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Emblems / Medallions - why split them?

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Posts: 29

Emblems / Medallions - why split them?

Post#1 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:13 am


So the question is: does the game really need Emblems/Medallions split? What for? Why not merge them into 1 currency (or simply add conversion option), increasing the cost of items to compensate? What would be the downside?
I ask this because if i want to play an off-spec (DPS tank or healer), i need to grind SCs - there's no option to gear up playing RVR...

Is that split really crucial?


Posts: 103

Re: Emblems / Medallions - why split them?

Post#2 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:40 am

The devs want people to keep participating in the different contents within the game, at least at a minimum level to get rare PvP weapons from SC for an example (which only take me a couple games to obtain at each tier early on). Merging them would just mean some people only ever do Sc or only ever do RvR, and I don't think that's within line of the devs' design philosophy.

Posts: 13

Re: Emblems / Medallions - why split them?

Post#3 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:14 am

What R3xz said, also people tend to gravitate to the easiest/quickest method to get rewards, which would lead to the other option(s) being ignored by the population.

Posts: 44

Re: Emblems / Medallions - why split them?

Post#4 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:00 am

worship wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:13 am Hi,

So the question is: does the game really need Emblems/Medallions split? What for? Why not merge them into 1 currency (or simply add conversion option), increasing the cost of items to compensate? What would be the downside?
I ask this because if i want to play an off-spec (DPS tank or healer), i need to grind SCs - there's no option to gear up playing RVR...

Is that split really crucial?



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