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[SM] Sword Buffs

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Posts: 57

[SM] Sword Buffs

Post#1 » Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:06 am


Phantom's Blade and Heaven's Blade have been changed a while ago,
couldn't find the patchnotes about the reason for that.

Anyway, all 3 Blade Buff's are now "mirrored" to Blackorc Buffs, except the Heaven's Blade
Heaven's Blade increases your partys Armor and ressistance with a 25% chance,
when you hit someone with a meele attack.

So as an example, when a sorc hits you, you have to run over and hit the sorc until the buff procs,
which is impossible in Fort and Keep fights.

The Blackorc has the same buff on INCOMING damage. so it's easy to proc it...


1. Let Heaven's Blade proc on Incoming damage as well... (If the Buffs supposed to be mirrored, then this is a MUST)

2. Revert it to the original ability, with Ressistance debuff... (When the Buffs are not supposed to be mirrored why is it changed at all?)

Cheers ;)


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