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Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

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Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#1 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:05 am

So I see a lot of questions asking a simple question - can I solo?

The responses I see in general tend to be "No, not really this game isn't built for 1v1."

I think this is a miscommunication. When someone asks "Can I solo?" what they tend to mean is "Can I not join a guild, or a voice chat, or even type in chat and still effectively play this game?".

So, let's raise that question instead; can you effectively 'solo pug'; IE never chat in any capacity, not joining parties, etc but still working toward the objective as part of the zerg, or in the SC?

If you can, what classes would excel in this in each of the brackets of Tank, Mdps, healer and Rdps?

If you can't, why not?

Posts: 8

Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#2 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:09 am

I would say no. Odds of you getting enough contribution in a zone completely solo are pretty low. Joining warbands is pretty much the core of the game beyond 6v6 ranked scenarios. If you want to take a year and a half to get basically starter gear, and not really get to participate in the higher content, soloing is fine. If you want to actually play the game at all, join groups.

Posts: 177

Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#3 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:17 am

Yes you can.
I play mostly solo (like 90% of the time)
Usually join wbs and partys on forts and city fights.
In lakes very rarely join any party or wb

Posts: 3

Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#4 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:55 am

I too am interested in this. I'm a returning player and am struggling to find a class suitable for scenario/RvR pugging.

I don't mind working as a team but don't want to feel dependant on my team/warband to have fun and be effective (i.e. choppa/slayer who seem heavily reliant om guard and heals to shine).

So far I have identified magus/engineer, SW/SH, AM/shaman and BG/IB as possible candidates since they can either stay at range or heal themselves and don't rely on having guard.

My experience from live T4 is limited so I would love input from more experienced players.

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Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#5 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:42 am

You can, there are plenty of pug warbands running around. Though I will say you'll get far more enjoyment out of the game if you're at least willing to join discord when in warbands. Atm I'm not in a guild but often join warbands led by people on discord (like PnP or TAOW wbs) and it's so much better than a random pug wb where it's a tossup if the leader actually writes any commands at all in chat. Both for enjoyment and for getting rewards.
Vayra - Sorc
Forkrul - DoK
Kalyth - BG

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Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#6 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:03 am

Engi can solo pug and be great for wbs or not too professional 6man
Mekanik/Cqb [engi] 40/86
Zuu [AM] 40/83
[magus] 40/70

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Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#7 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:39 am

Thorinori wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:09 am If you want to take a year and a half to get basically starter gear, and not really get to participate in the higher content, soloing is fine.
If you are new to the game, solo is not the way to play i guess, for me by example, i play the game for close to 12 years now and i know every class and conterplays and stuff... I've no problem soloing arround...

My project right now is BW... Playing solo all the time. i've now full conqueror, RR 54, with playtime of 38 hours.
But you need to know that to do for playing solo efficiantly, patience and opportunity... 2 things you won't find on your hotbar :P

Edit: 38 hours playtime and 2'000 heal/absorb pots later... :lol:
wargrimnir wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:50 pm Accidental solo-friendly content doesn't stay that way for very long.

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Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#8 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:11 pm

no you cant. that's the short answer.

the long answer is: yes as long you don't mind that you chance to win (generally speaking) are more related to luck than skill/gear.
this game is about group play and coordination. you can be full sov, you can even cheat, but if you join sc as pug and you find a coordinated premade you will lose, no matter what. sc are at least 12v12, which means that it' very easy to be unlucky and to find some noob wich screw up the sc, even if you are playing well. about rvr it's the same thing, most ppl don't know how to follow the leader and most leader don't know how to lead so you will often find yourself in useless wb, scattered all over the map, without objective and without knowing what to do. If you play solo you will rarely find yourself top contribution in rvr/fort/city and so it will take you longer to get gear, which when you play solo matters a lot!
to play solo and have fun you need a lot of money (for pots and gears and wc-heal), you need to be skilled in your class and you must have a lot of game knowledge (other classes mechanic and skil andgame mechanics and so on...) and last but not least you need a lot of patience and to be ready to die a lot

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Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#9 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:32 pm

It is perfectly fine to go solo if that is what you enjoy. Plenty of people play mostly solo and seem to enjoy it. Not being in groups means that you miss out on the teamplay aspect (which many find the most rewarding). Also, pve requires groups if that is something you would like to do.

I would go with magus, wh/we, sh or am for strict soloplay. I would avoid sorc/bw (backlash) and tanks.
Nekkma / Hjortron

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Re: Viability of 'Solo Pugging'?

Post#10 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:52 pm

RabbitEmperor wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:05 am So I see a lot of questions asking a simple question - can I solo?

The responses I see in general tend to be "No, not really this game isn't built for 1v1."

I think this is a miscommunication. When someone asks "Can I solo?" what they tend to mean is "Can I not join a guild, or a voice chat, or even type in chat and still effectively play this game?".

So, let's raise that question instead; can you effectively 'solo pug'; IE never chat in any capacity, not joining parties, etc but still working toward the objective as part of the zerg, or in the SC?

If you can, what classes would excel in this in each of the brackets of Tank, Mdps, healer and Rdps?

If you can't, why not?
Edit: Missunderstood the question.
Last edited by toffikx on Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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