 0.
    - Down Ya Go - AP cost increased from 0 to 35 AP.

    Balance Changes

    - Protection of Hoeth and Rock ‘Ard are now mirrored to cost 25 AP and give an absorb shield of 600 to group mates within 80 ft.
    - Mighty Gale - AP cost reduced to 0.
    - Crashing Wave - AP cost increased from 0 to 35 AP.

    The absorb shields were mirrored between the two classes as there wasn’t any apparent reason for them to be different. The AP costs below were also adjusted to ensure consistency across both classes.

    Balance Changes

    - Critical Damage bonus from Combustion lowered from 10% - 20% - 40% - 80% - 100% to 10% - 20% - 35% - 70% - 85%.

    Balance Changes

    - Critical Damage bonus from Dark Magic lowered from 10% - 20% - 40% - 80% - 100% to 10% - 20% - 35% - 70% - 85%.

    "To better balance the high damage output of both classes, we’ve made a slight adjustment to their mechanics, resulting in a modest 4% - 5% reduction in damage at maximum Dark Magic/Combustion. Both classes still shine in both AoE and single-target scenarios, and their scaling with gear remains a significant strength. With high crit chances and gear synergy, their potential for powerful burst damage is still intact, but now more balanced for overall gameplay."

    Balance Changes

    - Energy of Vaul - Now both the base heal and the lifesteal healing is applied around whoever is your friendly target at the end of the cast. Before the base heal was applied around whoever your target was at the start of the cast.

    Balance Changes

    - Fury of Da Green - Now both the base heal and the lifesteal healing is applied around whoever is your friendly target at the end of the cast. Before the base heal was applied around whoever your target was at the start of the cast.

    Note that there are more healer balance changes coming, including more on Rune Priest / Zealot that didn't make it into this patch."

    User Interface

    - Event items have been added to the auto roll.

    Bug Fixes

    [23091] - [PVE] Typo in Malekith's description
    [23092] - [Item] One of magus city dungeon staffs has no stats.
    [23081] - [Scenario] Loophole in the Phoenix Gate scenario
    [23094] - [Keep] Wrath's Resolve (east) keep in Cale has a staircase on the outer wall that is set too low.
    [23085] - [Zone] Caledor: Barracks - Stuck Spot in Rocks
    [23023] - [Archmage] Bug double detaunt with AM
    [22952] - [Archmage/Shaman] Sticky Feetz applies as a cleansable debuff but cleansing it makes no sense
    [22979] - [Potion] The "Rare" lvl 40 Absorb potion is weaker than the "Uncommon"
    [23067] - [Creature] Raven Packmaster in T1 Nordland
    [23055] - [Brightwizard] Bright Wizard's 'Wall of Fire' m4 cast is wrong direction
    [23048] - [Magus] Magus discus summon still uses chaos horse summon sound and visuals.
    [23049] - [Instance Bosses] Hunters Vale
    [23051] - [Zealot] Zealot heal ritual check for los to heal party members
    [23065] - [Event] Event Quest task can't be completed
    [22893] - [LOTD] Lotd-ring set
    [23114] - [Scenarios] Scenario Guards: Guards do no damage
    [23104] - [Ability] Clarity proc
    [15681] - [Zealot/RP] Zealot/RP: Off Sov sets have heal gear
    [22301] - [General] Both realms cities now rank and derank together. This means auction house tax rate is now properly visible and used regardless of what city you post auctions in.
    [23054] - [General] Bestiary kill counts are properly saved.
    [22988] - Anti-root abilitys immune damage for Phosphorous Shells/Tzeentch's Firestorm
    [22792] - [Shaman] Scrub you good AoE cleanse should work again
    [21788] - [General] Scoreboard possibly not showing damage from pet, kill damage exceeds total damage
    [23016] - [Squig Herder] Squig Armor stat buffs not listed on tooltip
    [21090] - [General] Keep upgrades now works again.
    [23148] - [Shadow Warrior] Merciless Soldier is not applying crit damage buff on non direct damage anymore.
    [23149] - [Procs] Don't trigger a proc more in the same server loop once max amount of triggers are reached.
    Thu Aug 22, 2024 2:57 pm View the latest post