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[BW] Is it possible to casual in oRvR?

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [BW] Is it possible to casual in oRvR?

Post#11 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:33 pm

In short:

- BW excel in full warband, with guard from a tank, and some decent heals
- BW can do small scale PvP too, but only as duo with healer of 2 (see Zarbix twitch for example)
- BW without any support is really weak and can simply self-kill with combustion mechanic
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Posts: 16

Re: [BW] Is it possible to casual in oRvR?

Post#12 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:53 pm

phoramix87 wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 9:27 pm
dansari wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:10 pm Yes I would go with the single target build for leveling for sure. PvE is pretty rough for BW.. you can try the first tactic in left tree to speed up the leveling process, but personally I would go first tactic in middle tree and just run scenarios or try to zerg surf for xp. Basic rotation at your level would be something like Ignite > Boiling Blood > Fireball or Pyroclastic Surge > Sear > Detonate. Fireball and Pyro Surge have "flight times" or a slight delay in damage, as does Sear to a lesser extent. The idea is to try to get Boiling Blood, Fireball/Pyro Surge, Sear, and your instant (Detonate in this case) to hit at roughly the same time (within a second of each other). At 20, put on Endless Knowledge and Fuel to the Fire as your tactics. As you're leveling, I would put points in left tree for Funnel Power and Nova, or you could continue up middle tree for Playing with Fire, Ignition, and Withering Heat. Withering Heat would then replace Detonate (or Nova) in your rotation. Withering Heat sucks except for the first tick, which hits immediately, and can be a nice finisher since it synergizes with Ignition's corp debuff. I wouldn't try to channel Withering Heat; since it ticks every 2s it's actually worse than almost anything. At 30, you might put on Emperor's Ward.. it's actually not a bad defensive tactic if you are getting meager healing in scenarios, but if you don't need defenses I would put on another damage tactic like Fueled from Within. Past 30, fill in whatever you're missing in your build as you're leveling.

If you find your Boiling Blood is getting cleansed, you can try to "bury" it under other debuffs. Sometimes this might mean trying to put Detonate at the beginning of your rotation to ensure the big damage of boiling blood connects.. you can also do this with Slow Boil but career builder says it's not available until 35.
quality informations here, really helpfull thanks!
im gonna apply these tips
A couple of things to note about withering heat (WH). It is actually effective for the first 2 ticks due to the global cooldown and pairs nicely with nova when the second tick hits. If you’re running solo, keep in mind that you only risk a single backlash from WH, so for that reason it may be beneficial to even go beyond the first two ticks.

Meltdown is also underused from what I’ve read and heard. When you’re solo, it clears your combustion and helps reduce the damage you do to yourself, and even when you’re not solo, it’s an effective way to finish off a shielded tank or someone with a disrupt morale/ability active. It’s also good on oil once your fast combustion-building abilities are available. (Nova, sear, and detonate)

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